Episode 45

Published on:

6th Feb 2024

Tarra Stubbins | Celebrity Lifestyle Coach - Mastering Time Management and Goal Setting

Dallas Burnett has a conversation with Tarra Stubbins, a master of lifestyle and time management coaching with a rich history of working alongside celebrities for over 20 years. The conversation includes stories from her time on tour with famous musicians like Mick Jagger and her shift to her current business of fractional executive assistantship. The two discuss time management, goal-setting, multitasking, and the importance of aligning daily tasks with lifelong goals. Tarra also discusses her philosophy of not copying other people's routines and instead focusing on developing your own habits and routines that will help you achieve your goals.

Check out Tarra Stubbins Company - Take It Easy Group

Tarra Stubbins on LinkedIn - Click Here

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Dallas Burnett:

Hey everybody.

Dallas Burnett:

We're talking to Tara Stubbins today.

Dallas Burnett:

What an amazing woman She is a master of lifestyle and time management

Dallas Burnett:

coaching with a rich history of working alongside celebrities for over 20 years.

Dallas Burnett:

She has some incredible stories from her adventures on the road,

Dallas Burnett:

learning from the very best.

Dallas Burnett:

She's not only an expert in her field, but also a great new friend of mine.

Dallas Burnett:

You don't want to miss this incredible conversation.

Dallas Burnett:

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Dallas Burnett:

I am Dallas Burnett, sitting in my 1905 Koch Brothers

Dallas Burnett:

Barber Chair in Thrive Studios.

Dallas Burnett:

But more importantly, we have a great guest today.

Dallas Burnett:

She's a seasoned expert in lifestyle and time management.

Dallas Burnett:

Tara Stubbins joins us with her incredible experiences with two decades

Dallas Burnett:

on the road with celebrities like.

Dallas Burnett:

Mick Jagger.

Dallas Burnett:

Are you kidding me?

Dallas Burnett:

Mick Jagger.

Dallas Burnett:

You hung out with Mick.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

All right, we gotta learn from our experiences.

Dallas Burnett:

Welcome to the show, Tara.

Tarra Stubbins:

Thanks so much for having me.

Tarra Stubbins:

I'm so excited to be here.

Tarra Stubbins:

What an intro like is everyone up and dancing?

Tarra Stubbins:

Oh my goodness.

Dallas Burnett:

We like having fun on the last 10% for sure.

Tarra Stubbins:

Yes, I love it.

Tarra Stubbins:

It's like a massive rock concert bringing me back to my roots.

Tarra Stubbins:

I love it.

Dallas Burnett:

Well, now we've got to know, because you have had, you

Dallas Burnett:

just had some tremendous experiences and us seeing so many things on

Dallas Burnett:

the road hanging out with all these celebrities, and so we're real excited

Dallas Burnett:

to hear some of your experiences.

Dallas Burnett:

But first, I just thought that everybody would enjoy this.

Dallas Burnett:

this little short story because you really did hang out with Mick Jagger and it's

Dallas Burnett:

not like it was just, just at a concert.

Dallas Burnett:

he actually really helped you out a little bit.

Dallas Burnett:

So tell us your Mick Jagger story.

Tarra Stubbins:

He did.

Tarra Stubbins:

So a little bit of backstory.

Tarra Stubbins:

I, have been honored and blessed in life and have been able to work

Tarra Stubbins:

alongside some amazing people.

Tarra Stubbins:

And one of them has been Mick Jagger.

Tarra Stubbins:

I spent eight years on the road with him as his personal and executive assistant

Tarra Stubbins:

traveling everywhere he went for those big, massive rock and roll shows.

Tarra Stubbins:

and it's actually really interesting.

Tarra Stubbins:

So the first kind of world tour I did with him, I was actually engaged at the time

Tarra Stubbins:

and, my now husband, so not the person I was engaged to, but somebody different

Tarra Stubbins:

was also out on, the Rolling Stones tour.

Tarra Stubbins:

He was in charge of the lighting, running the light shows and designing it.

Tarra Stubbins:

So we, and he was actually married at the time.

Tarra Stubbins:

and we knew each other.

Tarra Stubbins:

We, like everyone on the crew knows each other.

Tarra Stubbins:

We were friendly.

Tarra Stubbins:

The tour ended, we went our separate ways.

Tarra Stubbins:

I went off and did another small tour.

Tarra Stubbins:

actually he went off and did a Barney tour, which I find hilarious.

Tarra Stubbins:

Going from the rolling Stones to Barney.

Tarra Stubbins:

and right,

Dallas Burnett:

That's awesome.

Tarra Stubbins:

and they need lighting too, I guess.

Tarra Stubbins:

and then we, I ended up not getting, married, calling off the engagement.

Tarra Stubbins:

And on the Barney tour he actually ended up getting a divorce.

Tarra Stubbins:

and we both came back together.

Tarra Stubbins:

Most of the crew came back together on, the next Stones tour.

Tarra Stubbins:

And apparently I was not the cheery, happy person that you see today.

Tarra Stubbins:

I was pretty cranky at the time and there was this one instance we

Tarra Stubbins:

were in, San Francisco actually.

Tarra Stubbins:

And usually when they did two shows back-to-back.

Tarra Stubbins:

So night after, one night after the next we would do, a big party at

Tarra Stubbins:

the, after the first show backstage.

Tarra Stubbins:

because we didn't have to like load out the show and move on to the next city.

Tarra Stubbins:

We were all just staying there.

Tarra Stubbins:

So we had this massive party and I had to organize it and it was

Tarra Stubbins:

a little bit last-minute and.

Tarra Stubbins:

Mick kept changing his mind on what he wanted.

Tarra Stubbins:

He wanted clam bakes and then he didn't want them, and all of these things.

Tarra Stubbins:

So I was extremely frustrated and cranky, and all I wanted to do was just go

Tarra Stubbins:

home, back to the hotel and go to sleep.

Tarra Stubbins:

And so we were at the party and I was just making sure everything was okay,

Tarra Stubbins:

and I was gonna get ready to leave.

Tarra Stubbins:

And Nick comes up to me and he's you are really cranky.

Tarra Stubbins:

Come with me.

Tarra Stubbins:

And he grabbed my hand and he walked me through the party

Tarra Stubbins:

and he brought me up to Greg.

Tarra Stubbins:

And he was like, you are really cranky too.

Tarra Stubbins:

You're both cranky.

Tarra Stubbins:

Figure it out.

Tarra Stubbins:

And that was 18 years ago.

Dallas Burnett:

I love that.

Dallas Burnett:

That's so awesome.

Dallas Burnett:

That's hilarious.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh my

Tarra Stubbins:


Dallas Burnett:

you figured it out 18 years ago that you figured it out.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

What a story.

Dallas Burnett:

I, that's amazing that you spent so much time with them on tour and that

Dallas Burnett:

particular, like Mick, Jagger in particular, like, I mean, you see.

Dallas Burnett:

rock bands, you see rock artists and they kind of go and some of

Dallas Burnett:

'em have long, short careers and some of 'em have very long careers.

Dallas Burnett:

But then it's like the rolling Stones, they're on another level.

Dallas Burnett:

it's his, it's fascinating, when you were with him and around them for that

Dallas Burnett:

period of time and seeing how they approach, I don't know, like touring and.

Dallas Burnett:

Life that had to be a tremendous, there had to be some tremendous

Dallas Burnett:

things that you picked up from that.

Tarra Stubbins:

it's true.

Tarra Stubbins:

I do laugh at the tour, the rolling Stones tour that's coming out right now, which

Tarra Stubbins:

is sponsored by AARP, which I find so fitting and wonderful because they are

Tarra Stubbins:

in that age bracket where it should be.

Tarra Stubbins:

I'm not on that tour.

Tarra Stubbins:

I'm actually happy I'm not, but I just find it hilarious

Tarra Stubbins:

every time I think about it.

Dallas Burnett:


Tarra Stubbins:

when I was, I just wanna tell a little story for a second that

Tarra Stubbins:

will actually answer your question.

Tarra Stubbins:

when I was younger, I had really young, I had a shirt that said,

Tarra Stubbins:

remember me, I'm going to be a star.

Tarra Stubbins:

And I wore that shirt everywhere to the point where I disintegrated.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

Wish I still had it today.

Tarra Stubbins:

but the problem way back then was that I really wanted to, I really thought

Tarra Stubbins:

that being a star in my, like very young brain was being a rock star.

Tarra Stubbins:

up there on the stage, I.

Tarra Stubbins:

Playing guitar, singing, dancing, being that rock star performer, I didn't

Tarra Stubbins:

really understand that there was anything else in the world that was a star.

Tarra Stubbins:

And I have very little musical talent.

Tarra Stubbins:

I do have this guitar behind me.

Tarra Stubbins:

As I said before, I sounds like a dying animal.

Tarra Stubbins:

When I play it.

Tarra Stubbins:

I'm not very good at it.

Tarra Stubbins:

but I, I.

Tarra Stubbins:

So I thought that I was just going to be like, I'm never going

Tarra Stubbins:

to achieve any of my dreams.

Tarra Stubbins:

I might as well just, throw them out.

Tarra Stubbins:

I'm never gonna make anything of my life that sucks type thing.

Tarra Stubbins:

but for some reason, and I tell this story a lot, for some reason I, held

Tarra Stubbins:

onto a little bit of that dream.

Tarra Stubbins:

I didn't.

Tarra Stubbins:

Throw it all away.

Tarra Stubbins:

I held onto a very small percentage of it, and I would forget about it for,

Tarra Stubbins:

days, weeks, months, at a time until those like pivotal moments in life came

Tarra Stubbins:

up where you had to make those decisions.

Tarra Stubbins:

And I would be like, oh yeah, I wanted to be a star.

Tarra Stubbins:

Oh, I still can't sing and I still can't dance.

Tarra Stubbins:

but yeah, like maybe there's something here.

Tarra Stubbins:

and it's how I was able to form my life into working with celebrities.

Tarra Stubbins:

So maybe I wasn't like, that the celebrity on the stage, but I

Tarra Stubbins:

was still surrounded by them for.

Tarra Stubbins:

Pretty much all of my working career, and because I was never that person up on the

Tarra Stubbins:

stage singing, dancing, performing, I was always fascinated as to like, why them?

Tarra Stubbins:

Why Mick Jagger, why Drake?

Tarra Stubbins:

Why Lady Gaga?

Tarra Stubbins:

Why are these people celebrities and successful and not.

Tarra Stubbins:

Other person on the, on the street.

Tarra Stubbins:

so when I've been, when I've been working with them, I've always been like

Tarra Stubbins:

a sponge, if you will, of, like, why?

Tarra Stubbins:

Why them?

Tarra Stubbins:

What are they doing in their day to day?

Tarra Stubbins:

What are they doing to become this huge success?

Tarra Stubbins:

So working with people again, like Mick Jagger, I was, obviously helping

Tarra Stubbins:

him throughout his day to day, but I was also a sponge and, what was he

Tarra Stubbins:

doing exactly on a day to day too?

Tarra Stubbins:

Aer to sustain.

Tarra Stubbins:

again, not a lot of bands have been in the public eye for 60 years.

Tarra Stubbins:

60 plus years with the Stones, So what actually were they

Tarra Stubbins:

doing to make this possible?

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

That's awesome.

Dallas Burnett:

I love that story.

Dallas Burnett:

I love your perspective too, and I love that, I love how you, I.

Dallas Burnett:

How you'd never lost your kind of original desire.

Dallas Burnett:

And, you're like the T-shirt, I want the T-shirt, and you, even though

Dallas Burnett:

the T-shirt wore out, that you just said, okay, maybe my definition

Dallas Burnett:

of what a star is was inaccurate.

Dallas Burnett:

But that doesn't necessarily mean I don't wanna be a star.

Dallas Burnett:

I just maybe that there's more to it than what I originally

Dallas Burnett:

intended and or thought about.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that's really cool.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that's, I think that's really neat how you continually, pursued

Dallas Burnett:

that, that venue of celebrities and music and all these things and you

Dallas Burnett:

were a part of something, really big, much bigger than you, but it was, you

Dallas Burnett:

were adding to it and creating in it.

Dallas Burnett:

So now Tara, you've been have a really neat story working with all these

Dallas Burnett:

celebrities and going on tour and Mick Jagger and you're getting introduced

Dallas Burnett:

to your husband, but that's really.

Dallas Burnett:

different than what you're doing now.

Dallas Burnett:

You're, you've moved into this kind of time management expert

Dallas Burnett:

and helping lifestyle in terms of coaching and things like that.

Dallas Burnett:

So can you tell us a little bit about the transition?

Dallas Burnett:

You own your own business now.

Dallas Burnett:

Tell us the transition, how you go from, celebrity, rock star touring people to

Dallas Burnett:

time management, lifestyle coaching.

Tarra Stubbins:

Yeah, so there was this one time, not with, Mick, Jagger

Tarra Stubbins:

and the rolling Stones with another, musician that I can't name names,

Tarra Stubbins:

but, we were in, Shanghai actually.

Tarra Stubbins:

And one of his crazy requests every time he traveled was that he wanted

Tarra Stubbins:

his toothbrush to be sanitized in a hotel industrial dishwasher.

Tarra Stubbins:

So every time the toothbrush came out of the suitcase.

Tarra Stubbins:

I had to take it downstairs and to like back of house and

Tarra Stubbins:

put it through the dishwasher

Dallas Burnett:

wait a minute.

Dallas Burnett:

it was this musician's, it was their per, this person's like

Dallas Burnett:

literal, it was their toothbrush.

Dallas Burnett:

It wasn't like you went out and got a toothbrush and sanitized it.

Dallas Burnett:

It was their toothbrush and you had to Oh, wow.

Tarra Stubbins:

So I get asked all the time, one, why I didn't just run it

Tarra Stubbins:

under hot water and pretend that I put it under the dish in the dishwasher.

Tarra Stubbins:

and I'm like, well, I guess you know, my, I'm too honest.

Tarra Stubbins:

So I did it.

Tarra Stubbins:

and then I always get asked why I didn't just buy a new toothbrush or an

Tarra Stubbins:

electric toothbrush, so I have no idea.

Tarra Stubbins:

I learned a very long time ago that you never ask rock stars why.

Tarra Stubbins:

They do some crazy stuff that you just don't wanna know.

Tarra Stubbins:

So I don't ask why I just do.

Tarra Stubbins:

but yeah, so this crazy request, every hotel we would go to, I would

Tarra Stubbins:

have to go and have this discussion with, the Baca house staff.

Tarra Stubbins:

And a lot of times we had stayed in the hotels before,

Tarra Stubbins:

so they knew we were coming.

Tarra Stubbins:

They recognized me.

Tarra Stubbins:

They were like, here comes this crazy lady with a toothbrush again.

Tarra Stubbins:

But we were in Shanghai and we'd never stayed in this hotel before.

Tarra Stubbins:

It was, fairly new, very expensive, like presidential suites, the whole thing.

Tarra Stubbins:

And I was trying to communicate in a language that I didn't speak, they

Tarra Stubbins:

didn't speak English, that I had to put this toothbrush in their dishwasher.

Tarra Stubbins:

And they were looking at me like I had three heads.

Tarra Stubbins:

It was probably one of the most awkward experiences of my life, and

Tarra Stubbins:

I remember standing there with this brush in hand thinking, there's

Tarra Stubbins:

gotta be more to life than this.

Tarra Stubbins:

And that was my like, aha moment.

Tarra Stubbins:

Where realized that I still absolutely love helping people.

Tarra Stubbins:

I've, believe that I've been put on this planet to help others succeed, and I am

Tarra Stubbins:

still fascinated with success and building success and what brings about success.

Tarra Stubbins:

But I just wanted to help more than one crazy rock star at a time.

Dallas Burnett:

I love it.

Dallas Burnett:

You're expand, you're, you at that moment with the toothbrush,

Dallas Burnett:

it just expanded your horizons.

Dallas Burnett:

No longer am I just working with one crazy rock star, I can expand.

Dallas Burnett:

I love that.

Dallas Burnett:

You know though, I've heard the stories about, I want all the.

Dallas Burnett:

certain colored M&M's taken outta the bag, and I need, but I've never,

Dallas Burnett:

man, I've never heard, I want my toothbrush sanitized in the hotel.

Dallas Burnett:


Tarra Stubbins:

Yeah, it's a good one.

Tarra Stubbins:

It's a

Dallas Burnett:


Tarra Stubbins:

A fun, another fun one that I had to do, on the road with the

Tarra Stubbins:

Stones is Jagger always wanted his.

Tarra Stubbins:

Hotel rooms painted a very specific, shade of beige.

Tarra Stubbins:

So every city, every hotel room he stayed in, whether it was one

Tarra Stubbins:

night or two or three, he was never in a hotel room for very long.

Tarra Stubbins:

It had to be painted this very specific shade of beige.

Tarra Stubbins:

So he had to go in a few days early, get the painters, do the painting.

Tarra Stubbins:

It couldn't smell like paint when he was in it.

Tarra Stubbins:

and there was this time we were in, what was then Mumbai, I

Tarra Stubbins:

don't think it's Mumbai anymore.

Tarra Stubbins:

And we were in a very old hotel and it had like ancient wallpaper, ancient

Tarra Stubbins:

gold leaf wallpaper on the walls, and we took that sucker down and we painted the

Tarra Stubbins:

walls beige, and then we put it back up.

Tarra Stubbins:

But yeah.

Dallas Burnett:

So he is serious about some beige walls

Tarra Stubbins:

He's serious about his beige.

Tarra Stubbins:

When I moved into my new home, a couple of years ago, all the walls were just

Tarra Stubbins:

like construction grade, beige, and I was like, oh no, this is going.

Tarra Stubbins:

I have PTSD.

Tarra Stubbins:

We are not having beige in the house.

Tarra Stubbins:

It was the

Dallas Burnett:

put up some reds or greens or yellow.

Dallas Burnett:

That doesn't matter.

Dallas Burnett:

Let's go.

Dallas Burnett:

Just not beige.

Dallas Burnett:

I've had enough beige.

Dallas Burnett:


Tarra Stubbins:

No beige.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

So I had that, aha moment and I finished the tour.

Tarra Stubbins:

I came off the road and I was like, I'm gonna open a business where I can help.

Tarra Stubbins:

More than one rock star at a time.

Tarra Stubbins:

and because I had the experience as like a personal assistant, I opened

Tarra Stubbins:

up a personal concierge business where I was helping high net worth, high

Tarra Stubbins:

profile individuals, basically run their households in a way that I was running,

Tarra Stubbins:

their lives out on the road basically.

Tarra Stubbins:

the business is actually still in business today.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

Still help a number of, celebrity clients.

Tarra Stubbins:

I opened it in 2007, and again with absolutely zero

Tarra Stubbins:

business background at all.

Tarra Stubbins:

I had no idea what I was doing.

Tarra Stubbins:

and, I actually remember back in 2007, the thing to do was put, advertisements

Tarra Stubbins:

in the Yellow Pages and I, Yeah, it.

Tarra Stubbins:

I remember saving up so much money so I could put this like

Tarra Stubbins:

big ad in the yellow pages.

Tarra Stubbins:

One, not thinking that like my target market is extremely wealthy

Tarra Stubbins:

people, they're not opening the yellow pages and someone they find.

Tarra Stubbins:

anyway, and two, I remember the day the Yellow pages got, delivered.

Tarra Stubbins:

I sat by my phone a landline at that point.

Tarra Stubbins:

I sat by it and I waited.

Tarra Stubbins:

'cause I thought, the yellow pages have been delivered.

Tarra Stubbins:

I'm gonna get so many calls

Dallas Burnett:

in the calls.

Dallas Burnett:

They're just gonna start rolling in.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

I did not get one call from that Yellow Pages ad.

Tarra Stubbins:

Not that day, not any day.

Tarra Stubbins:

but yeah, it was a big learning experience for me because again,

Tarra Stubbins:

like zero, like I was a dirty roadie.

Tarra Stubbins:

I had no idea what I was doing.

Tarra Stubbins:

but I did these experiments.

Tarra Stubbins:

I wasn't.

Tarra Stubbins:

Shy, I jumped all in and, I learned from what I failed at,

Tarra Stubbins:

by able to do what was right.

Tarra Stubbins:

And there was this one moment where I always craved like a

Tarra Stubbins:

network, a community of people.

Tarra Stubbins:

Me because there wasn't really the startup community or entrepreneur

Tarra Stubbins:

community as there is now.

Tarra Stubbins:

there was this like one guy who did lunch and learns at like city hall.

Tarra Stubbins:

It was very weird to like mortgage brokers.

Tarra Stubbins:

so I was like, I really want.

Tarra Stubbins:

People like me.

Tarra Stubbins:

and when the first co-working space opened, I was like

Tarra Stubbins:

the second person to join.

Tarra Stubbins:

I volunteered at the front desk.

Tarra Stubbins:

I like ran their events.

Tarra Stubbins:

I just immersed myself into the community 'cause I was just.

Tarra Stubbins:

So excited to, be part and surrounded by other people like me.

Tarra Stubbins:

They did exist, and they all became my friends and I started realizing

Tarra Stubbins:

that they would, a lot of people would get to a certain point of success

Tarra Stubbins:

and they couldn't get over that hump.

Tarra Stubbins:

And I started realizing that it was because they didn't have that

Tarra Stubbins:

strategic support behind them.

Tarra Stubbins:

because of my, Assistant background, I realized that they really needed,

Tarra Stubbins:

not their sister or cousin, helping them with bookkeeping tasks, but they

Tarra Stubbins:

really needed that strategic support.

Tarra Stubbins:

So that's where the idea of the second business.

Tarra Stubbins:

a fractional executive assistant business came in where I wanted to

Tarra Stubbins:

really just help people in my community, with executive assistant support and

Tarra Stubbins:

really strategic support, be able to like, get over that hump of success.

Tarra Stubbins:

and really everything that I've done ever.

Tarra Stubbins:

Really since, like way back in my first career, my first job has always been

Tarra Stubbins:

like, how can I just help people be better at their dreams and achieve their goals

Tarra Stubbins:

and take like those sponge moments and really be able to help others with it?

Dallas Burnett:

Oh, that is so good.

Dallas Burnett:

I love your progression then.

Dallas Burnett:

Thank you for just being honest I love it where you're just like, man, I saved

Dallas Burnett:

up and just took a swing at the yellow pages and then just, man, it didn't

Dallas Burnett:

work out, but it was a great education and that's, that's how we do it.

Dallas Burnett:

That's entrepreneurship.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I love how you were feeling the need and how you

Dallas Burnett:

saw that and you wanted to help.

Dallas Burnett:

Help establish what you were doing on the road with people in their lives.

Dallas Burnett:

and now with the fractional, executive assistant, I love how

Dallas Burnett:

you talk about strategic, support.

Dallas Burnett:

And I love how you talk about having seen it where a lot of people, especially

Dallas Burnett:

in the community that you are a part of and the entrepreneurial community,

Dallas Burnett:

never seem to achieve their goals.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that is a true thing.

Dallas Burnett:

I think if you are.

Dallas Burnett:

If you are, if you're a startup, if you're an entrepreneur, your goal is not

Dallas Burnett:

to be the, it's so easy because you're everything to everybody in the beginning.

Dallas Burnett:

But your goal is to move through that about as fast as you can and then start

Dallas Burnett:

building your team and, and you're a big part of that with your new organization.

Dallas Burnett:

I was just talking because it's so important.

Dallas Burnett:

We were just talking to a client today, and we were just talking to them and they

Dallas Burnett:

are trying to construct around their, they have different operations and they're

Dallas Burnett:

growing at different levels and different ways, and so they're literally looking.

Dallas Burnett:

At it from the standpoint of how you manage your time.

Dallas Burnett:

and they would say, okay, you're at this stage.

Dallas Burnett:

if you're doing these types of activities and you're splitting up your time

Dallas Burnett:

this way, you're like the first stage.

Dallas Burnett:

And then just looking at it through the lens of time, it's a really amazing, so

Dallas Burnett:

you're very ahead of the curve on that when you're realizing that people, how

Dallas Burnett:

they manage their time and how supported they are so that they can delegate

Dallas Burnett:

these things off is, super huge.

Dallas Burnett:

Now, I.

Dallas Burnett:

Just after the first of the year, and I know that I've got a lot

Dallas Burnett:

of listeners that's made because they're listeners of the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

They are striving for excellence in their life.

Dallas Burnett:

They have probably created or will create or in the process of creating some goals

Dallas Burnett:

and they're probably looking at their year saying, what's my 2024 looking like?

Dallas Burnett:

Now we have you as a time management expert, lifestyle management

Dallas Burnett:

expert, you are helping some really.

Dallas Burnett:

High net worth individuals manage their life.

Dallas Burnett:

So tell us a little bit about your approach and what are some things that

Dallas Burnett:

you feel like we could use in this new year, as it relates to time management?

Tarra Stubbins:

I have so many thoughts.

Tarra Stubbins:

How many hours do you have?

Dallas Burnett:

I love it.

Dallas Burnett:

That's awesome.

Tarra Stubbins:

Don't take.

Tarra Stubbins:

I'll take all your time on time management.

Tarra Stubbins:

I'm very passionate about a few aspects of time management.

Tarra Stubbins:

one is obviously, we have the new year.

Tarra Stubbins:

People are setting resolutions, but people are already probably failing at

Tarra Stubbins:

their resolutions right now, and I'm a.

Tarra Stubbins:

Massive believer in setting goals and setting stretch goals.

Tarra Stubbins:

I find those very important.

Tarra Stubbins:

Not just an easy goal that we can hit, but I'm not a believer in resolutions.

Tarra Stubbins:

they're, have like a.

Tarra Stubbins:

All-or-nothing mentality.

Tarra Stubbins:

you always set too many of them.

Tarra Stubbins:

You have unrealistic expectations that you're gonna be able to do all these

Tarra Stubbins:

things from day one for 365 days a year.

Tarra Stubbins:

external influences come in that start, changing the way you can do things.

Tarra Stubbins:

There's just so many reasons why resolutions beat us

Tarra Stubbins:

up as human beings really.

Tarra Stubbins:

but setting a goal.

Dallas Burnett:

and let me jump in.

Dallas Burnett:

So how do you, how would you describe the difference?

Dallas Burnett:

'cause I hear what you're saying.

Dallas Burnett:

I know where you're going, but how would you describe the difference in, 'cause

Dallas Burnett:

you're for goal setting, but you're not really about resolution making.

Dallas Burnett:

So tell us how you would describe the difference between those two.

Tarra Stubbins:

Yeah, so I believe personally when people set

Tarra Stubbins:

resolutions, they set all these things to get to an end goal.

Tarra Stubbins:

So their resolution isn't say.

Tarra Stubbins:

I wanna make a million dollars.

Tarra Stubbins:

It's, I sure I wanna make a million dollars at the end of the year, but

Tarra Stubbins:

I also wanna walk 10,000 steps a day.

Tarra Stubbins:

I wanna read 20 pages.

Tarra Stubbins:

I wanna wake up at five A.M.

Tarra Stubbins:

I wanna drink this water.

Tarra Stubbins:

I want to make a hundred sales calls a day.

Tarra Stubbins:

So they set all these things, which they.

Tarra Stubbins:

Think are going to actually help them get to this end goal

Tarra Stubbins:

or their end like resolution.

Tarra Stubbins:

and like their resolutions are actually like the things they're

Tarra Stubbins:

going to do on a day-to-day basis.

Tarra Stubbins:

which I find is like great on January 1st or second when you wake up.

Tarra Stubbins:

But like you're exhausted by trying to fit all those things into your right,

Dallas Burnett:

it's saying this is the, this is what I resolved

Dallas Burnett:

to do on, in a perfect day.

Dallas Burnett:

And that is going to last for the next 365 days.

Dallas Burnett:

There's gonna be no hiccups there.

Dallas Burnett:

No schedule delays, no traffic jams.

Dallas Burnett:

It's all green lights from here, and this is my perfect life and my activities.

Dallas Burnett:

And even if I did those perfect things every day, like you said,

Dallas Burnett:

I would be completely exhausted after about the fifth day.

Tarra Stubbins:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, that's right.

Dallas Burnett:

That's so

Tarra Stubbins:

and I think also people who set resolutions set like big goals,

Tarra Stubbins:

so Or like big, not even goals, but I'm going to live a healthier 2024.

Tarra Stubbins:

that's great, but it's really hard to like, manage and track

Tarra Stubbins:

how you're going to live.

Tarra Stubbins:

A healthier 2024 or 2024 is going to be the best year for my business.

Tarra Stubbins:

great, but how is that?

Tarra Stubbins:

So I think how we determine resolutions and qualify them is a

Tarra Stubbins:

lot different than actually setting.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

So my goal for 2024 is to make a million dollars.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

So what I'd like to do then is to make monthly goals, or monthly

Tarra Stubbins:

habits or monthly challenges to help me get to that end goal.

Tarra Stubbins:

So million dollars at the end of the year.

Tarra Stubbins:

That's great.

Tarra Stubbins:

I'm probably not going to start the year at eighty-Three, 3, 3, 3.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

We have to hit thousand to get to that million, like right off the bat.

Tarra Stubbins:

So it has to be crude over the years.

Tarra Stubbins:

But, okay, so what are the habits that I'm going to do in January

Tarra Stubbins:

to help me set myself up for success for 20, like that end goal?

Tarra Stubbins:

Is it making sure that I wake up at five A.M.

Tarra Stubbins:

so I can own my own like power hour of focus?

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

Let's concentrate on that for January then.

Tarra Stubbins:

What are we now that we've built that habit?

Tarra Stubbins:

What are we going to do in February?

Tarra Stubbins:

Is it going to be, I'm going to be determined to send a

Tarra Stubbins:

hundred cold emails a day?

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

So now we're waking up at five A.M.

Tarra Stubbins:

and we're sending a hundred cold emails a day.

Tarra Stubbins:

Okay, what are we now doing in March?

Tarra Stubbins:

So you build on the habit so you can actually create that lifestyle that you

Tarra Stubbins:

wanna create, and it does so many things.

Tarra Stubbins:

I am, again, I've been this kind of sponge with these really successful people,

Tarra Stubbins:

and I've noticed that one thing that sets them apart from everyone else is

Tarra Stubbins:

that they create their own motivation.

Tarra Stubbins:

So a lot of us sit back and wait for that lightning strike to happen.

Tarra Stubbins:

For us to feel ready for us to be, a hundred percent confident, for us to be

Tarra Stubbins:

having a good day, to have the energy to start something or to do something.

Tarra Stubbins:

But successful people just do it.

Tarra Stubbins:

I like to say, just do the thing.

Tarra Stubbins:

No matter how they're feeling, no matter how tired they are, they

Tarra Stubbins:

have built the habit to just do it and to create their own motivation.

Tarra Stubbins:

So if you are, Forming a simple habit in January, and you actually

Tarra Stubbins:

succeed at forming that habit.

Tarra Stubbins:

You can create your own motivation and go, okay, I did this.

Tarra Stubbins:

Now let's do February.

Tarra Stubbins:

Like I got this now I got March, and you're actually setting yourself

Tarra Stubbins:

up for success at the end of the year and actually hitting your goal

Tarra Stubbins:

rather than, I'm going to walk 10,000 steps, like you can do all of that

Tarra Stubbins:

by December, just not on January 3rd.

Dallas Burnett:

I cannot tell you how encouraging hearing you describe all

Dallas Burnett:

those things is because it's so close.

Dallas Burnett:

Like when we engage in coaching, in our program, in our scaffolding,

Dallas Burnett:

one of the things we do is it's a monthly commitment for improvement,

Dallas Burnett:

and we talk about it like one in 30.

Dallas Burnett:

If I can get 1% in the next 30 days.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm happy with that if I can move the needle 1%.

Dallas Burnett:

So if that's a micro movement, but if I can do that and sustain it, man,

Dallas Burnett:

I'll take that any day over this big, massive thing that I'm just gonna

Dallas Burnett:

not be able to do in three months.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm just gonna give up and walk away from it.

Dallas Burnett:

And another thing, I love how you described and I think that.

Dallas Burnett:

So many times we miss this.

Dallas Burnett:

And I know I'm a big fan of goal setting too.

Dallas Burnett:

So this is you're speaking my language.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I love how you talk about being able to, to really, make

Dallas Burnett:

it specific and measurable.

Dallas Burnett:

And that's some of the things that we talk about in commitments.

Dallas Burnett:

If you're gonna commit to something, you have to be specific and you

Dallas Burnett:

have to be able to measure it.

Dallas Burnett:

Even if you don't, you have to be able to just to wrap your head around it.

Dallas Burnett:

but I really liked what you talked about.

Dallas Burnett:

Even if you're specific and even if it's measurable, you gotta

Dallas Burnett:

ask yourself the questions.

Dallas Burnett:

Tara said it.

Dallas Burnett:

You have to say, what habits are going to be required to accomplish this task?

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that's a big area of goal setting.

Dallas Burnett:

People overlook and they think that if they just do something and whatever, they

Dallas Burnett:

put the goal down, they're gonna get it.

Dallas Burnett:

But they don't peel the onion just another layer down and say, no,

Dallas Burnett:

what is the, what does that mean?

Dallas Burnett:

I love what you said about defining habits and routines and we're very

Dallas Burnett:

passionate about routines and habits.

Dallas Burnett:

Really getting your kind of head , wrapped around what those things are that

Dallas Burnett:

would help you accomplish your goal.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that's really great.

Dallas Burnett:

And I also love, you talked about motivation, like self-motivating, like

Dallas Burnett:

I, I think that's fascinating and.

Dallas Burnett:

I really think that's interesting.

Dallas Burnett:

do you have any examples of that, as that come to mind?

Dallas Burnett:

as you think through your experiences with some of these, touring musicians

Dallas Burnett:

or celebrities or anything, do you have any specific examples

Dallas Burnett:

you could share with us on that?

Tarra Stubbins:

I definitely do.

Tarra Stubbins:

so I always think of.

Tarra Stubbins:

And maybe we won't share this with this particular person, but,

Tarra Stubbins:

so I work with, I'm Canadian, so I of course work with Drake.

Tarra Stubbins:

I think every Canadian works with Drake in some form of, yeah, some level.

Tarra Stubbins:

especially people based outta Toronto.

Tarra Stubbins:

but I like Drake.

Tarra Stubbins:

Great guy.

Tarra Stubbins:

I don't know if I'm big fan of his music, so don't tell him that.

Tarra Stubbins:

But, Don't get me fired over

Dallas Burnett:

we want, yeah.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

We wanna, that's so funny.

Tarra Stubbins:

um, but I always think like, why is Drake like the most famous,

Tarra Stubbins:

like Canadian, musician, artist right now?

Tarra Stubbins:

is he really that much better than.

Tarra Stubbins:

Anybody else, and I have to say it is because of his extreme dedication

Tarra Stubbins:

and focus on like his goal and what he is doing to get to that goal.

Tarra Stubbins:

And he also runs his staff that way too.

Tarra Stubbins:

So he'll set a goal.

Tarra Stubbins:

He'll make sure everybody knows what that goal is, and if you are not

Tarra Stubbins:

on board and striving as hard as he is or harder to help him and the

Tarra Stubbins:

team get to that goal, you are out.

Tarra Stubbins:

He has no use for you.

Tarra Stubbins:

So yes, it's a bit of tough love, but he has the like.

Tarra Stubbins:

Biggest focus and dedication I have ever seen to setting a goal and actually

Tarra Stubbins:

hitting it no matter what it is.

Tarra Stubbins:

And it can be the biggest stretch goal out there.

Tarra Stubbins:

And everyone's you are nuts.

Tarra Stubbins:

There is no way we are going to do it.

Tarra Stubbins:

And he does because of the habits he does on a day-to-Day basis.

Tarra Stubbins:

And just that self-discipline of he can be having a horrible

Tarra Stubbins:

day, not in a great mood.

Tarra Stubbins:

And everyone can say, he's Drake, he has millions and billions of dollars.

Tarra Stubbins:

Like, why is he in a bad mood?

Tarra Stubbins:

But, people are human.

Tarra Stubbins:

They have bad days.

Tarra Stubbins:

and it's not about the money that he throws at the problem,

Tarra Stubbins:

it's not about his staff.

Tarra Stubbins:

it really is about like the focus and determination he has.

Tarra Stubbins:

To hitting those end goals and that self-discipline.

Tarra Stubbins:

I also think of, athletes as well, so professional athletes,

Tarra Stubbins:

they have their end goal.

Tarra Stubbins:

Their focus is winning the gold medal, the Super Bowl being the fastest,

Tarra Stubbins:

the strongest, whatever it is.

Tarra Stubbins:

And whatever they do on a day-to-Day basis is a hundred

Tarra Stubbins:

percent aligned with that end goal.

Tarra Stubbins:

And they're, focused, they spend 18 hours a day training.

Tarra Stubbins:

Now, I'm not saying that you have to work 18 hours a day to be a success,

Tarra Stubbins:

but what I am saying is that you need to make sure that whatever hours

Tarra Stubbins:

of the day that you are working, they better be aligned with your.

Tarra Stubbins:

End goal, So again, I also like to use this example of we all know

Tarra Stubbins:

how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Tarra Stubbins:

It's not rocket science, right?

Tarra Stubbins:

We all know how to eat healthy.

Tarra Stubbins:

We all know that we have to exercise a little bit.

Tarra Stubbins:

We have to drink water.

Tarra Stubbins:

Like it's, we do.

Tarra Stubbins:

We all do it.

Tarra Stubbins:

No, I just had a chocolate, like a piece of chocolate, like a lot

Tarra Stubbins:

of pieces of chocolate, right?

Dallas Burnett:

it's confession on the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

I love it.

Tarra Stubbins:

the people who actually live those healthy

Tarra Stubbins:

lifestyles, they're just forming the habits that we have decided aren't

Tarra Stubbins:

necessarily, something that we wanna work towards in our goals, our own

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

I think that's, I think that's awesome.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that if you're listening.

Dallas Burnett:

You're already feeling overwhelmed and you feel bad because you're not living

Dallas Burnett:

at that level of discipline and focus.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't miss the point, I think Tara is saying, she's not saying that you need

Dallas Burnett:

to live at the same level of focus as a major league baseball player or Drake.

Dallas Burnett:

What she is saying though is that the level of focus and intensity

Dallas Burnett:

that you have towards a very clear.

Dallas Burnett:

Picture of what you're trying to create definitely contributes to

Dallas Burnett:

the movement in that direction and if not achievement of it.

Dallas Burnett:

So I think that's really interesting.

Dallas Burnett:

I do think too, I liked what you talked about, his expectations for

Dallas Burnett:

his team and if you're coaching your team, Tara spoke about Drake and said

Dallas Burnett:

yes, he, the reason that his team.

Dallas Burnett:

Moved towards.

Dallas Burnett:

His goal was because he had really good clarity and was, you said it, you

Dallas Burnett:

were like, he knows what he wants and he tells everybody, this is the goal.

Dallas Burnett:

Let's be real clear about this.

Dallas Burnett:

You're gonna help me get there.

Dallas Burnett:

And so it a lot of times.

Dallas Burnett:

As a team, if we're leading or coaching a team, when we're not getting that

Dallas Burnett:

progress towards that, one of the reasons is that we haven't clearly

Dallas Burnett:

defined what it is that we're supposed to be doing and going for, and what

Dallas Burnett:

each person on the team is there to do.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think.

Dallas Burnett:

with Drake, he's got all these specialists around him.

Dallas Burnett:

So they kind of are experts in their own field.

Dallas Burnett:

So they know their deal, what they bring to the table.

Dallas Burnett:

But he is the one that's, he's the only one that can tell everybody,

Dallas Burnett:

this is what Drake wants.

Dallas Burnett:

This is where we're going.

Dallas Burnett:

And so that's his role in the whole picture.

Dallas Burnett:

So I think if you're coaching and leading a team, that one of the

Dallas Burnett:

things you can take away from what Tara just said is that we need to,

Dallas Burnett:

if you think you've been clear.

Dallas Burnett:

Go back and be clear some more.

Dallas Burnett:

You can't over communicate clarity to your team members.

Dallas Burnett:

And what we're trying to do is pull them into alignment with what we're doing.

Dallas Burnett:

We're wanting them.

Dallas Burnett:

Now Drake, he's a global celebrity and so when you know if you wanna be on his team,

Dallas Burnett:

you have to be in alignment immediately.

Dallas Burnett:

And sometimes you might be managing a team that's like.

Dallas Burnett:

maybe I've got alignment or maybe I don't, but you've got to, you've

Dallas Burnett:

gotta inspire those people to come in alignment so that you can get the goal.

Dallas Burnett:

So I think, man, I think those are great examples.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh man.

Dallas Burnett:

Working with Drake, going, hanging out with Mick Jagger.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh, this is fun stuff.

Dallas Burnett:

This is good.

Dallas Burnett:

This is, you got a lot of great stories.

Tarra Stubbins:

I also wanna say too, for anyone that's being over that

Tarra Stubbins:

may seem overwhelmed, I think that we actually as a society complicate

Tarra Stubbins:

success and goal-setting and time management, and daily routines.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

One of, my biggest pet peeves is people always ask me, what celebrity, morning

Tarra Stubbins:

routine do you copy for success?

Tarra Stubbins:

And what they do isn't necessarily going to help me.

Tarra Stubbins:

As Tara, like I have my own life and my own goals.

Tarra Stubbins:

and I don't like it when people, read.

Tarra Stubbins:

like these books for massively successful CEOs and they try to like,

Tarra Stubbins:

copy them and get up at four A.M.

Tarra Stubbins:

and play a round of or two A.M.

Tarra Stubbins:

and play a round of golf and eat this.

Tarra Stubbins:

And it's these people are doing this because they have the luxury of time

Tarra Stubbins:

to, have these kind of crazy schedules.

Tarra Stubbins:

But when they were building their success, they actually weren't.

Tarra Stubbins:

Doing this, and I've seen successful people, their morning routines are sure to

Tarra Stubbins:

work out, to get up early, to eat healthy.

Tarra Stubbins:

But I've seen other really successful people whose morning routines are

Tarra Stubbins:

to sit down and smoke a cigar and drink a bottle of Jack Daniel's.

Tarra Stubbins:

there's just,

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, you don't see that on the, you don't see that on the

Dallas Burnett:

cover of whatever workout magazine.

Dallas Burnett:

my morning routine, I'm the CEO of x Fortune 500 gram.

Dallas Burnett:

My morning routine is to get up, smoke a cigar, and drink a bottle of Jack.

Dallas Burnett:

That's, uh, hilarious, but it's true.

Tarra Stubbins:

successful, right?

Tarra Stubbins:

So I think when we're trying to set, and our own goals, one, we

Tarra Stubbins:

have to be kind to ourselves.

Tarra Stubbins:

So there's not gonna be every single day of the year where we

Tarra Stubbins:

are going to be able to do whatever habit it is we're trying to form.

Tarra Stubbins:

there's, we're gonna have bad days, we're gonna have bad months,

Tarra Stubbins:

we're gonna have bad years.

Tarra Stubbins:

but as long as we're continuing, as you said, to move the needle a little bit on,

Tarra Stubbins:

whatever that goal is, I also really think that, there's, like we can spend too much

Tarra Stubbins:

time kind of planning for the future.

Tarra Stubbins:

So when I make that million dollars, I'm going to be happy or I'm going

Tarra Stubbins:

to do this, but There's all this life that we need to live now.

Tarra Stubbins:

So I like to think of time management as what am I doing today?

Tarra Stubbins:

So I can say that I've lived the best day that I possibly can today.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

It might be a hard day.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

I may have some angry clients or angry staff or, but have I lived today the

Tarra Stubbins:

way that I set out to live today?

Tarra Stubbins:

that type of thing.

Tarra Stubbins:

because yeah, life's too short to be like.

Tarra Stubbins:

When I make that million dollars, I'm gonna be happy When I build that big

Tarra Stubbins:

business, I'm gonna be happy When I have this big team, then I'm going to be happy.

Tarra Stubbins:

you're just gonna wish your life away.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that is so much wisdom coming from someone who

Dallas Burnett:

has been around all of that, who has seen behind the curtain and see,

Dallas Burnett:

what, high net worth individuals on a global scale, you know how they live.

Dallas Burnett:

And then to be able to come back and say, Hey, yeah, by the way, if you can

Dallas Burnett:

live your day the way you wanna live it,

Dallas Burnett:

that's success, and I think that's very important.

Dallas Burnett:

I do think that when you're talking about that, it's very important that

Dallas Burnett:

we don't define success like you are saying, on, we don't define our

Dallas Burnett:

success on someone else's success.

Dallas Burnett:

We don't put ours on them.

Dallas Burnett:

So their success is their success.

Dallas Burnett:

That doesn't necessarily.

Dallas Burnett:

Ha have to be ours as well, so if somebody else goes and make, makes

Dallas Burnett:

a million dollars or running a company or is a rock star, it's kinda

Dallas Burnett:

like you were saying before, star.

Dallas Burnett:

I had this in my mind, but that word was bigger than what I thought it was.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think some people have a small definition.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a very small window of success, and they define success a very narrow way.

Dallas Burnett:

And they point to somebody that they think is what they want.

Dallas Burnett:

I want this, I want fame, or I want, whatever money.

Dallas Burnett:

And that is their small definition of success.

Dallas Burnett:

But I think what you're saying, I think very wisely is you need to expand that

Dallas Burnett:

definition a little bit and really turn it around and look in the mirror

Dallas Burnett:

and say, what does that look like?

Dallas Burnett:

What does that look like to me?

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that helps you live a better life, So I agree, man.

Dallas Burnett:

That's good stuff.

Dallas Burnett:

That's good stuff.

Dallas Burnett:

All right.

Dallas Burnett:

I need to ask you, we, because that kind of gets into what my next question is.

Dallas Burnett:

We talked a little bit about, the focus and intensity and how to set goals

Dallas Burnett:

and man, that's really good stuff.

Dallas Burnett:

I think everybody's gonna really enjoy that.

Dallas Burnett:

But what we haven't talked about is any common mistakes.

Dallas Burnett:

Actually, you mentioned one before, people over, setting two big, maybe

Dallas Burnett:

setting resolutions that lack clarity.

Dallas Burnett:

But is there any other time management mistakes or lifestyle management

Dallas Burnett:

mistakes that you see people.

Dallas Burnett:

Make, that they could correct.

Tarra Stubbins:

Yeah, so we just mentioned one and that's trying

Tarra Stubbins:

to copy other people, so your life is definitely not other people.

Tarra Stubbins:

I always, when another one of my biggest pet peeves is when.

Tarra Stubbins:

People say I'm the master of multitasking.

Tarra Stubbins:

I can get so many things done today.

Tarra Stubbins:

people also define time management.

Tarra Stubbins:

I think.

Tarra Stubbins:

Not necessarily in the correct way a lot of the time.

Tarra Stubbins:

when I give, like keynote speeches, I'll ask the audience, what their

Tarra Stubbins:

definition of time management is.

Tarra Stubbins:

And some people say getting to inbox zero, and I'm like, no,

Tarra Stubbins:

this is not time management.

Tarra Stubbins:

Or, when

Dallas Burnett:

That's so

Tarra Stubbins:

pre covid when everybody was working in the office.

Tarra Stubbins:

I would always get like shaving five minutes off of my daily commute

Tarra Stubbins:

and I'm like, no, it's still not

Dallas Burnett:


Tarra Stubbins:

time management isn't necessarily about how

Tarra Stubbins:

much you can fit in the day.

Tarra Stubbins:

It's about, again, like the quality of.

Tarra Stubbins:

Things that you are fitting in the day.

Tarra Stubbins:

and I get pushback on that too because people say I don't run my own business.

Tarra Stubbins:

I work for somebody else and my tasks are assigned to me.

Tarra Stubbins:

same with me, I do run my own business, but I have clients,

Tarra Stubbins:

I have very, pushy clients.

Tarra Stubbins:

So I will set my day, I will set my day.

Tarra Stubbins:

On, these are the things I wanna get done, and some days I don't get those done.

Tarra Stubbins:

But again, going back and does that mean I'm bad at time management?

Tarra Stubbins:

No, not necessarily.

Tarra Stubbins:

but it's going back to have I lived.

Tarra Stubbins:

The day that I wanna live, have I worked incredibly hard for my goal

Tarra Stubbins:

or my end goal as hard as I can.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

have I been able to surround myself with somebody that I love and care about,

Tarra Stubbins:

even if sometimes it's just my cat.

Tarra Stubbins:

Yes, I can.

Tarra Stubbins:

so whatever those like really like non negotiables are, even if you can get like

Tarra Stubbins:

a quick moment in throughout the day.

Tarra Stubbins:

so I think like red, being able to redefine time management,

Tarra Stubbins:

so not, multitasking.

Tarra Stubbins:

again, a lot of people think that they're these masters of multitaskers, but there

Tarra Stubbins:

really is no such thing as multitasking.

Tarra Stubbins:

The human brain can't think of more than one thing at a time anyway.

Tarra Stubbins:

So you are actually contact switching when you are multitasking.

Tarra Stubbins:

So you're actually wasting time and you're making yourself exhausted.

Tarra Stubbins:

So you have these like business owners who are, trying to do this and then

Tarra Stubbins:

going over here and doing this and then taking a meeting and answering calls.

Tarra Stubbins:

And at the end of the day, like if you think about what did I actually do?

Tarra Stubbins:

It's actually hard to say I actually accomplished this.

Tarra Stubbins:

'cause you're all over the place.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

So that's.

Tarra Stubbins:

It's definitely something that, I think people can, redefine time management and,

Tarra Stubbins:

make sure that you're not multitasking, set goals that are, and, routines or

Tarra Stubbins:

whatever it is that are you and your own.

Tarra Stubbins:

So people will always ask me like, what I think about affirmations

Tarra Stubbins:

and I think that they're great.

Tarra Stubbins:

If you want to yell affirmations or say affirmations to yourself to

Tarra Stubbins:

get you motivated and to get you to do those tasks, then please do.

Tarra Stubbins:

I'm not anyone to sit here and say they don't work, if you wanna power pose in

Tarra Stubbins:

front of the mirror every morning to get yourself, Whatever, it's, do it.

Tarra Stubbins:

If you wanna paint your hotel.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

If you wanna point your hotel rooms beige please, or your room's

Tarra Stubbins:

beige, please go ahead and do it.

Tarra Stubbins:

if that's what motivates you to get the job done.

Tarra Stubbins:

There shouldn't be any of Tara says you shouldn't, have affirmations or Mick.

Tarra Stubbins:

Jagger doesn't do affirmation, so I'm not going to, it's all about what can

Tarra Stubbins:

motivate you to achieve the next step.

Dallas Burnett:

Man, this is so good.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh, you are killing it.

Dallas Burnett:

I love it.

Dallas Burnett:

I want to go to back to what you were saying about time management

Dallas Burnett:

and redefining it, because I think time management in so many

Dallas Burnett:

contexts is defined on how you can better, it's like Tetris, right?

Dallas Burnett:

It's almost like you're like, how can I fit these blocks together better so

Dallas Burnett:

that I could get more blocks on a page?

Dallas Burnett:

And it's not NN not exactly.

Dallas Burnett:

That's not, because the point is you could get twice as many blocks on

Dallas Burnett:

the page and get half as much done.

Dallas Burnett:

That's worth doing.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think what I love about what you're saying in redefining our.

Dallas Burnett:

Perspective on managing our time is it really comes back

Dallas Burnett:

to your, purpose and priority.

Dallas Burnett:

like, why am I doing what I'm doing and what are the most important

Dallas Burnett:

things that need to get done so that I'm moving towards that goal or that

Dallas Burnett:

creating the life that I wanna have?

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that then you can actually get less.

Dallas Burnett:

Quote unquote Tetris blocks on your, on your board.

Dallas Burnett:

But the ones that do really are meaningful and are more weighty, I think when you get

Dallas Burnett:

to the end of the day and you feel like, man, this is a day that's just feels good.

Dallas Burnett:

It's just a lot of meaning and purpose.

Dallas Burnett:

There's And I love how you redefine that.

Dallas Burnett:

And I loved how you talk about switching too.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that's a big thing.

Dallas Burnett:

I really do.

Dallas Burnett:

I think it's a fallacy of modern culture that we think that is, it's almost like

Dallas Burnett:

everything has to be better, faster, quicker, squeeze more in, hurry.

Dallas Burnett:

And that means we have to be able to multitask.

Dallas Burnett:

And it's just like, mm, no, and you were managing like.

Dallas Burnett:

rock stars on tour.

Dallas Burnett:

Are you kidding me?

Dallas Burnett:

if there's anybody that has to handle that kind of stuff, you would've seen that.

Dallas Burnett:

So for you to come back and say, this is what I've learned that's counterintuitive.

Dallas Burnett:

you would think that I'm the best multitasker in the world.

Dallas Burnett:

I was able to, be on tour with the Rolling Stones and you're like,

Dallas Burnett:

no, , I just appreciate your time and spending time and giving your, Just

Dallas Burnett:

really a lot of wisdom and insight.

Dallas Burnett:

Tell us a little bit about your current company.

Dallas Burnett:

So this is your second company that you started, so you've done pretty good

Dallas Burnett:

for not having any business experience.

Dallas Burnett:

You're on your second business.

Dallas Burnett:

tell us a little bit about your company now and how people can

Dallas Burnett:

get in touch with you if they like what your company's doing, or they

Dallas Burnett:

want to, they want to contact you for keynote or anything like that.

Dallas Burnett:

How can people get in touch with you?

Tarra Stubbins:

Yeah, so take it easy.

Tarra Stubbins:


Tarra Stubbins:

There's contact forms and I'm on social Taurus time.

Tarra Stubbins:

everywhere and Tara Stubbins on LinkedIn as well.

Tarra Stubbins:

you can Google me if I have an interesting spelling name so you can find me as well.

Tarra Stubbins:

Tara with two R's.

Tarra Stubbins:

but yeah, no, I just wanna make sure that everyone knows that

Tarra Stubbins:

I am extremely passionate about helping others achieve their goals.

Tarra Stubbins:

So it wasn't something that I had when I had this random

Tarra Stubbins:

aha moment, with toothbrush.

Tarra Stubbins:

I had a goal,

Dallas Burnett:


Tarra Stubbins:

I just didn't know what to do with it.

Tarra Stubbins:

And I'm a huge believer in anybody can achieve their goals no matter what stage

Tarra Stubbins:

you are in life, what age you are, how much money you have, what your history

Tarra Stubbins:

as, really any, your, physical, appearance and what you can do, anybody can, achieve.

Tarra Stubbins:

goals that they set out to do.

Tarra Stubbins:

And it really is just a few simple steps of, creating your own, motivation

Tarra Stubbins:

and really that self-discipline.

Tarra Stubbins:

And I like to have fun, and share those kind of celebrity stories

Tarra Stubbins:

of, what I've learned about how they have become a success.

Tarra Stubbins:

But, yeah, that's just my biggest mission in life is really being able

Tarra Stubbins:

to help others achieve their goals, just like I've been able to do.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh, that's wonderful.

Dallas Burnett:

That's wonderful.

Dallas Burnett:

And that's exactly why we had you on the last 10%, and that's exactly why I know

Dallas Burnett:

all the listeners just have had the best time listen and absorbing all the wisdom

Dallas Burnett:

that you've been sharing with us today.

Dallas Burnett:

Now, we always in the show by asking our guest if there was someone they

Dallas Burnett:

would like to hear on the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

So it could be somebody you know, it could be somebody famous.

Dallas Burnett:

You can, since you know famous people, it might be both, but is there anybody that

Dallas Burnett:

you would like to hear on the last 10%?

Tarra Stubbins:

I am probably a lot of your listeners are on

Tarra Stubbins:

the Hormozy train these days.

Tarra Stubbins:

Alex and his wife Leila, I believe that they are really genuine, people I've had

Tarra Stubbins:

the opportunity to meet them very quickly.

Tarra Stubbins:

but I believe that they are on the right track, and I really

Tarra Stubbins:

love that they share a lot of what goes right and what goes wrong.

Tarra Stubbins:

and they're not really trying to, fake that they live this

Tarra Stubbins:

big, elaborate, wonderful life.

Tarra Stubbins:

And again, they have that same mission of, anyone can achieve their goals.

Tarra Stubbins:

And it is, a simple process if you follow through it.

Tarra Stubbins:

So either of them I think would be an awesome, next podcast for you.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh, okay.

Dallas Burnett:

All right.

Dallas Burnett:

We'll have to, we'll have to reach out and see if we can, we can get

Dallas Burnett:

an introduction to the Hermoses.

Dallas Burnett:

that's a good, nobody's said that yet.

Dallas Burnett:

I like that.

Dallas Burnett:

That would be a good one.

Dallas Burnett:

That would, we would enjoy that interview.

Dallas Burnett:

thank you again, Tara for being on the show the last 10%, and thank you

Dallas Burnett:

for all your wisdom and thank you.

Dallas Burnett:

Thank you for your just great advice and I know that in 2024 it's gonna be very

Dallas Burnett:

impactful for our listeners and leaders.

Dallas Burnett:

And you guys check her out in the show notes and we will, we'll see if we

Dallas Burnett:

can have you back on again sometime.

Tarra Stubbins:

I would love that.

Tarra Stubbins:

Thank you so much.

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The Last 10%
Inspiring People, Coaching Teams, and Improving Cultures
Join The Last 10% for incredible conversations that help uncover the secrets of what it takes to finish well and finish strong. Our guests share their journeys, hardships, and valuable advice. We release new episodes every other Tuesday. If you are a leader, a coach, a business owner, or someone looking to level up, you are in the right place!

You can give 90% effort and make it a long way. But it’s the finding out how to unlock the last 10% that makes all the difference in your life, your relationships, and your work.

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Dallas Burnett