Episode 34

Published on:

5th Sep 2023

Danielle Burnett | Deeper Dive into the Enneagram - Cracking the Code of Enneagram Type 1

Welcome back to another episode of "The Last 10%"! Today we have a very special guest joining us on the show. But before we dive into that, we want to share some exciting updates .

We have recently added a new section to our Enneagram assessments, focusing on using the Enneagram on teams at work. And the best part? Our Enneagram assessment reports are now completely free! So if you've been curious about understanding yourself and your motivations, this is the perfect opportunity to dive into the Enneagram.

We have planned a show dedicated to each Enneagram type, starting with Type 1. This type is often described as a moralist, reformer, perfectionist, and improver. We believe that the Enneagram is a powerful tool for self-awareness, and by exploring each type, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.

We also want to express our gratitude. "The Last 10%" podcast has been capturing the attention of listeners from over 29 countries. We couldn't be more thrilled with the positive feedback we've received and the amazing guests we've had the privilege of featuring.

However, we need your help to continue growing the show. If you haven't already, please make sure to subscribe, rate, and leave a review for "The Last 10%" podcast. Your support will make a huge difference in reaching more listeners and inspiring them to finish well and finish strong.

Speaking of inspiration, our guest today is none other than my wonderful wife, Danielle Burnett. As an Enneagram expert, she dives deep into the Enneagram and shared insights on how it can be applied to various aspects of our lives. It's a conversation you don't want to miss!

So, get ready to unlock the last 10% and make a difference in your life, relationships, and work. New episodes of "The Last 10%" are released every other Tuesday and are available on all major podcasting apps. And don't forget to visit our website and join our email list for exclusive content and updates.

Thank you for joining us on this journey, and let's dive into today's episode!

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Take our Enneagram Assessment and get the report for FREE!


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Dallas Burnett:

Hey everybody.

Dallas Burnett:

We're talking to a special guest today actually.

Dallas Burnett:

We want to welcome her back.

Dallas Burnett:

She's an amazing woman.

Dallas Burnett:

But first, we want to thank our listeners.

Dallas Burnett:

Now there's over 29 countries tuning into the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

that's mind blowing.

Dallas Burnett:

So over the last month, we've seen listeners come up

Dallas Burnett:

from South Africa, Portugal.

Dallas Burnett:

and even Slovenia.

Dallas Burnett:

We see you Slovenia on the map and listening to the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

So we want to thank all of our international listeners, especially.

Dallas Burnett:

We want to thank our listeners in the United States of America.

Dallas Burnett:

And it was an amazing month in August, we actually set download

Dallas Burnett:

records across the board.

Dallas Burnett:

It was the largest number of downloads of the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

In the month of August that we've ever had in the history of the show.

Dallas Burnett:

So thank you for listening to the last 10%, and thank you for

Dallas Burnett:

sharing the last 10% because man, it's starting to catch on.

Dallas Burnett:

People are starting to listen to the show and they're really seeming to enjoy it.

Dallas Burnett:

We're getting a lot of positive feedback.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

We've had a lot of amazing guests.

Dallas Burnett:

So one thing I would like to ask, and I'm the worst salesman ever,

Dallas Burnett:

we don't ask a lot on the show.

Dallas Burnett:

we don't make pitches a lot.

Dallas Burnett:

But today, especially today, since we had such a good month in August, if

Dallas Burnett:

you're enjoying some of the amazing episodes that we're having, some of

Dallas Burnett:

the mental coaches that we've had on some of the great athletes that we've

Dallas Burnett:

had on the great business, people we've had on just some of the amazing

Dallas Burnett:

talent that we've had on the show.

Dallas Burnett:

If you've been inspired, if you've been equipped, if you've been educated,

Dallas Burnett:

It would really help us a lot if, number one, you subscribe to the show.

Dallas Burnett:

Number two, you rate the show.

Dallas Burnett:

And number three, man, it would make all the difference in the world if you

Dallas Burnett:

would leave a review for the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

If you've had someone that you've just really been inspired by on the

Dallas Burnett:

last 10% in terms of being equipped, would you write that in a review?

Dallas Burnett:

Would you hit.

Dallas Burnett:

The pause button right now.

Dallas Burnett:

If you're not driving it, would you hit the pause button right now and

Dallas Burnett:

just take 30 seconds to leave a review?

Dallas Burnett:

It really helps increase our listenership.

Dallas Burnett:

So if you don't mind rate and review this podcast.

Dallas Burnett:

that would mean a lot to us and would help us continue to grow and continue

Dallas Burnett:

to gain listeners all over the world.

Dallas Burnett:

So now on with the show, you definitely don't want to miss this conversation.

Dallas Burnett:

Welcome to the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

Your host, Dallas Burnett, dives into incredible conversations that

Dallas Burnett:

will inspire you to finish well.

Dallas Burnett:

And finish strong, strong.

Dallas Burnett:

Listen as guests share their journeys in valuable advice on living in the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

If you are a leader, a coach, a business owner, or someone looking to

Dallas Burnett:

level up, you are in the right place.

Dallas Burnett:

Remember, you can give 90% effort and make it a long way, but

Dallas Burnett:

it's Welcome to the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

Your host, Dallas Burnett, dives into incredible conversations that

Dallas Burnett:

will inspire you to finish well.

Dallas Burnett:

And Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Dallas Burnett:

I am Dallas Burnett in Thrive Studios, sitting in my 1905

Dallas Burnett:

Koch Brothers Barber chair.

Dallas Burnett:

But more importantly, we have a great guest today.

Dallas Burnett:

She is backed by Popular Demand, the Enneagram expert entrepreneur

Dallas Burnett:

extraordinaire, my wife Welcome back to the show, Danielle.

Danielle Burnett:

I'm very thankful to be here today.

Danielle Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

Yes, absolutely.

Dallas Burnett:

So it's been a while since we've had you on the show.

Dallas Burnett:

We had a best of episode last.

Dallas Burnett:

Last December, I think you were on, and we did some Enneagrams talks last year.

Dallas Burnett:

So we have decided that it was time to start jumping into the Enneagram

Dallas Burnett:

in more detail and start and start helping get that information out

Dallas Burnett:

to our listeners because there's something that's happened since the

Dallas Burnett:

last time that you were on the shows.

Dallas Burnett:

big change number.

Dallas Burnett:

Actually two things, as it relates to the Enneagram.

Dallas Burnett:

So number one, We actually added, you actually added a whole new section

Dallas Burnett:

to our Enneagram assessments about how the Enneagram, how you can use

Dallas Burnett:

the Enneagram on teams at work.

Dallas Burnett:

So we dropped back and we said, how can we make this better for our listeners

Dallas Burnett:

and for our audience and for the think move thrive, for the think move, thrive

Dallas Burnett:

folks that are looking at the Enneagram and downloading these assessments.

Dallas Burnett:

And one of the things that we found and heard about is could

Dallas Burnett:

we differentiate ourselves in this Enneagram by giving that.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

So that's the first thing is that we added a whole new section to the Enneagram

Dallas Burnett:

assessment report when you get it.

Dallas Burnett:

The second thing is, now this is even bigger, is that they're completely free.

Dallas Burnett:

Now, you don't just get the, you just don't get the little

Dallas Burnett:

summary page at the end.

Dallas Burnett:

When you take the assessment on think move thrive.com.

Dallas Burnett:

When you take your Enneagram, you get the whole thing.

Dallas Burnett:

You get the whole thing.

Dallas Burnett:

That's pretty amazing.

Danielle Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:

It's, yeah.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

but what we wanna do is today, and I, and this is why we have you on the

Dallas Burnett:

show, and we are excited about that, is we want to talk about, we wanna start

Dallas Burnett:

unpacking each type, and we want to just have a show dedicated to each type.

Dallas Burnett:

And so today, I think we wanna start at the beginning.

Dallas Burnett:

Let's start with the, let's start with Enneagram type one.

Dallas Burnett:

Can you tell our listeners about the Enneagram one, type

Dallas Burnett:

in just everyday layman terms.

Danielle Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:

if anyone's new to the show and they've really not heard about the Enneagram,

Danielle Burnett:

it's simply a tool that you can use to uncover, yes, your personality,

Danielle Burnett:

strengths, weaknesses, things like that.

Danielle Burnett:

But it really uncovers your motivations.

Danielle Burnett:

Some things that maybe lie below the surface for you and,

Danielle Burnett:

If not you, your coworker, your spouse, your friend, even your children.

Danielle Burnett:

So I see.

Danielle Burnett:

I think it's a great tool.

Danielle Burnett:

It's a great tool for self-awareness.

Danielle Burnett:

And yeah, Dallas, you and I have found that this is great.

Danielle Burnett:

In teams, in companies to just get teams to work better, more closely,

Danielle Burnett:

kind of understand each other better.

Danielle Burnett:

so, sure.

Danielle Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:

I'm excited to talk about this type one, and there's just so much to say about the

Danielle Burnett:

type one and in fact, one of our children kind of leans towards some of these things

Danielle Burnett:

that's included in type one, so I'm sure we'll talk about some of those and put

Danielle Burnett:

some examples into some of these words.

Danielle Burnett:

But essentially in our report, and if you Google the Enneagram,

Danielle Burnett:

you'll find that a couple words.

Danielle Burnett:

Will come up for each type.

Danielle Burnett:

So I'll just start with that.

Danielle Burnett:

So a couple of the words that we thought resonated when we think about this

Danielle Burnett:

person who's the type one is a moralist.

Danielle Burnett:

And when I think of that, I think of the person who really has a

Danielle Burnett:

right and wrong and strong ethics surrounding what's right, what's wrong.

Danielle Burnett:

And I would even go further to say is that they really stand upon.

Danielle Burnett:

Making things right.

Danielle Burnett:

Doing things right.

Danielle Burnett:

and that comes down to even in, even in the way they're dressed

Danielle Burnett:

and, even make sure that their car's clean and things like that.

Danielle Burnett:

it's just that rightness, for that person.

Danielle Burnett:

So more or less, another word would be reformer, perfectionist.

Danielle Burnett:

You could use that.

Danielle Burnett:

Sometimes that has a negative connotation, a perfectionist.

Danielle Burnett:

But I think if you're a type one, It doesn't have to be a bad thing

Danielle Burnett:

that you're a perfectionist.

Danielle Burnett:

I think you going back to that moral concept and idea.

Danielle Burnett:

It just means that you want things done right and there's really strength in that.

Danielle Burnett:

and then the last one that I would use to describe the type one is an improver.

Danielle Burnett:

And I have some friends who are type one, and I have seen this through and

Danielle Burnett:

through where a type one will see some kind of need in a friend or a family

Danielle Burnett:

member or a child, and they will really rally around that person to a high

Danielle Burnett:

level, to a high degree, and they will.

Danielle Burnett:

Champion the calls, they'll, whatever needs to be done, they're the first

Danielle Burnett:

to say, this needs to be done.

Danielle Burnett:

We're gonna improve this situation.

Danielle Burnett:

so I really, all the types in the Enneagram are wonderful, but this is

Danielle Burnett:

also just, it is just a wonderful type.

Danielle Burnett:

And so I wanna applaud all the ones out there.

Danielle Burnett:

If you're listening, you're a type one, you're gonna learn a

Danielle Burnett:

lot about yourself as we just move through this, this information.

Danielle Burnett:

but also, maybe you're not a type one, maybe your teammate at work or.

Danielle Burnett:

Your boss or your child, or your friend or your spouse is a type one.

Danielle Burnett:

So hopefully through the things we talk about, you can learn a little

Danielle Burnett:

bit more about that type of a person.

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, I think that is fantastic.

Dallas Burnett:

And I, it's interesting to me because, I think with any assessment,

Dallas Burnett:

and I'm an as, I'm gonna, I'm a, I'm an assessment junkie.

Dallas Burnett:

I've, we've both taken.

Dallas Burnett:

A tremendous amount of assessments.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm seeing 'em all.

Dallas Burnett:

But one of the things I think is interesting, and some people may get

Dallas Burnett:

turned off about assessments is they feel like they are put in a box.

Dallas Burnett:

So when we describe, a number one Enneagram, I know you feel strongly about

Dallas Burnett:

this, so how would you frame that for people who are like, I don't want to, I

Dallas Burnett:

don't wanna know about this Enneagram?

Dallas Burnett:

'cause I'm not just a, perfectionist, like if that there's a negative connotation.

Dallas Burnett:

some people would have that word.

Dallas Burnett:

How would you frame that up for people and why the Enneagram would be

Dallas Burnett:

important, and even though there's, there is some labels there, how do

Dallas Burnett:

you frame and capture that idea?

Danielle Burnett:

I think that's a great question.

Danielle Burnett:

So the Enneagram really doesn't really put you in a box because there's all

Danielle Burnett:

these wild words and if you take our assessment, we go through what they mean.

Danielle Burnett:

But essentially, if you come up and you answer the questions on our

Danielle Burnett:

assessment or any assessment online, I.

Danielle Burnett:

You are a type one.

Danielle Burnett:

What you'll find is that your dominant type would be type one, but then on

Danielle Burnett:

either side of that Enneagram circle, you might lean a little to this, the type

Danielle Burnett:

to the left, or you might lean a little bit to the type to the right and so on.

Danielle Burnett:

For the type one.

Danielle Burnett:

For instance, there's the two on the one side and then the nine on the other side.

Danielle Burnett:

so I'll just, for an example, one of our daughters, I'm pretty sure

Danielle Burnett:

she's like really a type two, maybe leaning towards the one, or she might

Danielle Burnett:

be a type one, leaning towards a two.

Danielle Burnett:

But all that to say, there's just so much flexibility with any within the Enneagram.

Danielle Burnett:

Because it doesn't say every type one is going to be a certain way.

Danielle Burnett:

It just suggests these are some characteristics, these are some strengths.

Danielle Burnett:

These are also some things to watch out for.

Danielle Burnett:

You could call them weaknesses, but just things to be aware of with each type.

Danielle Burnett:

So I.

Danielle Burnett:

I think that it doesn't put you in a box really.

Danielle Burnett:

And then there's this other concept, where it talks about wings and arrows

Danielle Burnett:

and when you're in strength, they'll move it to a type seven, and then in

Danielle Burnett:

stress they'll move to a type four.

Danielle Burnett:

So really just having an awareness of those types also will help a

Danielle Burnett:

number one figure out like, oh, I am really doing well in my life.

Danielle Burnett:

Because I'm adapting to this set.

Danielle Burnett:

You know, bringing in the seven personality and what a seven

Danielle Burnett:

brings to a one is a lot of spontaneity, a lot of flexibility.

Danielle Burnett:

So anyways, we'll get more into that.

Danielle Burnett:

but back to your original question, there is so much flexibility in the

Danielle Burnett:

Enneagram and I don't think that I.

Danielle Burnett:

Anyone, when they start studying their type, I don't think

Danielle Burnett:

they'll feel put in a box at all.

Danielle Burnett:

I really think that light bulbs will go off and they'll think, man, I'm

Danielle Burnett:

learning so much about myself and that's true of me, and that's true of me.

Danielle Burnett:

And I think that's the hope.

Danielle Burnett:

you can take any test and it can come back as whatever the result is,

Danielle Burnett:

but really the best tool for you.

Danielle Burnett:

Maybe you shouldn't even take the test.

Danielle Burnett:

Maybe you should just read about the types.

Danielle Burnett:

And I've heard people say that about the Enneagram because when you read the type.

Danielle Burnett:

That resonates with you.

Danielle Burnett:

You will know it and you'll go, oh my goodness, I am

Dallas Burnett:

that is true.

Danielle Burnett:

And that's how it worked for me.

Danielle Burnett:

And I think that's how it worked for you too.

Danielle Burnett:

And then there's these like weird little nuances with each type that

Danielle Burnett:

you're like, Ooh, that is so weird that they pegged me that way.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that's interesting that you point that out.

Dallas Burnett:

is that the Enneagram is assigning types, but not necessarily labels

Dallas Burnett:

and because each type has so many different facets to it, I've worked

Dallas Burnett:

with a lot of number ones on the Enneagram and they're totally different.

Dallas Burnett:

like you, if you didn't know they were number one, it would be like, wow.

Dallas Burnett:

how do I quantify this?

Dallas Burnett:

'cause these people are acting to them, but there's the healthy and unhealthy

Dallas Burnett:

versions of those, are under stress and, and thriving versions of those.

Dallas Burnett:

and then there's the wings that they kinda lean one way or another.

Dallas Burnett:

So you can have, you can.

Dallas Burnett:

You can see this person and they could be a number one.

Dallas Burnett:

And what I think it's really interesting is it really gets down to your

Dallas Burnett:

core drives or core fear, right?

Dallas Burnett:

There's this, there's these things that are very important to you and they're

Dallas Burnett:

just gonna come out and manifest and stuff because you are who you are and.

Dallas Burnett:

And you've had the experiences that you've had and you're made

Dallas Burnett:

a certain way, and there's these core things that you're driven by.

Dallas Burnett:

And you can be driven in a positive way, or you can be driven in a negative way.

Dallas Burnett:

You can be more flexible, you can be that.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I think that's really cool.

Dallas Burnett:

So let's talk about, let's talk about number ones as they are in an, in a

Dallas Burnett:

business environment, if they're healthy.

Dallas Burnett:

Number ones, what do they, what does that look like?

Danielle Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:

That's a great question.

Danielle Burnett:

They're orderly.

Danielle Burnett:

They're going to be self-disciplined, so when they come into work, they're

Danielle Burnett:

gonna know what they need to do.

Danielle Burnett:

They're gonna do it.

Danielle Burnett:

It goes back to that idea of being.

Danielle Burnett:

An improver, a reformer, and even being a more or less, they're very

Danielle Burnett:

principled in what they're gonna do.

Danielle Burnett:

They also were very fair, with employees, you could even call it rightness, this

Danielle Burnett:

idea for rightness, that can come across as critical in some situations because

Danielle Burnett:

they're really striving for things to be principled, for things to be orderly,

Danielle Burnett:

for things to be planned out detailed, because that's just how they are.

Danielle Burnett:

That's what's what they bring to the table.

Danielle Burnett:

And I'll give a quick example of that.

Danielle Burnett:

we have somewhat of a family band and we'll play together, out

Danielle Burnett:

at different things and events

Dallas Burnett:

Or you're telling all kind of secrets.

Dallas Burnett:

Now you're

Danielle Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

Now this is going out over the world.

Dallas Burnett:

Be careful.

Danielle Burnett:

Yeah, one of our daughters will get really,

Danielle Burnett:

I'm not sure the word to say, but she'll get really aware.

Danielle Burnett:

That's nicely putting it.

Danielle Burnett:

If we accidentally Dallas, her eye or one of the other girls, change

Danielle Burnett:

the key of the song and she's

Dallas Burnett:

Which I am notorious for doing.

Danielle Burnett:

That is a half step up or that is a half step down.

Danielle Burnett:

And so what she brings to us is really beautiful.

Danielle Burnett:

She's very detail oriented.

Danielle Burnett:

She remembers all the words to all the songs, and.

Dallas Burnett:

that is

Danielle Burnett:

She brings that, like she's, and another word I could

Danielle Burnett:

use is very reliable, like she'll say, that's not quite right, but

Danielle Burnett:

she knows it's not quite right.

Danielle Burnett:

And so I think the negative side of that could be that she might look at

Danielle Burnett:

us and say, oh, these terrible human beings, they never get it right.

Danielle Burnett:

You know?

Danielle Burnett:

And she might do that, but she doesn't actually verbalize that.

Danielle Burnett:

So in a healthy way, she's just, Pointing it out.

Danielle Burnett:

So like back to your question on a team, this person is very reliable to point

Danielle Burnett:

out any kind of variances flaws where things are, not held up to the level or

Danielle Burnett:

the standard that they're supposed to be.

Danielle Burnett:

And in a negative way that person, that's the one type could find

Danielle Burnett:

themselves very aggravated.

Danielle Burnett:

if they're on a team of all these people who are, out of the box

Danielle Burnett:

thinkers and they're not quite.

Danielle Burnett:

As principled and not quite as, I would even use the word rigid

Danielle Burnett:

about things being just right.

Danielle Burnett:

So that, anyways, the negative side could be that the criticalness comes through.

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, I've had that experience with number ones.

Dallas Burnett:

I had, a number one as a manager in, a company.

Dallas Burnett:

And that person was was just so quick to be honest with me about a

Dallas Burnett:

policy change, if we're wanting to implement this or if we needed to

Dallas Burnett:

implement something or if there was a process that wasn't working right.

Dallas Burnett:

it was.

Dallas Burnett:

It was like as soon as she was promoted to that position, it was

Dallas Burnett:

like, immediately she just came and said, can I change these things?

Dallas Burnett:

'cause they're driving me crazy.

Dallas Burnett:

these, this is all the things that we need.

Dallas Burnett:

And it was unbelievable how they were actually right.

Dallas Burnett:

It was, it was true.

Dallas Burnett:

And yet that team had lived with that for so long that they were okay with it.

Dallas Burnett:

But she could see all those things.

Dallas Burnett:

She was very respectful in her approach to that.

Dallas Burnett:

Just very open and like, Hey, if you've got a problem with this, let me know, but

Dallas Burnett:

I see these are the issues that we have.

Dallas Burnett:

And then also with some policy stuff, it's we need to do this for this person.

Dallas Burnett:

she was absolutely a rockstar at recognizing people on their birthday

Dallas Burnett:

and making sure they felt cared for And there was a, there was a right way

Dallas Burnett:

to do that, and this is the right way, and it wasn't too much and it wasn't

Dallas Burnett:

too little, and it was just right.

Dallas Burnett:

And so if you've got somebody on your team that is that person

Dallas Burnett:

that's constantly coming to you and saying, Hey, we need to do this.

Dallas Burnett:

this is good.

Dallas Burnett:

They have an opinion.

Dallas Burnett:

I think number one's, they have an opinion about

Danielle Burnett:

They do.

Danielle Burnett:

You're right.

Dallas Burnett:

the right way.

Dallas Burnett:

And so if you've got somebody with an opinion, then you may have a

Dallas Burnett:

number one that you're working with

Danielle Burnett:

It's great.

Danielle Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:

I think, and I, what comes to mind Dallas when you're saying that, and I love

Danielle Burnett:

that example, is if you are a manager or even a teammate of this person, ask

Danielle Burnett:

yourself, is this person improving the environment, the policies, the, like,

Danielle Burnett:

even, acknowledging the birthdays, like are they improving the environment

Danielle Burnett:

Because that could be a telltale sign.

Danielle Burnett:

Like they're geared to improve, like they're geared to see things in a

Danielle Burnett:

detailed way that could be bettered.

Danielle Burnett:

They'll, and they'll do that.

Danielle Burnett:

They'll bring that energy to your team and that's a really great, that's a

Danielle Burnett:

really great quality of somebody to

Dallas Burnett:

Now I've, yeah, I've gotta say this though.

Dallas Burnett:

On the flip side, I've had, it's not the same person, different

Dallas Burnett:

person I've worked with in the past.

Dallas Burnett:

That's also a number one.

Dallas Burnett:

And they were super detail oriented, which is not necessarily, it's, it can be a

Dallas Burnett:

trait, but not necessarily, but they were so perfection driven and detail oriented

Dallas Burnett:

that it drove them to a place of being hypercritical and their productivity.

Dallas Burnett:

Suffered tremendously.

Dallas Burnett:

So they, it's almost like they could not get their work done unless everything

Dallas Burnett:

was perfect and because nothing is ever perfect, they're, they could, it's almost

Dallas Burnett:

like they couldn't function and get their.

Dallas Burnett:

Core job, their core job done, and they were real negative and the

Dallas Burnett:

whole team kinda suffered from it because they were quick to point out

Dallas Burnett:

flaws and mistakes and they weren't necessarily making things better.

Dallas Burnett:

it was a negative energy on the team.

Dallas Burnett:

So let's talk about that a little bit.

Dallas Burnett:

As a number one.

Dallas Burnett:

What is a number one that may not be healthy look like and what,

Dallas Burnett:

how's that gonna play out on a team?

Danielle Burnett:

Well, that's a great question.

Danielle Burnett:

So going back to this terminology that we use in the Enneagram, an arrow

Danielle Burnett:

is essentially, when you look at the Enneagram circle, it suggests where, One

Danielle Burnett:

type will move and they'll take on some negative characteristics of another type.

Danielle Burnett:

And so for the number one type, they move to the four and the four, just to give you

Danielle Burnett:

a little synopsis, is like very unique.

Danielle Burnett:

They're sort of an individualist.

Danielle Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:

want to stand out like they're the person who has like an amazingly unique

Danielle Burnett:

outfit, or shoes or something like that.

Danielle Burnett:

I mean, not always, but that just kind of comes to mind as a stereotype

Danielle Burnett:

of that type in a negative way.

Danielle Burnett:

So one might take on these characteristics.

Danielle Burnett:

They can be very emotional when they're not healthy.

Danielle Burnett:

A four.

Danielle Burnett:

And so normally a number one is very put together in, in a healthy place

Danielle Burnett:

when they're in a healthy place.

Danielle Burnett:

They are not very emotional.

Danielle Burnett:

They're not really barky.

Danielle Burnett:

They're not really overtly angry.

Danielle Burnett:

They, if they are, they wouldn't show it.

Danielle Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:

But when they're in an unhealthy place, maybe there's so much

Danielle Burnett:

stress placed upon them.

Danielle Burnett:

Maybe it's an external thing or maybe it's an internal thing of the thing you

Danielle Burnett:

were just describing, like maybe they're feeling I'm not good enough, like I need

Danielle Burnett:

to improve myself and I can't measure up.

Danielle Burnett:

Maybe I can't live up to the perfection that I've set for myself.

Danielle Burnett:

And so if that happens in this type, then that's really shattering.

Danielle Burnett:

Because they are so geared towards improvement and perfection and

Danielle Burnett:

everything being just right.

Danielle Burnett:

And so when that happens, this type one in this real stressful place can feel

Danielle Burnett:

like the world's turned upside down.

Danielle Burnett:

They usually wouldn't cry, but you might find them crying, other types

Danielle Burnett:

cry all the time, but this type typically doesn't cry that often.

Danielle Burnett:

But when their world's turned upside down and they're stressed out, and

Danielle Burnett:

they could use the word overwhelmed.

Danielle Burnett:

They just feel like nobody sees me, you know?

Danielle Burnett:

And then also a characteristic of this type one type in this stressful

Danielle Burnett:

place is that they'll start blaming.

Danielle Burnett:

They'll start saying oh, this was this person's fault in my upbringing, or, oh,

Danielle Burnett:

this is this person's fault in my team.

Danielle Burnett:

And so what does that do in that stressful place for this number

Danielle Burnett:

one, it makes everybody around them.

Danielle Burnett:

Not really wanna help.

Danielle Burnett:

it becomes like a real rigid walking on eggshells kind of environment.

Danielle Burnett:

And you just see that number one who's unhealthy, like really spiraling because

Danielle Burnett:

nobody wants to come in and help 'em.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

No, that's, well what, what's interesting to me, That you say that?

Dallas Burnett:

it is, when I think about that on the number one side, I've

Dallas Burnett:

never really thought about that.

Dallas Burnett:

I can understand the drive for perfection and improving and reforming,

Dallas Burnett:

and I can understand how that could go to an unhealthy extreme.

Dallas Burnett:

So if you are driven to perfection, to the point where you're just

Dallas Burnett:

driving everybody crazy because you just, you are trying to make things

Dallas Burnett:

perfect instead of making them better.

Dallas Burnett:

Right then I can see how that is a problem, but I've never really thought

Dallas Burnett:

about it as it relates to yourself in that your own personal standards are so

Dallas Burnett:

high for yourself that it's almost like you can't even meet them in a way that

Dallas Burnett:

allows you to function or you have this guilt and shame associated with that.

Dallas Burnett:

and or you can't accept that.

Dallas Burnett:

So you're putting the blame on other people, and I think that's an interesting.

Dallas Burnett:

I've just never really thought about that as it relates to

Dallas Burnett:

number ones in an unhealthy way.

Dallas Burnett:

And and so if you're

Dallas Burnett:

on a team that, that would make sense.

Danielle Burnett:

yeah, it would, and some things that I would recommend

Danielle Burnett:

for really any type, but particularly this type, when they find themselves

Danielle Burnett:

in that low stressful place.

Danielle Burnett:

'cause that's a very lonely place and it's kinda like you throw your hands up

Danielle Burnett:

and you're like, I don't know what to do.

Danielle Burnett:

I think journaling is super helpful in saying, this is what I have

Danielle Burnett:

set for myself as a standard.

Danielle Burnett:

Just seeing that is super helpful because then you can make sense of it.

Danielle Burnett:

But sometimes when things are coming in our thought life so quickly, they're

Danielle Burnett:

hard to slow down those thoughts.

Danielle Burnett:

And so looking at that in a journal and then writing out

Danielle Burnett:

underneath the, underneath that statement, is that reasonable?

Danielle Burnett:

am I putting too much on myself?

Danielle Burnett:

You know that helps you see maybe you are being a little hard on yourself.

Danielle Burnett:

some other things that I think are helpful for a type one is

Danielle Burnett:

meditating on positive statements.

Danielle Burnett:

And so in our report we have some of those versus different quotes, just so that

Danielle Burnett:

you can tell yourself, I am enough and.

Danielle Burnett:

I don't have to be this certain thing, or do this certain thing

Danielle Burnett:

like I'm enough right now.

Danielle Burnett:

because I think this constant strive for perfection, it can

Danielle Burnett:

be just really exhausting.

Danielle Burnett:

And so to take the kind of idea of a number one to another place, Dallas, I

Danielle Burnett:

don't wanna miss out on the strengths of a very healthy and a secure, number one.

Dallas Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:

number one, and this is interesting.

Danielle Burnett:

So in the unhealthy place, the one will move to a four, but in a very healthy.

Danielle Burnett:

Great place.

Danielle Burnett:

A number one will move to a type seven, A type seven's real spontaneous.

Danielle Burnett:

They're real, life of the party, like real fun, like real jovial,

Danielle Burnett:

laughing, a lot adventurous.

Danielle Burnett:

That's a type seven.

Danielle Burnett:

So when you think of a type one, you don't normally think type seven.

Danielle Burnett:

But what I would submit is in this idea of an arrow that when a type one takes

Danielle Burnett:

on some of those characteristics of.

Danielle Burnett:

Adventure, spontaneity, you know, laying back in the chair and laughing.

Danielle Burnett:

just kind of like a little bit more flexibility.

Danielle Burnett:

Then that number one, within their own self becomes more at peace because

Danielle Burnett:

they're able to lessen their standards.

Danielle Burnett:

I'm not trying to say they're not moral anymore, they're just

Danielle Burnett:

lessening that internal, quota

Dallas Burnett:

a, they let, they, as we say, they give it

Dallas Burnett:

a little wiggle room, right?

Dallas Burnett:

they have a little bit of space there, a little bit of margin.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that's really good because it just, the flexibility, it

Dallas Burnett:

takes out the rigidity and I think it, it would help the one I.

Dallas Burnett:

Be more able to cope because things if it, if you're, if you have to

Dallas Burnett:

have it perfect and there's no flexibility in that and life is just

Dallas Burnett:

not perfect, then that is a hard.

Dallas Burnett:

That's a hard thing.

Dallas Burnett:

You because you're just gonna be constantly defeated or pushing against,

Dallas Burnett:

something that's the immovable object.

Dallas Burnett:

So I feel like that having that flexibility that with a seven would just,

Dallas Burnett:

it would allow you to just kind of, I don't know, be more free, be more free

Dallas Burnett:

to be your, be the improver, but know when to be like, That's good enough.

Dallas Burnett:

This is good.

Dallas Burnett:

We can make this work.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

So I think that's really good.

Dallas Burnett:

I also like how you said that there, there's some little tricks and tips there.

Dallas Burnett:

if you're number one and you find yourself in an unhealthy space, we

Dallas Burnett:

want to get you to where we, we need you on a team to bring your best.

Dallas Burnett:

And we, you have so many gifts and talents that you can bring to a team.

Dallas Burnett:

I love how you, you, you said that , it's something as simple as just meditating on.

Dallas Burnett:

positive things and positive ideas and those affirmations, those meditative

Dallas Burnett:

statements and really checking in your beliefs and what are, what is that,

Dallas Burnett:

what's that going off in your head?

Dallas Burnett:

What's that loop telling you?

Dallas Burnett:

What are you what that self-talk and then journaling just to get that out on paper.

Dallas Burnett:

I thought that was a really good statement for number one.

Danielle Burnett:

Yeah, I think that, oh, I was just gonna say is a tack on.

Danielle Burnett:

I'll just go ahead and give some that come to mind, as an affirmation or a verse

Danielle Burnett:

of some encouragement that a number one could meditate on, even write it down and

Danielle Burnett:

journal upon it, and then think about it, but, One would be from Ephesian that says,

Danielle Burnett:

get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger.

Danielle Burnett:

Be kind and compassionate to one another.

Danielle Burnett:

And what I would submit to a number one type is that they need to be kind

Danielle Burnett:

and compassionate to themselves, first.

Danielle Burnett:

And so getting rid of.

Danielle Burnett:

The idea of in this verse why I think it's appropriate, it's like

Danielle Burnett:

getting rid of all criticalness for yourself, for your family member.

Danielle Burnett:

if somebody doesn't do, let's say, make up the bed quite right, just let it go.

Danielle Burnett:

think about a seven, just be a little bit more fluid, a little bit more

Danielle Burnett:

flexible, and just be like, oh, at least they tried, get, and so don't

Danielle Burnett:

let it, like this verse says, get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger.

Danielle Burnett:

don't let that, standard of perfection, like, Get you angry, right?

Danielle Burnett:

Just be be thankful, ponder the thankful thing, and be kind and compassionate,

Danielle Burnett:

to yourself and to one another.

Danielle Burnett:

I really like that.

Danielle Burnett:

I think that would be something that, this type would really benefit from just

Danielle Burnett:

a daily kind of think that through and even put it on their mirror and kind

Danielle Burnett:

of ponder that as each day goes by.

Dallas Burnett:

that's a good point.

Dallas Burnett:

That's a good point.

Dallas Burnett:

Now I wanna move this over to a coach.

Dallas Burnett:

And so in our report we have some the, in fact it's towards the end.

Dallas Burnett:

There are superpowers that the number one, each type has superpowers, but

Dallas Burnett:

there's specific superpowers that the number one has as it relates to coaching.

Dallas Burnett:

Now we are passionate about coaching and the one-on-one coaching system, and we

Dallas Burnett:

want to help teams empower, their leaders.

Dallas Burnett:

To become leader coaches and develop everybody in their organization, whether

Dallas Burnett:

that's a nonprofit or whether that's a for-profit, large organization, small

Dallas Burnett:

organization, big team, little team.

Dallas Burnett:

We want you to in integrate coaching and development into that.

Dallas Burnett:

And so what are some of the cool superpowers that the number one

Dallas Burnett:

would have as it relates to if they were developing and coaching you?

Dallas Burnett:

If you're being led by a healthy number one, what would you expect to see?

Danielle Burnett:

I love that question.

Danielle Burnett:

They would be very attentive to detail.

Danielle Burnett:

So when they were sitting in front of, or being around an employee that they might

Danielle Burnett:

be coaching, they would notice things.

Danielle Burnett:

They would notice, Hmm, is this employee happy or they're not, or

Danielle Burnett:

are they doing their job or they not?

Danielle Burnett:

they would just be really keen to.

Danielle Burnett:

To cue in on.

Danielle Burnett:

The employee's temperament.

Danielle Burnett:

even maybe you know some things that might be going on outside

Danielle Burnett:

of the scope of their work.

Danielle Burnett:

'cause they're just so intent on thinking about the details.

Danielle Burnett:

And then another thing is this, number one has high standards.

Danielle Burnett:

So if they notice an employee, Or someone they're coaching has the ability to

Danielle Burnett:

move up or improve a number one coach.

Danielle Burnett:

They're gonna quickly be able to identify that and they're gonna be

Danielle Burnett:

able to help say, Hey, if I were using myself as an example, they might say,

Danielle Burnett:

Hey Danielle, I think if you were a little more organized, you might

Danielle Burnett:

be able to reach the goal of being.

Danielle Burnett:

Whatever the next step is in the company.

Danielle Burnett:

And most of the time that number one is gonna be able to see quickly what that is.

Danielle Burnett:

They're gonna be able to identify that and they would want to help walk hand

Danielle Burnett:

in hand with that employee to get to that better place, to meet their goals.

Danielle Burnett:

and I really like that.

Danielle Burnett:

I think that's a great superpower of this type.

Danielle Burnett:

And then lastly, they always wanna improve.

Danielle Burnett:

They wanna have continuous improvement.

Danielle Burnett:

in learning and in developing their self and in developing their team.

Danielle Burnett:

So I think, this type one, would want to look outside of their organization.

Danielle Burnett:

And so they might go, they might come back and say, Hey, we need to

Danielle Burnett:

invest in this leadership training and we might need to invest in, this

Danielle Burnett:

new technology so that we can have continuous improvement in our team.

Danielle Burnett:

And so I, I truly think that this type is a wonderful person to have on your team.

Danielle Burnett:

Whether they be the one being coached or the coach themselves,

Dallas Burnett:

All right.

Dallas Burnett:

You talk about development.

Dallas Burnett:

That's a great point.

Dallas Burnett:

And if they like being developed and continuous improvement, what would be

Dallas Burnett:

an example of a book, or a category of books that you would recommend if you are.

Dallas Burnett:

Number one on the Enneagram, what is Danielle's recommendation for something

Dallas Burnett:

you should be reading to develop if you, want to improve and move into more

Dallas Burnett:

of that healthy space of a number one?

Danielle Burnett:

That's a good question.

Danielle Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

my thoughts.

Dallas Burnett:

I've got

Danielle Burnett:

Oh, okay.

Danielle Burnett:

the first, to be honest, the first thing that came to mind.

Danielle Burnett:

This is counterintuitive, but the book Fish, I really like

Dallas Burnett:

Ooh, that's a good one.

Danielle Burnett:

Well, the reason I would choose it, and it came top of mind.

Danielle Burnett:

I probably have other ones and you might have others that would be a beautiful

Danielle Burnett:

book choice for this type, but the reason I choose that one is because sometimes.

Danielle Burnett:

this type one can get so rigid and down in the details because

Danielle Burnett:

that's their strength, right?

Danielle Burnett:

Like you said, that's their superpower.

Danielle Burnett:

You can get so enmeshed into that, that it's hard to come up for air.

Danielle Burnett:

And so what fish does is it shows you need to have fun at work.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:

like that.

Danielle Burnett:

And not only can you be productive and you can improve the environment

Danielle Burnett:

and do all great things in your work, but you can have a lot of fun.

Danielle Burnett:

And I think that when we talk about the type one, when they go to that seven

Danielle Burnett:

type, when they're most healthy, and I've called it jokingly, called it like the

Danielle Burnett:

one is in seventh heaven or whatever, when they're embracing flexibility

Danielle Burnett:

and spontaneousness, I think that fish brings all of that to the type one.

Danielle Burnett:

So I would recommend

Dallas Burnett:

Ah, that's a, that's a better recommendation.

Dallas Burnett:

See, I was so bored

Danielle Burnett:

the top of my head there.

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, that's really good.

Dallas Burnett:

And so just for the listeners that have never read Fish before,

Dallas Burnett:

it's called the Fish Philosophy.

Dallas Burnett:

And essentially it is a, if you've ever gone to, I think it's Pikes

Dallas Burnett:

Seafood out in or fish market Pikes.

Dallas Burnett:

Fish Market out Seattle, Pikes, Seattle Fish Market.

Dallas Burnett:

Anyway, it's this

Danielle Burnett:

that needs to be bucket list.

Dallas Burnett:

I know we need to put that on the list, but they,

Dallas Burnett:

but you go there and they, this is like the open market where they're

Dallas Burnett:

throwing fish that's just come off the boat and everybody, it's a scene.

Dallas Burnett:

They're, like walking around chasing kids with like dead octopuses and

Dallas Burnett:

stuff on these videos, and it's crazy.

Dallas Burnett:

I mean, they, one thing they do is they have a lot of fun and if you can, and

Dallas Burnett:

you can just see that everybody there really enjoys their job and they're.

Dallas Burnett:

Chopping up dead fish every day for a living.

Dallas Burnett:

And so if you can sit there and smell like a dead fish and love your work, I think

Dallas Burnett:

their whole thing is how do you do that?

Dallas Burnett:

How do you build a culture like that?

Dallas Burnett:

And, it's a great book and it's great because it's, a little business fable

Dallas Burnett:

and it's easy to read and easy to digest.

Dallas Burnett:

But I think that, to your point, actually, I love that.

Dallas Burnett:

I love

Danielle Burnett:

Yeah, I love it

Dallas Burnett:

but for a number one,

Danielle Burnett:

it, I'm like, that was a good answer, Danielle,

Dallas Burnett:

it really was, you know, and yeah.

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, no.

Dallas Burnett:

Well, and it resonates because one of their, one of their main points

Dallas Burnett:

is to make their day, make their day, have fun, choose your attitude.

Dallas Burnett:

All those are just right down the center line of what we're

Dallas Burnett:

talking about for number

Danielle Burnett:

And really what

Dallas Burnett:

totally win the, you totally win the book award.

Dallas Burnett:

You totally

Danielle Burnett:

thank you.

Danielle Burnett:

I should get some

Dallas Burnett:

ah, it's tough when you're number one.

Danielle Burnett:

off, I think that when a number one uses all their

Danielle Burnett:

superpowers and couples it, with all of those things, those philosophies

Danielle Burnett:

that Fish suggests, I think they.

Danielle Burnett:

Can't be beat.

Danielle Burnett:

Like I just think that is the perfect combination of making people's day, but

Danielle Burnett:

yet holding the standard, and anyway.

Danielle Burnett:

I love it.

Danielle Burnett:

what was your

Dallas Burnett:

I can, I don't even know.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't even think that, I don't even think I can share mine now.

Dallas Burnett:

It's it is such a, it's not even.

Dallas Burnett:

it's so second place.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't even think I can, I don't even feel good about it.

Dallas Burnett:

Now I feel actually, I feel pretty insecure about it.

Dallas Burnett:

I will say this, I will say this as I'm a number seven, as you can attest, and

Dallas Burnett:

I would say that on one side, I think unhealthy number ones probably are a part

Dallas Burnett:

of a handful of ones on the Enneagram I struggle with the most as a leader is

Dallas Burnett:

just that's that whole sandpaper thing.

Dallas Burnett:

It just, or like fingers on chalkboard, it's like, ooh.

Danielle Burnett:

Probably the rigidity, right?

Danielle Burnett:

Would you say Dallas?

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

Danielle Burnett:

very black and white, very rigid.

Dallas Burnett:

Killing me.

Dallas Burnett:

Killing me.

Dallas Burnett:

And really it really st.

Dallas Burnett:

Str, it just struggle for me.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm on the struggle bus with that.

Dallas Burnett:

However, what I would say is a healthy number one turns out to be one of the

Dallas Burnett:

most refreshing people that I work with.

Dallas Burnett:

Because they're so attentive to detail, they catch all the stuff that I run.

Dallas Burnett:

I just completely blow by and don't think

Danielle Burnett:

Would you say they're very responsible and reliable?

Danielle Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

Yes, a hundred percent.

Dallas Burnett:

So that's, so that's very interesting.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I would say this, if you're leading a team, don't just assume

Dallas Burnett:

if someone is a certain type that you're gonna not or like them, because

Dallas Burnett:

there's so many facets to everybody.

Dallas Burnett:

they, everybody, every type has these values and superpowers

Dallas Burnett:

they bring to the team.

Dallas Burnett:

They bring as leaders, they bring as team members, and it's really about,

Dallas Burnett:

Figuring out who they are and where they are in all of that, that really

Dallas Burnett:

helps, you to be able to maximize.

Dallas Burnett:

If you're developing a number one and you're engaging with them, you may be

Dallas Burnett:

rubbing on each other a little bit, but if you can understand them and

Dallas Burnett:

then they can grow as a number one, that may turn into the best, that

Dallas Burnett:

may turn into your greatest ally and asset that you've got on your team.

Dallas Burnett:

And so, um, yeah, so don't mark

Danielle Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:

And I think too, Dallas, that's a great point.

Danielle Burnett:

Let's say, as a boss, you're leading a number one, and let's say you're

Danielle Burnett:

always late to the meeting, that's not gonna go well for them, right?

Danielle Burnett:

Because they like things to be right.

Danielle Burnett:

So you would never know that unless you understood what a number one is.

Danielle Burnett:

And so having the understanding of what's important to a

Danielle Burnett:

number one is gonna help you.

Danielle Burnett:

Lead that person, make your office environment more, pleasing

Danielle Burnett:

and you're just gonna get them.

Danielle Burnett:

And likewise, as we discuss all the different types in subsequent, episodes,

Danielle Burnett:

I think it's real important to just understand who these people are.

Danielle Burnett:

and Dallas and I, Dallas, we can attest to, we've seen this work in real time

Danielle Burnett:

in team situations where these teams.

Danielle Burnett:

They didn't really like each other, and then all of a sudden the light bulb goes

Danielle Burnett:

off and they're like, oh, that's why she's like that, or that's why he's like that.

Danielle Burnett:

And so you can just understand a little bit better.

Danielle Burnett:

Lastly, the only thing else I wanted to say, Dallas, is that in the

Danielle Burnett:

Enneagram, there's a thing called triads, because there's nine types,

Danielle Burnett:

there's three groups of three, and this is interesting about a number one.

Danielle Burnett:

So on your team, this could be helpful that the number one, the number eight,

Danielle Burnett:

And the number nine are all in a triad where they process decision making.

Danielle Burnett:

They process decisions in emotion, in a similar way that eight, nine, and one

Danielle Burnett:

types and what I would call that and what we call that in our report is a

Danielle Burnett:

gut response, like a gut type decision.

Danielle Burnett:

And so the strength of that is that when you have a quick decision or

Danielle Burnett:

even a decision that doesn't even need to be quick, they can tell you

Danielle Burnett:

pretty quickly I wanna go to that restaurant or this is the decision

Danielle Burnett:

we need to move in for our company.

Danielle Burnett:

Or yes, that person's gonna be a good hire.

Danielle Burnett:

They're just able to make a decision quickly.

Danielle Burnett:

And depending on the health of the person, maybe it's a good or bad decision.

Danielle Burnett:

But what I would just say is that the way they process information,

Danielle Burnett:

it's gonna be pretty quick.

Danielle Burnett:

and so with the other triads being some, this feeling.

Danielle Burnett:

In, the two, three, and four type, and then the thinking and the

Danielle Burnett:

five, six, and seven, and we can get into all that other stuff, but

Danielle Burnett:

sometimes that rubs on each other.

Danielle Burnett:

sometimes that quick thinker rubs on the person who really needs to mull

Danielle Burnett:

over the decision for like 30 minutes.

Danielle Burnett:

I mean, like, I'm a heart feeler person, and when a gut person makes

Danielle Burnett:

a quick decision, especially when it's about something important,

Danielle Burnett:

I'm just like, I'm just like, what?

Danielle Burnett:

How do they make that decision so quickly?

Danielle Burnett:

And it just, I just, I'm like, okay, you make that decision for you, but I've

Danielle Burnett:

gotta think about this a little bit more.

Danielle Burnett:

So anyways, just understanding that I think is real helpful to

Danielle Burnett:

understand that, about that type one and how they make decisions.

Dallas Burnett:

I feel like there's a, I think I, I wonder if there's

Dallas Burnett:

the reason, psychologically that they have such a strong moral

Dallas Burnett:

framework, such a strong moral, right?

Dallas Burnett:

It's almost like it just runs it through those filters really quick

Dallas Burnett:

and it's the answer is so apparent.

Dallas Burnett:

It's of course it's this, because this is right.

Dallas Burnett:

There's, you don't have to think about it.

Dallas Burnett:

You don't have to look at the numbers.

Dallas Burnett:

'cause this is it.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't know.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't know.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't know the why.

Dallas Burnett:

But, uh, but it is true, and that's, that's a good point.

Dallas Burnett:

That they are good gut decision makers and, and quick decision makers on that.

Dallas Burnett:

That's cool.

Dallas Burnett:

All right, well, hey, thanks for.

Dallas Burnett:

Thanks for unpacking the number one on the Enneagram.

Dallas Burnett:

We're just, we've decided this before the show.

Dallas Burnett:

We're just going to do these sporadically throughout because we've got other

Dallas Burnett:

guests lined up, for the fall.

Dallas Burnett:

But we wanted to get this out there so that we can have it on

Dallas Burnett:

the website as another resource.

Dallas Burnett:

We already got the report, out there for free, but having sometimes

Dallas Burnett:

people like to digest information different ways, and so we wanna

Dallas Burnett:

get the podcast out there as well.

Dallas Burnett:

And you've done several of these Enneagram workshops recently, so, it's

Dallas Burnett:

very good to have these out in case other people want some resources around that.

Dallas Burnett:

One of the cool things that we have coming up, this is the announcement

Dallas Burnett:

time for ThinkMoveThrive, and, some cool things that are coming, I guess

Dallas Burnett:

the last time you're on the show, this is a good time to talk about it.

Dallas Burnett:

The last time you're on the show, we made this like super big time

Dallas Burnett:

secret announcement of the name of the book that we have coming out and

Dallas Burnett:

we shared the name, it was LIFT, and then we were like, Hey, it's coming

Dallas Burnett:

out in January and, maybe February.

Dallas Burnett:

And then it was like, well, it didn't show up.

Dallas Burnett:

And so then we had people reaching out to us going Hey, what is the deal man?

Dallas Burnett:

you guys were supposed to have this book coming out and so I just wanna

Dallas Burnett:

take a minute to tell everybody what in the world happened, what's going on?

Dallas Burnett:

And the long short of it is have you ever tried to write a book?

Dallas Burnett:

If you try to write a book, you know, it's brutal.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a brutal process.

Dallas Burnett:

And so back when we, back when in 2018, we came up with move, people

Dallas Burnett:

don't realize like we, I wrote.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

And I sent it to our editor at the time, and she was out in Kansas, and I

Dallas Burnett:

remember getting it back, the first copy and when I sent it to her, I gotta be

Dallas Burnett:

honest, I'd never written a book before.

Dallas Burnett:

I sent her the first draft.

Dallas Burnett:

And I was like, I'm not a writer, but this is gonna be pretty amazing.

Dallas Burnett:

She's probably gonna get it and be like, wow, you know, you're the best Dallas.

Dallas Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:

you Dallas.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm so impressed with your writing.

Dallas Burnett:

Where did you come from?

Dallas Burnett:

Did you graduate from Harvard?

Dallas Burnett:

And that is exactly the opposite of what happened.

Dallas Burnett:

I got the manuscript back in and I was looking at the page and I was like, maybe

Dallas Burnett:

the red words are what we're supposed to keep, and the black words on the page

Dallas Burnett:

are what we're supposed to get rid of.

Dallas Burnett:

Maybe it's in reverse.

Dallas Burnett:

that is not what happened.

Dallas Burnett:

the red words, she essentially, she marked up the entire document and

Dallas Burnett:

but it was a great experience for me.

Dallas Burnett:

We went through a year of rewriting over and over and editing over and

Dallas Burnett:

over again after the book was written.

Dallas Burnett:

So it was a year to write it, another year to edit it.

Dallas Burnett:

And The process is crazy.

Dallas Burnett:

So this time we're doing it differently.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a different kind of book than MOVE!.

Dallas Burnett:

LIFT is a business fable, similar to what you actually mentioned earlier with Fish.

Dallas Burnett:

So it's cool that you brought that up.

Dallas Burnett:

And so here's why.

Dallas Burnett:

Here's why we're coming out with another business Fable.

Dallas Burnett:

This is, This is what we're trying to do.

Dallas Burnett:

Number one, we've been doing leadership summits for private clients for,

Dallas Burnett:

gosh, it's been almost 10 years now.

Dallas Burnett:

And so one of the things that I've realized when we do a book as a part

Dallas Burnett:

of the summit is that a lot of people, they, a lot of people don't read

Dallas Burnett:

leadership books, or they might be intimidated to oh my gosh, if I gotta

Dallas Burnett:

read a 300 page book, I don't care.

Dallas Burnett:

Just gimme the Cliff Notes version.

Dallas Burnett:

This is gonna, I don't have time for this.

Dallas Burnett:

Or it's just too much.

Dallas Burnett:

It's too much.

Dallas Burnett:

but what I have seen is that people will not be so intimidated by a business

Dallas Burnett:

story, a fable, and they'll get pulled into the storyline and oh, this is cool.

Dallas Burnett:

It's that easy read.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a short book, but then you have your concepts dribbled

Dallas Burnett:

and sprinkled all through this.

Dallas Burnett:

This storyline and it's just easier for people to digest.

Dallas Burnett:

And also they see it in context.

Dallas Burnett:

So they see this character or these characters and they see the

Dallas Burnett:

principles play out in this fable.

Dallas Burnett:

And so that is why we are going with a business fable this time because we

Dallas Burnett:

wanted to share these ideas all about culture and how to create culture.

Dallas Burnett:

There's levers that you can pull to move and change and grow

Dallas Burnett:

and strengthen your culture.

Dallas Burnett:

And that's what this is.

Dallas Burnett:

Whether it's a team or an organization, the levers are the same.

Dallas Burnett:

And so that is what the business fable is on.

Dallas Burnett:

So, lift is still coming out.

Dallas Burnett:

And so if any of you have been wondering where in the world is LIFT?

Dallas Burnett:

LIFT is actually when we got to February and we were looking at that

Dallas Burnett:

final manuscript, we just got to it and we said, No, it's not good enough.

Dallas Burnett:

It's not what we want.

Dallas Burnett:

And in, so we scrapped it and we kept, obviously the same core

Dallas Burnett:

principles are there, but the whole storyline was rewritten again.

Dallas Burnett:

And we've been working on that since then.

Dallas Burnett:

Just making it right.

Dallas Burnett:

'cause we don't want to come out with something fast.

Dallas Burnett:

We want to come out with something great.

Dallas Burnett:

And so we feel like we're, yeah, we feel like we're there.

Dallas Burnett:

You've read it, you've read LIFT and,

Danielle Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:


Danielle Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

Definitely better than what it was, last, December.

Dallas Burnett:

And so

Danielle Burnett:

It's a great easy read and that's what I would stress.

Danielle Burnett:

Fish is the same way, and there's several other, like of this type books.

Danielle Burnett:

They're pretty short.

Danielle Burnett:

They're really, like you said, digestible, easy to read, great storyline.

Danielle Burnett:

You just grow to love these characters.

Danielle Burnett:

But also what I love about a business table is that you can see yourself in

Danielle Burnett:

the shoes of the characters of these.

Danielle Burnett:

Business tables and there's several in this category.

Danielle Burnett:

Yours, being my favorite.

Danielle Burnett:

I would say

Dallas Burnett:

Ah, yes.

Dallas Burnett:

Ah, yes.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm still kind of sore that you won the book challenge though.

Dallas Burnett:

you still said Fish.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

I can't get.

Dallas Burnett:

Bob, I appreciate you coming back on that, but . Um, so yeah, so that, so

Dallas Burnett:

that's exactly what we're trying to do.

Dallas Burnett:

And so as we go now, I can say with some surety that the book manuscript has

Dallas Burnett:

actually moved into the copy editing.

Dallas Burnett:

The publisher sent it to the copy editors and the.

Dallas Burnett:

And the layout people and all the typeset people and all that stuff.

Dallas Burnett:

So now we have a hard date.

Dallas Burnett:

So we will be making more announcements in the next four weeks

Dallas Burnett:

about the release date of LIFT.

Dallas Burnett:

So stay tuned about lift and we'll keep you posted.

Dallas Burnett:

Danielle, thanks for being on the show and We'll, have you back for

Dallas Burnett:

some more Enneagram talks real soon.

Danielle Burnett:

Thanks for having me.

Danielle Burnett:

It was a lot of fun.

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The Last 10%
Inspiring People, Coaching Teams, and Improving Cultures
Join The Last 10% for incredible conversations that help uncover the secrets of what it takes to finish well and finish strong. Our guests share their journeys, hardships, and valuable advice. We release new episodes every other Tuesday. If you are a leader, a coach, a business owner, or someone looking to level up, you are in the right place!

You can give 90% effort and make it a long way. But it’s the finding out how to unlock the last 10% that makes all the difference in your life, your relationships, and your work.

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Dallas Burnett