Episode 12

Published on:

4th Oct 2022

Dallas Burnett | Leadership Gaps - Sharing an exciting announcement and discussing excerpts from the book MOVE!

We cover some HUGE announcements on today's show that showcase what is coming in 2023. Dallas shares a personal story that shaped his perspective on leading and coaching people. He talks about identifying gaps in our leadership and our lives. The discussion is around content that is found in the book MOVE!, which can be purchased below:


Dallas Burnett:

Hey everybody.

Dallas Burnett:

We have a really special episode today.

Dallas Burnett:

We're gonna be going through some of the highlights of the episode So far, we

Dallas Burnett:

have a huge announcement to make on the last 10% concerning Think, move, Thrive,

Dallas Burnett:

and I'm gonna be sharing a personal story that I haven't shared in public.

Dallas Burnett:

Told some friends, but never in public, definitely not on the air.

Dallas Burnett:

You don't want to miss this episode.

Dallas Burnett:

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Dallas Burnett:

This is Dallas Burnett.

Dallas Burnett:

I am in Thrive Studio, sitting in my 1905 Cook Brothers Barber chair.

Dallas Burnett:

And more importantly, I'm introducing a special guest today myself.

Dallas Burnett:

Yes, it is a special episode.

Dallas Burnett:

That I wanted to just share with all the listeners of the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

I've been waiting to do this for a while.

Dallas Burnett:

Haven't carried an episode by myself.

Dallas Burnett:

We've always had guests on and I just wanted to take a minute to talk

Dallas Burnett:

through some things because I know it's important to our listeners.

Dallas Burnett:

And I just wanted to take some time and unpack some of really important

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messages that I've been wanting to share the entire time we've been on the air.

Dallas Burnett:

And I said, Hey, there's no better time to do this.

Dallas Burnett:

This doesn't mean we're changing our format.

Dallas Burnett:

We've had some incredible guests the whole time we've been doing

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this and we've already got some really cool guests lined up.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm so excited to be producing these podcasts because it is, we've got

Dallas Burnett:

some really amazing stories coming.

Dallas Burnett:

But I wanted to take this episode just to talk through some stuff.

Dallas Burnett:

Number one, why did we create the last 10%?

Dallas Burnett:

Why are we doing this and how do we use it?

Dallas Burnett:

How as I think, move thrive.

Dallas Burnett:

How do we hope that you would use the last 10%?

Dallas Burnett:

Number one, we want the last 10% to be Really accessible and relevant content.

Dallas Burnett:

So there's a lot of people that listen to the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

A lot of different industries, we want it to be relevant as it relates

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to coaching, as it relates to leadership, as it relates to develop.

Dallas Burnett:

And we really want to put out interesting stories because everyone loves a

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good story and we relate to people in some of the stories that we hear.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think we've done a really good job of that.

Dallas Burnett:

I think back just on the last few episodes, and I'm thinking in the

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Tyran story in the the Caribbean where he's, had the tragic accident and his

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quote on, resiliency and it's not putting back together what you had,

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but it's reshaping what's left me That is just a gut wrenching story.

Dallas Burnett:

When we talk about Dallas Glass and he's climbing Mount Everest and he's

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guiding, and the night ice waterfalls and all the stuff that he has to figure

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out his way, through, there's just incredible stories, but we're pulling

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out nuggets on each of those stories of things and mindsets and techniques

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and things that we can use hopefully in our own daily walk, in our own daily.

Dallas Burnett:

and that's the last point.

Dallas Burnett:

We want usable content, so it's just not accessible content and relevant.

Dallas Burnett:

We want to have produced content with the last 10% that you can use.

Dallas Burnett:

Now, how do you use podcast content?

Dallas Burnett:

Great question.

Dallas Burnett:

So glad you asked.

Dallas Burnett:

I was just talking to a banker the other day who is a listener of the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

He shared with me, hadn't seen him in a long time, and he stopped me and said,

Dallas Burnett:

Hey, look, I just wanna tell you this.

Dallas Burnett:

I was listening to an episode the other day and it was actually Dr.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

And Dr.

Dallas Burnett:

Mo was talking about self-talk and he said, I have an employee that.

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Struggles with this and we've had conversations about this and I,

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when I heard the episode, I was like, Man, this is my team member.

Dallas Burnett:

She could really use this.

Dallas Burnett:

There's some great content in this.

Dallas Burnett:

So he shared that episode with her and that is a great example of how we would

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hope as a leader, if you're a leader listening to the last 10% that you would.

Dallas Burnett:

This podcast, obviously, we want you to take it in and we want you to

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digest and marinate in the wonderful goodness of all the stories and all

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the great content that we produce.

Dallas Burnett:

But at the same time, we want you to feel the desire to share

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this with your team members.

Dallas Burnett:

And if you hear something that just resonates with you, then

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don't be afraid to push it out there and say, Hey, check this out.

Dallas Burnett:

That's the kind of content we want to produce.

Dallas Burnett:

We wanna produce content that's got great storylines and also

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is usable that you can share.

Dallas Burnett:

So if you're coaching a team, If you're leading a team member or if you have a

Dallas Burnett:

boss that you feel like could benefit from the content or a manager that you

Dallas Burnett:

could benefit from the content, share it.

Dallas Burnett:

Because we want to generate that for everybody so that we can help

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move the needle in your team's performance, in your personal

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performance mindsets and those sorts of.

Dallas Burnett:

So then that's how we used the last 10 cent and why we created it.

Dallas Burnett:

So we really want it to be an actionable podcast.

Dallas Burnett:

So you'll hear me as we go through these episodes.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm trying to pull out some of the action items cuz we don't want to

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get those, we don't wanna lose those pieces in the stories that we tell.

Dallas Burnett:

When I'm thinking back on the episode, some of my, favorite

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quotes, quotable quotes, we had, Chili was the ultra-marathon

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runner and he made a comment that emotions make terrible leaders.

Dallas Burnett:

I thought that was fantastic insight.

Dallas Burnett:

I love Dr.

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Mo and the sports psychologist that was the golf coach.

Dallas Burnett:

And he talked a lot about self-talk, but one of the things that he said also beyond

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self-talk was, If you're doing something, you've got a job, you've probably got

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three things that you know that really to be successful at whatever job you're

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doing, you've gotta do with excellence.

Dallas Burnett:

World class, if you wanna be successful at just three things.

Dallas Burnett:

And I thought that was so true.

Dallas Burnett:

And so if you're going through a situation, you're leading a team, what

Dallas Burnett:

are the things that you need to be doing with excellence to lead that team?

Dallas Burnett:

Dallas's glass.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

Leading through your team.

Dallas Burnett:

Speaking of teams, I thought the comment of him leaving base camp

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and spending about 15 minutes to 20 minutes with each team member as they

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climbed in the next base camp was gold.

Dallas Burnett:

That was just the best word picture of how he described leading through your team.

Dallas Burnett:

And so those are some things that just stood out with me along with

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lots of other stories that we've had.

Dallas Burnett:

We've had some great guests on.

Dallas Burnett:

We want to also talk about a big announcement and I don't know, I

Dallas Burnett:

wanna present this well, I wanted to take some things that I've learned

Dallas Burnett:

and we have learned to think, move, thrive as we've been creating content

Dallas Burnett:

over the last year or three years.

Dallas Burnett:

And as we've been creating.

Dallas Burnett:

Leadership, experiential leadership retreats, or summits or boot camps,

Dallas Burnett:

. I've been able to interact with a lot of different people in these environments

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and see how they digest content.

Dallas Burnett:

One of the things that.

Dallas Burnett:

I did in 2018 was came out with the book Move and if you love

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leadership books, and if you're like me, I love reading hardbacks.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm old school.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't do the Kindle, so don't be hating on me if you like Kindle.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm not hating on Kendall.

Dallas Burnett:

It's just me personally.

Dallas Burnett:

I like a good hardback book.

Dallas Burnett:

I wrote Move for.

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Leaders and coaches and individuals, mainly that was were either going through

Dallas Burnett:

some type of transition or coaching teams or people going through some type

Dallas Burnett:

of transition and needed some language that they could wrap around that.

Dallas Burnett:

So it's definitely a leadership and coaching book, but it

Dallas Burnett:

is more for people who love leadership and coaching books and.

Dallas Burnett:

If that is something that lights your fire, then you should get it and we'll

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put it in the show notes in case you didn't know that we had a book out.

Dallas Burnett:

But after that, and we've talked and I've, we've put together all kinds of retreats.

Dallas Burnett:

What I realized was at a lot of these retreats there's some

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people that like reading leadership books and other people that don't.

Dallas Burnett:

They may be more, fictional readers and, or they may not read, They may

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listen to audio books or podcasts.

Dallas Burnett:

They just, there's a lot of different ways that people are digesting content now.

Dallas Burnett:

And another thing that I've learned is that some of the books That were , on

Dallas Burnett:

my bookshelf that I had bought long ago that I have a lot of respect for.

Dallas Burnett:

They're so long or.

Dallas Burnett:

There's so much good information in those books that people would not finish

Dallas Burnett:

them or would feel intimidated by them.

Dallas Burnett:

And so what we have done and what we are doing is we are creating,

Dallas Burnett:

and we'll be publishing a new book.

Dallas Burnett:

At the end of this year, or the first of 2023.

Dallas Burnett:

So we haven't set the release date yet.

Dallas Burnett:

I've not put it out anywhere on any social media.

Dallas Burnett:

I've not put it out on the website or anything.

Dallas Burnett:

You've heard it here first.

Dallas Burnett:

But we do have a book that is set to be released at the end of this year.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm not even gonna share the name of it yet.

Dallas Burnett:

But we'll be sharing more information in the coming weeks

Dallas Burnett:

and we're really excited about it.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a great story, but it's all about how you create culture and lead teams

Dallas Burnett:

and people, I am super pumped about it.

Dallas Burnett:

Spent a lot of effort and time on it and and still going through all the

Dallas Burnett:

process and getting all the details, finalized for the release, but we're

Dallas Burnett:

so excited about that, so stay tuned because we'll be coming out with that.

Dallas Burnett:

Secondly, another announcement that's just as big , is that

Dallas Burnett:

we have just come out with.

Dallas Burnett:

We are calling a self-awareness guided journal.

Dallas Burnett:

Now, we haven't put it on the website yet, we just got the first shipment in.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a limited supply right now.

Dallas Burnett:

And so we're gonna be putting some up on the website for sales soon and

Dallas Burnett:

or Amazon, we may put some on Amazon.

Dallas Burnett:

We don't know yet, we're going to make that decision in the next few weeks.

Dallas Burnett:

And so you should in the next couple weeks see those come out.

Dallas Burnett:

So I wanna talk.

Dallas Burnett:

The listeners of the last 10% and just share some of my stories and

Dallas Burnett:

periodically I want to share some stories.

Dallas Burnett:

Relate to leadership, relate to growth mindset coaching, and just pull back

Dallas Burnett:

to curtain a little bit and share some personal stories that I've experienced

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and lessons that I've learned as well, because I wanna bring in all kind of

Dallas Burnett:

guests that we get just this, diverse experience and diverse perspectives and

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mindsets, but also want to share some from my side and perspective as well.

Dallas Burnett:

When I was in college, I worked at a retreat center on the East coast and

Dallas Burnett:

the retreat center had youth, groups that would come in all summer long.

Dallas Burnett:

And this retreat center was started for underprivileged kids.

Dallas Burnett:

They had, orphanages and children's homes that would come down and these kids would

Dallas Burnett:

be able to come to the ocean and they've never seen the ocean for the first time.

Dallas Burnett:

And it.

Dallas Burnett:

A magical experience to be able to see a kid's excitement that they

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may be a teenager and they've never seen the ocean for the first time.

Dallas Burnett:

And to be able to experience that with them and have fun with them and just

Dallas Burnett:

just show them that you care and you're so excited that you could be in that

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moment, Just a really special opportunity.

Dallas Burnett:

Now I lived in an apartment on this retreat center with 12 other college

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dudes, so it wasn't the best smelling apartment, and it wasn't the cleanest

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place, but it was one row off the beach.

Dallas Burnett:

And so you cannot beat that for a summer job.

Dallas Burnett:

It was spectacular.

Dallas Burnett:

We got paid peanuts, but we got a lot of free spaghetti

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and hot dogs from the group.

Dallas Burnett:

So by the time the summer was over, I was so sick and tired of

Dallas Burnett:

eating spaghetti and hot dogs.

Dallas Burnett:

It was a really good experience.

Dallas Burnett:

Now, one day while I was off, I decided I was gonna go out and do what I did in

Dallas Burnett:

most days that I was off, which was go and either sit and read on the beach or go

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and get in the water and ride the waves.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I'd walked out to the beach and one of the groups were out at the beach.

Dallas Burnett:

In fact, they were just getting out.

Dallas Burnett:

They had some teenagers and young kids in the water with the chaperones.

Dallas Burnett:

And they were all coming outta the.

Dallas Burnett:

And as they were coming out, they were drying off and they had this

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other game set up on the sand and they knew me because I was, working with

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them that week and was on the staff.

Dallas Burnett:

And so they came and some of the leaders said, Hey would you do us a favor?

Dallas Burnett:

Are you going out to the ocean?

Dallas Burnett:

I said, Sure.

Dallas Burnett:

They said, There's just.

Dallas Burnett:

One young lady, she's 10 or 11 years old, she just didn't

Dallas Burnett:

come in with everybody else.

Dallas Burnett:

Can you just go out there?

Dallas Burnett:

Can you go tell her to come in cuz we're about to play this game.

Dallas Burnett:

We don't want her hanging out in the ocean and miss this fun, this new game.

Dallas Burnett:

I said, Sure, absolutely.

Dallas Burnett:

I'll go tell her.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

I started walking out into the ocean and immediately when I hit the ocean

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and when you spend a lot of time on the ocean, you just kinda get to know the

Dallas Burnett:

currents and what it feels like and when I hit the ocean, I could automatically

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feel like this is a tremendous.

Dallas Burnett:

Under to wasn't a rip tide, but it was definitely a very strong current in

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the ocean, very atypical for the day.

Dallas Burnett:

And it was very choppy water.

Dallas Burnett:

It was a little breezy, which made it hard to hear cuz there all the winds blowing

Dallas Burnett:

and there's, the water's real choppy.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I start making it out.

Dallas Burnett:

And about the time I got not quite waste deep in the water, I realized this

Dallas Burnett:

young lady was not, Doing very well.

Dallas Burnett:

She was actually not trying to stay out in the water.

Dallas Burnett:

She was trying to get out of the water and was having a hard time.

Dallas Burnett:

And I could tell she was struggling to, to swim.

Dallas Burnett:

She would, was trying, she was, she started saying help, but she was not loud

Dallas Burnett:

enough to overcome all the ocean sounds.

Dallas Burnett:

And it was, the tide was, further out.

Dallas Burnett:

So the group, the youth group was up at the beach and so I just.

Dallas Burnett:

Sped up my approach quite dramatically when I noticed this.

Dallas Burnett:

Can you go into life lifeguard mode?

Dallas Burnett:

I was not a lifeguard at the beach.

Dallas Burnett:

There was actually no lifeguards on this particular beach in that year.

Dallas Burnett:

I was a lifeguard at the pool.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I was like, It's time to go.

Dallas Burnett:

And I took off.

Dallas Burnett:

I had.

Dallas Burnett:

Life raft or anything like that.

Dallas Burnett:

It's just, you know me going to get this young lady.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I swim out and I get to her and she's just flailing at this time.

Dallas Burnett:

It's like, on tv.

Dallas Burnett:

She's not doing what she's sucking in water.

Dallas Burnett:

And so the first thing I do is try to calm her down and I just said, Lean on me.

Dallas Burnett:

And I put my arm under her arms and started to swim back.

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Dallas Burnett:

Failed to realize was how strong the current was and how much

Dallas Burnett:

it was pushing out, and that we were really behind the breakers.

Dallas Burnett:

So there was no forward push for us.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I was, had one hand because she was not listening.

Dallas Burnett:

She's panicking.

Dallas Burnett:

She's still panicking.

Dallas Burnett:

She's flailing.

Dallas Burnett:

Even though I've got her, she feels like she's got to keep

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kicking and trying to, help out.

Dallas Burnett:

And I was just like, Hey look, just give it a break cuz it's harder for

Dallas Burnett:

me to, hold you while you're kicking and screwing and get you back than

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it is if you just, remain calm.

Dallas Burnett:

And so we kept struggling against the water and really against each other.

Dallas Burnett:

And finally she calmed down.

Dallas Burnett:

But I was getting more and more tired every just every few seconds

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cuz I'm pushing with everything I've got and I'm not making any progress.

Dallas Burnett:

Now we're out at this time, we've actually moved backwards.

Dallas Burnett:

We're out in water that I can't touch the ground.

Dallas Burnett:

It's over my head and we're just swimming now.

Dallas Burnett:

I had been trained, as a lifeguard.

Dallas Burnett:

At the retreat center and at the beach, you know about rip, rip currents and

Dallas Burnett:

the biggest thing with rip current is you just let it take you out.

Dallas Burnett:

It pushes you down the beach and then as it, lightens up, you just come on a shore.

Dallas Burnett:

Now I knew that this wasn't a rip.

Dallas Burnett:

Tied or rip current, but it was really close and it was choppy enough and windy

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enough where we were not going to, I was not definitely with a young lady on

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under one of my arms that was kicking and flailing, going to pull her in against

Dallas Burnett:

this current, but, Despite the training and the knowledge that I had on how to

Dallas Burnett:

better handle the situation, it'd been better just to, , lay on our backs and

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just take it easy and just float down the beach a little bit and come in.

Dallas Burnett:

I was 19 and she was in trouble and the shore was just so close.

Dallas Burnett:

It was just so close, like I could see it.

Dallas Burnett:

It was right there.

Dallas Burnett:

And I'll never forget it because everybody was engrossed in the game

Dallas Burnett:

on the beach and I could see 'em.

Dallas Burnett:

The wind was going, the waves were crashing.

Dallas Burnett:

They could not hear me.

Dallas Burnett:

I couldn't even hardly get a breath to yell.

Dallas Burnett:

They couldn't hear her.

Dallas Burnett:

And I'm like, This is it.

Dallas Burnett:

We're gonna drown cuz I'm not gonna let go of her.

Dallas Burnett:

We're gonna drown right in front of all these people.

Dallas Burnett:

They're not even gonna.

Dallas Burnett:

And so it was a really sober thought that washed over me as a 19 year

Dallas Burnett:

old, and I remember just feeling completely exhausted and I was I was.

Dallas Burnett:

You're just going through like, All right, what's my options here?

Dallas Burnett:

And about that time, There was these three massive waves that came and they broke way

Dallas Burnett:

behind where the waves had been breaking and they want, The first one caught me

Dallas Burnett:

really bad off garden, so we both just ate the water and I was like, Oh my gosh, what

Dallas Burnett:

in the world it, can it get any worse?

Dallas Burnett:

But what I realized was it moved us just a few feet forward.

Dallas Burnett:

And so then I was like, I saw another one kind of out in my, peripheral comment.

Dallas Burnett:

I was like, Okay, look, this is our chance.

Dallas Burnett:

So I started just, swimming as hard as I could.

Dallas Burnett:

One last push to try to get it, and it moved us a little bit more.

Dallas Burnett:

And then the last of the three I just dropped down and I went underwater and

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just tried to just throw her forward to try to see if she could catch the wave.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I went underwater and just threw her with the wave and it worked

Dallas Burnett:

and she made it just a few more feet and I was able to come back up.

Dallas Burnett:

Now that I didn't have her on my back, she's still sputtering and swimming, but

Dallas Burnett:

she's still at least a little bit closer.

Dallas Burnett:

When I got to swim towards her, I could get my footing again and.

Dallas Burnett:

And then we were able to make our way into the shore.

Dallas Burnett:

Still took us a while to get in and, we hit the beach and here

Dallas Burnett:

she goes and runs up to the, the group of her friends and counselors

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Dallas Burnett:

nothing's happened.

Dallas Burnett:

And I'm like, on my knees in the surf.

Dallas Burnett:

Just, I was just done, I was so shaken up, I was exhausted and I just felt so.

Dallas Burnett:

Inadequate in that moment.

Dallas Burnett:

I had felt, I just, there was, but I was so thankful and grateful that we were

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alive, that we didn't drown right there.

Dallas Burnett:

And that, I could just see it now, 19 year old lifeguard, drown, saving

Dallas Burnett:

young woman on the East coast.

Dallas Burnett:

It's are you kidding me?

Dallas Burnett:

But it was a really, an interesting experience and for me, it showed me,

Dallas Burnett:

the value of coaching and the value of mentorship and the value of growth and

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development because it was very clear that there was a gap that needed to be

Dallas Burnett:

traversed for me and that young lady, and there was only so much that I could.

Dallas Burnett:

I needed some help.

Dallas Burnett:

Now, in that moment, I felt it was a, the hand of providence that really

Dallas Burnett:

boosted me up on that one because I had no inner, I had no ability

Dallas Burnett:

to overcome the, the environment that I was in on my own strength.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I needed some help and the girl needed some help.

Dallas Burnett:

She couldn't have, she couldn't have made it with those three waves.

Dallas Burnett:

She was already sputtering before I got out there.

Dallas Burnett:

And so what I did for her was I went, And found her where she was and took

Dallas Burnett:

it upon myself to be responsible to close that, help her close that gap.

Dallas Burnett:

She had to do some work, she had taken on some water, but we were gonna go and

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we were gonna, we were gonna close that gap together and I think move thrive.

Dallas Burnett:

That is exactly what we see and what we would say a coach is.

Dallas Burnett:

And we like defining coaches more broadly.

Dallas Burnett:

Like we say, leader, coach If you are leading people, it doesn't matter

Dallas Burnett:

if you're leading people on a team.

Dallas Burnett:

It doesn't matter if you're a business owner leading an organization, if you

Dallas Burnett:

are a mom or dad leading your kids, you are closing gaps constantly,

Dallas Burnett:

which makes you not only a leader, but it also makes you a coach.

Dallas Burnett:

Coaches close gaps, and they help others close gap.

Dallas Burnett:

And when we talk about gaps let's talk about that because gaps for me

Dallas Burnett:

when I'm in, out in the water and I'm looking across this ocean this, all the

Dallas Burnett:

white foam and all the waves breaking.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm just seeing.

Dallas Burnett:

It's just a lot of tension cuz I, I, it's not right.

Dallas Burnett:

I should, we shouldn't be here right now.

Dallas Burnett:

We're in this awkward space.

Dallas Burnett:

I feel very uncomfortable.

Dallas Burnett:

I've got this girl, she's going beco trying to paddle and she's

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not doing too good of a job.

Dallas Burnett:

And so this is just, this tension and a gap is also the, just the distance between

Dallas Burnett:

where you are and where you want to be, where you are to where you wanna be.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I knew the right thing to.

Dallas Burnett:

I knew the right thing was to not work so hard, not have to struggle

Dallas Burnett:

and let the tide just take us down a little bit more, and then we could

Dallas Burnett:

get closer to shore and come out.

Dallas Burnett:

But knowing wasn't doing, knowing wasn't doing.

Dallas Burnett:

So my gap was, the knowing doing gap.

Dallas Burnett:

Her gap was a physical gap.

Dallas Burnett:

She just couldn't, she wasn't a very good swimmer.

Dallas Burnett:

She got in a bad spot and she was off the shore too far.

Dallas Burnett:

So her gap was that, my gap was I was a good swimmer.

Dallas Burnett:

I could have easily swim out there and swim back, but not with her on my back.

Dallas Burnett:

And so it was a knowing, doing gap.

Dallas Burnett:

I knew what to do and I wasn't doing.

Dallas Burnett:

Now there's four gaps that we talk about in the book move.

Dallas Burnett:

There's a gap in awareness, There's a gap in knowledge, a gap in

Dallas Burnett:

capability, and a gap in courage.

Dallas Burnett:

Now, there's lots of other gaps, and a gap is just the space between

Dallas Burnett:

where you are and where you wanna be.

Dallas Burnett:

These are just four big ones that we pulled out to go through in move

Dallas Burnett:

to talk about what gaps are and how they manifest themselves in life.

Dallas Burnett:

Gap in awareness.

Dallas Burnett:

For me, a gap in awareness in leadership is it's really

Dallas Burnett:

hard to traverse as a leader.

Dallas Burnett:

Increasing your self awareness is a difficult task.

Dallas Burnett:

It's very difficult because you're having to get outside of yourself

Dallas Burnett:

and then look at yourself and say, Hey, what do I not know?

Dallas Burnett:

By definition, you, if you lack that awareness, You can't see it

Dallas Burnett:

cuz it's yourself and you are.

Dallas Burnett:

It's just, it's a loop.

Dallas Burnett:

So you need some help on that.

Dallas Burnett:

Number one, that's where an executive coach can help you a lot.

Dallas Burnett:

We think that at think, move, thrive.

Dallas Burnett:

We think that self awareness honestly is a cornerstone of leadership.

Dallas Burnett:

If you are a leader, you should be doing things that would help increase

Dallas Burnett:

your self awareness cuz that will absolutely make you a better leader.

Dallas Burnett:

Take an assessment.

Dallas Burnett:

That's a huge thing.

Dallas Burnett:

We love the Enneagram, but there's lots of Great assessment Disc and

Dallas Burnett:

Myers Briggs and standout and strengths finder and all these great assessments.

Dallas Burnett:

Find one or two or five or 10.

Dallas Burnett:

I've taken 'em, almost goodness gracious, I don't even know how

Dallas Burnett:

many I've taken, but it's great because they each have their own.

Dallas Burnett:

Their own kind of frame, their own perspective of how they look at you and

Dallas Burnett:

as you go through that, and as you take those, it'll give you some great insights.

Dallas Burnett:

So please take an assessment or two or 10 and also, Take some time to reflect.

Dallas Burnett:

If you're leadership, you've got a gap in awareness.

Dallas Burnett:

One of the things that you need to be doing is reflecting, just

Dallas Burnett:

spend just a few minutes reflecting on some valuable questions.

Dallas Burnett:

We have the one on one app, and part of that app is helping people that

Dallas Burnett:

are getting coached to have just 10 minutes to answer some really.

Dallas Burnett:

Really insightful questions and if they can spend that 10 minutes, we've had

Dallas Burnett:

some crazy stories about what's happened when people take just a few minutes to

Dallas Burnett:

reflect on some really great questions.

Dallas Burnett:

Also if you.

Dallas Burnett:

Are not being coached and you don't have the app or not going through the coaching

Dallas Burnett:

system and you haven't taken it, or maybe you've already taken some assessments.

Dallas Burnett:

That's another reason we did the guided journal, The self-awareness guided journal

Dallas Burnett:

specifically was just to help people.

Dallas Burnett:

If you have some time in the morning and you have some

Dallas Burnett:

moments before you go to work.

Dallas Burnett:

A quiet time.

Dallas Burnett:

Quiet space.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a great opportunity for you to get out that self-awareness guide journal.

Dallas Burnett:

Ask a few great questions, think through 'em, reflect on 'em,

Dallas Burnett:

write down and journal some about it and increase your awareness.

Dallas Burnett:

Gap in knowledge, gap in capability.

Dallas Burnett:

These are pretty self-explanatory.

Dallas Burnett:

We can overcome those by going and getting more information or delegating

Dallas Burnett:

to someone who has more information.

Dallas Burnett:

But those are pretty, pretty straight.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that a gap encourag to when you're in a leadership position.

Dallas Burnett:

There's been so many times I've come into an organization and the right decision.

Dallas Burnett:

Is so obvious.

Dallas Burnett:

It is so obvious.

Dallas Burnett:

I was actually talking to a turnaround expert, a CEO in Atlanta years ago,

Dallas Burnett:

and I was interviewing him from nba and I was like, Hey, tell me your biggest

Dallas Burnett:

thing that you like when you go into these massive companies and you're

Dallas Burnett:

tournament around, what do you do first?

Dallas Burnett:

Cuz this is like this a hundred million dollar.

Dallas Burnett:

Company that's just gone bankrupt.

Dallas Burnett:

And they have they're outta money.

Dallas Burnett:

What do you do?

Dallas Burnett:

Cuz you're the guy they hire to bring in and turn around.

Dallas Burnett:

What do you do?

Dallas Burnett:

And he looked at me and he said there's one thing I do always

Dallas Burnett:

before I do anything else.

Dallas Burnett:

I was like, What is that?

Dallas Burnett:

He said I go into these companies and I find the pet project.

Dallas Burnett:

I said, what does that even mean?

Dallas Burnett:

What are you talking about?

Dallas Burnett:

He said the CEO that left was fired usually.

Dallas Burnett:

When the company is just completely bankrupt in that situation, you have

Dallas Burnett:

a CEO that comes in and he has a pet project and he started something and

Dallas Burnett:

is just bleeding out in the company.

Dallas Burnett:

It's just costing tons of money as generating nothing.

Dallas Burnett:

But he can't, or she can't let it go.

Dallas Burnett:

They can't get past it.

Dallas Burnett:

, because if they do, it might look bad on them.

Dallas Burnett:

They might be seen as a failure in that they, and or they just love

Dallas Burnett:

it, they love that, whatever it is.

Dallas Burnett:

And he goes, So the first thing I do is I go in, find the pet project

Dallas Burnett:

and I kill it, and I get it out and it's, and I said how do you know?

Dallas Burnett:

How to find that?

Dallas Burnett:

He goes, Oh, it's obvious.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm like, It's obvious to you.

Dallas Burnett:

And you walk in and it's not obvious to him.

Dallas Burnett:

He goes, No, they don't want to get rid of it.

Dallas Burnett:

And so there's a piece to that.

Dallas Burnett:

There's a gap and courage.

Dallas Burnett:

It might be it might be stepping out and having a critical conversation

Dallas Burnett:

with one of your team members.

Dallas Burnett:

It might be having to have a crucial conversation that you gotta let

Dallas Burnett:

somebody go that just doesn't fit the culture, especially if you've coached

Dallas Burnett:

'em and they're just not responding.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

As a leader, you've got to have the courage to do that.

Dallas Burnett:

And some of the things that we've done and been a part over the years has just been

Dallas Burnett:

helping empower leaders to take courage, to do great things, whether that's start

Dallas Burnett:

a new innovative line and launch a new product, or whether that's to go into a

Dallas Burnett:

team and say, Look, this person is toxic.

Dallas Burnett:

They've been toxic.

Dallas Burnett:

Everybody knows they're toxic.

Dallas Burnett:

They haven't changed.

Dallas Burnett:

You've given 'em multiple opportunities.

Dallas Burnett:

It's time to have courage to let them.

Dallas Burnett:

And close that gap.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

So that's just four things I wanted to lay out as it relates

Dallas Burnett:

to gaps that are in the book move.

Dallas Burnett:

So if you, if those are, if that's some topics you like, we'll be covering

Dallas Burnett:

some more information outta move.

Dallas Burnett:

But I want to periodically have a coach's corner and talk through that.

Dallas Burnett:

And just wanted to take some time today to share.

Dallas Burnett:

What's going on this past summer when we've gone through all

Dallas Burnett:

the episodes that we've done.

Dallas Burnett:

We just started in March and it has been incredible the listenership

Dallas Burnett:

of Think, Move, Thrive, and the last 10% I mean, I am blown away.

Dallas Burnett:

It was like in July and we had.

Dallas Burnett:

Ton of people all over the world start listening to the podcast.

Dallas Burnett:

I was not expecting that, and it came fairly quickly.

Dallas Burnett:

And so we continue to gain new listeners every single episode.

Dallas Burnett:

Every single episode.

Dallas Burnett:

And so we're excited about this fall.

Dallas Burnett:

We've got some cool episodes planned.

Dallas Burnett:

We've got some cool guests coming, and we're just pumped.

Dallas Burnett:

So we'd love for you guys to continue if.

Dallas Burnett:

Listen to the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

Please like us, please subscribe and please help us get the word out.

Dallas Burnett:

If you hear something that resonates with you or think will resonate

Dallas Burnett:

with somebody else, share it.

Dallas Burnett:

Thank you again for your support.

Dallas Burnett:

Thank you for taking time to listen.

Dallas Burnett:

Thank you for comments and thank you for the feedback that we've been getting.

Dallas Burnett:

It's just been awesome.

Dallas Burnett:

I love sharing this content.

Dallas Burnett:

I love interviewing all these great people and also, If, and I haven't done this

Dallas Burnett:

before, if you listen to an episode or two, the last 10%, we always end the show.

Dallas Burnett:

Asking the guest who they would like to hear on the last 10% and we're

Dallas Burnett:

looking forward to going back and getting some of these requests and

Dallas Burnett:

start to have some of these guests on.

Dallas Burnett:

But if you would like to make a request on some way you would like to hear on the

Dallas Burnett:

last 10%, go to think move thrive.com.

Dallas Burnett:

That's ThinkMoveThrive.com and you can contact us, use the website

Dallas Burnett:

and contact us and let us know.

Dallas Burnett:

And just in the subject line, put guest for the last 10 and that will help us.

Dallas Burnett:

And if you have someone that you'd like to hear, share it with us cuz

Dallas Burnett:

we'd like to go and reach out and get a lot of interesting people on.

Dallas Burnett:

But thank you again for all your time and support and energy.

Dallas Burnett:

Thank you for sharing this.

Dallas Burnett:

Thank you for sharing it with your team and hopefully

Dallas Burnett:

you've gotten a lot out of it.

Dallas Burnett:

And look forward to to finishing well and finishing.

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About the Podcast

The Last 10%
Inspiring People, Coaching Teams, and Improving Cultures
Join The Last 10% for incredible conversations that help uncover the secrets of what it takes to finish well and finish strong. Our guests share their journeys, hardships, and valuable advice. We release new episodes every other Tuesday. If you are a leader, a coach, a business owner, or someone looking to level up, you are in the right place!

You can give 90% effort and make it a long way. But it’s the finding out how to unlock the last 10% that makes all the difference in your life, your relationships, and your work.

About your host

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Dallas Burnett