Episode 26

Published on:

16th May 2023

Kiel Bradley | Navigating Leadership - The Power of the 1on1's Coaching System

In this episode, we sit down with Kiel Bradley, currently making waves as the Regional Director for a rapidly expanding technical service company in the Southeast. Bradley shares an insightful journey of his career progression, highlighting his transformation from seeing himself as a 'player' to evolving into a 'coach' — a shift that has undeniably catalyzed his professional growth.

Bradley was instrumental in the early days of the 1on1's coaching system, a transformative initiative that has been a game-changer in team development. He shares fascinating anecdotes and success stories tied to this system, showcasing the profound impact it had on his team. Bradley's experiences serve as a testament to the efficacy of this unique coaching methodology, providing listeners with valuable takeaways about leadership, team building, and the importance of continuous learning. Tune in to gain a fresh perspective on leadership, and see how Bradley is shaping the future of technical services in the Southeast.

As promised, here is a presale link to LIFT!


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Dallas Burnett:

Hey everybody.

Dallas Burnett:

We're talking to Kyle Bradley today, a good friend of mine and also was one

Dallas Burnett:

of the people that was a part of the genesis of the 1on1's coaching system.

Dallas Burnett:

Before we get started, I just wanna give a big thank you to lots of people.

Dallas Burnett:

Number one, if you've been listening to the last 10%, we just finished our last

Dallas Burnett:

episode of the year, that means the last 10% has been broadcasting for one year.

Dallas Burnett:

Actually, we're just starting into year two now.

Dallas Burnett:

So thank you for supporting the show.

Dallas Burnett:

If you've been a guest on the last 10%, we just want to give you a big

Dallas Burnett:

shout out and say thank you so much.

Dallas Burnett:

We have just.

Dallas Burnett:

Been more than blessed on the show.

Dallas Burnett:

We've seen so many new listeners from all over the world.

Dallas Burnett:

It was totally unexpected in one year that we would have listeners from all over

Dallas Burnett:

the world, and Just wanna say thanks to all those that are supporting last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

So one big ask before we start the show, since it's our one-year-old birthday,

Dallas Burnett:

usually you bring birthday presents to the one-year-old birthday party, right?

Dallas Burnett:

So this is our one year birthday.

Dallas Burnett:

If you've been listening to last 10%, What we would ask is just

Dallas Burnett:

bring us a birthday present.

Dallas Burnett:

Just bring the last 10% of birthday present.

Dallas Burnett:

What does that mean?

Dallas Burnett:

That means if you're listening to the show right now, we would so appreciate it.

Dallas Burnett:

If you would like and subscribe to the show, that's great, but listen,

Dallas Burnett:

if you want to be that the best aunt or best uncle, the most favorite, Go

Dallas Burnett:

on your podcast platform of choice and leave a review that just helps other

Dallas Burnett:

people understand what the show's all about, and it helps our rankings.

Dallas Burnett:

And just helps other people be able to find us.

Dallas Burnett:

So if you want to give the last 10% a birthday present for producing content,

Dallas Burnett:

for your listing enjoyment for our whole year, please go on and just leave a

Dallas Burnett:

review or just like us and subscribe.

Dallas Burnett:

Thanks again and back to the show net.

Dallas Burnett:

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

I am Dallas Burnett in Thrive Studios.

Dallas Burnett:

Sitting beside my 1905 Cook Brothers Barber chair, because today is a special

Dallas Burnett:

day, the first episode of our second year, I actually have a guest in studio.

Dallas Burnett:

His name is the great Kyle Bradley.

Dallas Burnett:

Very excited to have you to the show.

Dallas Burnett:

Thanks for being here, Kyle.

Kiel Bradley:

An honor to be here and I will say, I had to wait till you're

Kiel Bradley:

one year old before I can come here.

Kiel Bradley:

I need to make sure you were legit.

Kiel Bradley:

I am staring at the 1905 Koch brothers

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

I'm not an expert, but it looks like it could be

Kiel Bradley:

a hundred plus years old, but

Kiel Bradley:

I'm sitting in

Kiel Bradley:

like probably a 21 model,

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

You're sitting in much nicer.

Kiel Bradley:

very comfortable.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

I'm very glad to have you in the studio.

Dallas Burnett:

Glad we grew up a little bit and, was able to take it to the next level.

Dallas Burnett:

So thanks for being here.

Dallas Burnett:

I have been looking forward to doing this show for a while because it's

Dallas Burnett:

been something we've talked about.

Dallas Burnett:

We, we go way back.

Dallas Burnett:

We've got history and we've worked together in the past and

Dallas Burnett:

just had a lot of fun together.

Dallas Burnett:

But one of the things I've really been excited about is unpacking the

Dallas Burnett:

story because at Think Mo, thrive.

Dallas Burnett:

And even the last 10%, we talk about these 1on1's and the 1on1's

Dallas Burnett:

coaching system, 1on1's app.

Dallas Burnett:

And a lot of people don't know what that is.

Dallas Burnett:

And a lot of people, maybe they hear it on the show, but they don't

Dallas Burnett:

really, they don't know how they use it or how people do use it.

Dallas Burnett:

And you have a cool story related to that because you're at the genesis of

Dallas Burnett:

the whole thing of the 1on1's coaching system and it's really a neat story.

Dallas Burnett:

So today's episode is really special to me because we get to go and kind

Dallas Burnett:

of unpack some of these things we hadn't talked about in a long time.

Dallas Burnett:

And so let's talk about, first off, let's talk about you.

Dallas Burnett:

let's turn this back around.

Dallas Burnett:

Let's talk about you, tell us, tell the listeners like your story,

Dallas Burnett:

like where have you been and and how did you get to where you are?

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

So the year was 1982.

Kiel Bradley:

That's when it all began.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

just really going back, because I believe where you came from kind of shapes

Kiel Bradley:

who you are and the way you think.

Kiel Bradley:

Going back, nor I'm the most average Joe Guy that'll be on this podcast.

Kiel Bradley:

So I've never climbed a mountain, I've never done

Kiel Bradley:

anything, nothing special on me.

Kiel Bradley:

But we are able to do special things by our relationships that we have.

Kiel Bradley:

for me, very normal life growing up.

Kiel Bradley:

so I'll talk about sports because I think what we're gonna talk about

Kiel Bradley:

today has a lot to do with sports.

Kiel Bradley:

So, played baseball from very early on was pretty good at baseball.

Kiel Bradley:

I wasn't the guy picking.

Kiel Bradley:

Kicking sand or picking four leaf clovers.

Kiel Bradley:

I was actually out there engaged.

Kiel Bradley:

did that from early on t-ball up through until we got to high school.

Kiel Bradley:

And then around 12 years old started playing basketball.

Kiel Bradley:

So now I love playing basketball.

Kiel Bradley:

The only problem is I'm terrible at playing basketball.

Kiel Bradley:

which is funny.

Kiel Bradley:

cuz I have kids that play basketball now.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

And I'm able to be involved with that.

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

Very good basketball

Dallas Burnett:

playing kids.

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

he, he, is, he works hard at

Kiel Bradley:

it, so I'm very proud of that.

Kiel Bradley:

but I would say, I had a familiarity on being on a team, being a part of a team.

Kiel Bradley:

rushed through that, kind of quit playing sports in high school.

Kiel Bradley:

just didn't have an interest in it at the high school level, but began, racing cars.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh, wow.

Kiel Bradley:

So bigger teams to a smaller team.

Kiel Bradley:

But working on cars with my dad, helping a family friend

Kiel Bradley:

with his and really fun times.

Kiel Bradley:

Like I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Kiel Bradley:

And it was really fun up until the point my dad was like, all right, you

Kiel Bradley:

got a job, now you can pay for it.

Kiel Bradley:

And it was not fun anymore.

Kiel Bradley:

So that was the end of that

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

then, kind of, kind of got a real job, I guess I would say, and

Kiel Bradley:

became another part of another team.

Dallas Burnett:

Now you, you've got an interesting thing because about your

Dallas Burnett:

job, because ultimately when kind of jumped into what you call the real world,

Dallas Burnett:

what's interesting is there's so many people now that you know, they say, back

Dallas Burnett:

when I was in my twenties, they were saying that the average person would

Dallas Burnett:

change careers like seven times and.

Dallas Burnett:

You have an interesting story because you've been very

Dallas Burnett:

consistent in your career.

Dallas Burnett:

You've developed kind of from the start, so what's, how's that been?

Kiel Bradley:

Yeah, I'm working on year 23,

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

which is shocking.

Kiel Bradley:

It doesn't seem like it's been that long.

Kiel Bradley:

But a kind of industry that's apprentice style learning from the bottom.

Kiel Bradley:

I knew nothing of it coming in.

Kiel Bradley:

I only had a friend that worked here.

Kiel Bradley:

That was my connection to it.

Kiel Bradley:

just, there was a path out before us of learning, being technically sound,

Kiel Bradley:

being good enough in that field.

Kiel Bradley:

then you begin to develop relationships with clients and you begin to.

Kiel Bradley:

they recognize you and they ask if you do their work, which adds value.

Kiel Bradley:

you do that for a time.

Kiel Bradley:

you gain certifications and you become recognized as a technical expert.

Kiel Bradley:

And then you get to be so good at that and they're like, Hey, you

Kiel Bradley:

should do this many times over.

Kiel Bradley:

Managed multiple things at one time.

Kiel Bradley:

became a project manager at that point, managing multiple projects,

Kiel Bradley:

had the opportunity to become an operations manager, kind of running

Kiel Bradley:

your own small business and then now able to, work with operations

Kiel Bradley:

managers as a regional director.

Kiel Bradley:

So 20, 22 plus years and, it's been a fun ride though.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

That's awesome.

Dallas Burnett:

I just think it's cool because you've developed so much.

Dallas Burnett:

And it's not like you've stagnated, you've kind of found the path along

Dallas Burnett:

the way and had opportunities open up and you've just capitalized on the

Dallas Burnett:

opportunities through your career.

Dallas Burnett:

And I don't know about average Joe, cuz you're an engineer.

Dallas Burnett:

You have been an operations manager run a whole branch, now you're running

Dallas Burnett:

multiple, you're regional director over multiple multiples all over the southeast.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't know anything average about that, but.

Dallas Burnett:

But, but I would like to, so I would like to pause.

Dallas Burnett:

So when we get together and when we first met, I was coming into

Dallas Burnett:

the organization and we were making some, cool changes and doing some fun

Dallas Burnett:

projects and different things related to it and all these other things.

Dallas Burnett:

But one of the things me and you did was we just had a lot of Monday

Dallas Burnett:

morning conversations and, they were not necessarily directed, they

Dallas Burnett:

were more kind of free flowing, but they, we always came away.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't know.

Dallas Burnett:

I felt like we always came away with something like we just kind of, we,

Kiel Bradley:

We started with no intentions for sure.

Kiel Bradley:

the intention was to have a 10 minute

Kiel Bradley:

conversation and sometimes we sat there for three to four hours.

Kiel Bradley:

At that little round table.

Kiel Bradley:

but they would lead to great

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

And so I remember.

Dallas Burnett:

I remember it was cool because when you talk about playing sports, and I know

Dallas Burnett:

that it's an important part of your story, but it was cool because when we

Dallas Burnett:

were first starting all this, with the 1on1's coaching system and I was kind

Dallas Burnett:

of mulling it over cuz I felt like you were developing and there was a couple

Dallas Burnett:

other people developing in the company and we were, I was really burdened with

Dallas Burnett:

how to push out this development through the company cuz you know, I can't,

Dallas Burnett:

no one, we couldn't afford to hire a.

Dallas Burnett:

an executive coach for every single employee in the whole company.

Dallas Burnett:

Just couldn't, can't do that.

Dallas Burnett:

But I wanted to push the idea of coaching down because we were seeing such, just

Dallas Burnett:

a lot of different, good things happen.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I remember you coming in and we had this conversation one day.

Dallas Burnett:

I remember you were standing in the door and I said something about,

Dallas Burnett:

moving you into this leadership, type position and role and stuff.

Dallas Burnett:

And you were like, look, I'm a performer.

Dallas Burnett:

I just remember you saying that I'm a performer.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm not a coach.

Dallas Burnett:

And that was interesting.

Dallas Burnett:

That was like a, it's like in a movie where you have

Dallas Burnett:

like dramatic foreshadowing.

Kiel Bradley:

I am an idiot.

Dallas Burnett:

But what was cool though was right after that, you got

Dallas Burnett:

involved with like a basketball, right?

Kiel Bradley:

so I think that, you are who you are at home and at

Kiel Bradley:

work, but in at that time, work and home were paralleling each other.

Kiel Bradley:

So I can't believe it, but I'm gonna have a high school senior next year,

Kiel Bradley:

which is shocking But you know, when he was, four or five years old, whenever

Kiel Bradley:

you can first start playing basketball, because everyone had seen me playing

Kiel Bradley:

basketball at the church and that, oh, clearly you were gonna be the

Kiel Bradley:

coach cuz your son's gonna be playing.

Kiel Bradley:

That just makes a lot of sense.

Kiel Bradley:

And then I've told someone, no way, I'm a player.

Kiel Bradley:

I am not a coach.

Kiel Bradley:

Because at the time I'm still in my, you know, mid to late

Kiel Bradley:

twenties and like I was still a

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

And by the way, a very good one by the way.

Dallas Burnett:

you were crushing it and at that point in time when I knew you were project

Dallas Burnett:

manager first, you were project manager crushing it, one of the most successful

Dallas Burnett:

project managers in the company.

Dallas Burnett:

So you were rocking it out for sure.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

So I saw myself as a player of meaning in sports, and I saw

Kiel Bradley:

myself as a player at work.

Kiel Bradley:

so the idea of like, Hey man, I kind, I want you to be a coach.

Kiel Bradley:

I was like, all right, I'm being asked at home life to be a coach.

Kiel Bradley:

And now I got somebody at work saying, Hey, how about being a coach?

Kiel Bradley:

And it was hard for me at the time, which is ridiculous.

Kiel Bradley:

Now looking back on it, right?

Kiel Bradley:

Of course

Kiel Bradley:

I was a coach.

Kiel Bradley:

but yeah, it's, you have to mentally shift the way you look at things from

Kiel Bradley:

if you're a player or you're a coach,

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

I think that's interesting too because when we had early conversations, like

Dallas Burnett:

you had this practice, like these, like little kids, it was like they were little.

Dallas Burnett:

I mean, it was like eight years or 10 years old.

Dallas Burnett:

and they had asked you to be the coach and you had said, okay, I'm going to coach.

Dallas Burnett:

And so you took on this team and I just remember, you, you went into the practices

Dallas Burnett:

and at first it was just kind of figuring out things, but then you came back and

Dallas Burnett:

it was after the first, I don't know if it was after the first second practice

Dallas Burnett:

or maybe after the first game, but you came back in, you said, You're not gonna

Dallas Burnett:

believe this, you said I, I am seeing the same problems with these 10 year olds

Dallas Burnett:

and communicating with them as I am with some of the people that I'm working with.

Dallas Burnett:

It's the same thing.

Dallas Burnett:

It's just like this with kids, and this is with adults, but the same

Dallas Burnett:

issues, the same communication things.

Dallas Burnett:

Are there.

Dallas Burnett:

Thought that was cool.

Kiel Bradley:

and I've learned since all that is like, it doesn't matter

Kiel Bradley:

what industry you're working in.

Kiel Bradley:

The way you talk to people and treat people and motivate people.

Kiel Bradley:

It's the same.

Kiel Bradley:

It doesn't matter what you do, I think I told you really at the first, after the

Kiel Bradley:

first practice, I think we rounded up and I was like, we're not gonna win a game.

Dallas Burnett:

That's right.

Dallas Burnett:

You did say

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

just looking to get through the first

Dallas Burnett:

You sure did.

Dallas Burnett:

You said, this team's so bad.

Dallas Burnett:

There's no way we're winning a game.

Kiel Bradley:

we are gonna, man, it's gonna be a tough

Dallas Burnett:

It is a tough year.

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

And then I think we won a game.

Dallas Burnett:

You did.

Dallas Burnett:

You did.

Kiel Bradley:

got some more structure to practices.

Kiel Bradley:

So like what we leaned into is there is like, and it's hard, like when

Kiel Bradley:

you don't have any belief, it's tough to, you think you're not gonna win.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

You weren't the only one on the team that came away from that first practice

Dallas Burnett:

going, we are not gonna win a game.

Dallas Burnett:

It's what you're saying.

Dallas Burnett:

There's probably a lot of the players

Kiel Bradley:

why would they believe it's a first year?

Kiel Bradley:

head coach.

Kiel Bradley:

like, why would anybody

Dallas Burnett:

year head coach.

Dallas Burnett:

Nobody knows what they're doing.

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, sure.

Kiel Bradley:

but when you win, oh, now we, now our belief goes up

Kiel Bradley:

a little bit and we believe more and believe more, and I think we

Kiel Bradley:

actually won a playoff game that year.

Kiel Bradley:

Matter of fact, I remember sending you a picture of the score of that game of a

Kiel Bradley:

team that beat us like three weeks prior.

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

That's exactly right.

Kiel Bradley:

could almost tell you the

Kiel Bradley:

score of that

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

That's awesome.

Dallas Burnett:

That's so cool.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that's a good point too, because so often in when we're taking on a

Dallas Burnett:

leadership role, especially if it's new, and if you're getting promoted

Dallas Burnett:

over a team, And especially if you're coming into a team that's had a toxic

Dallas Burnett:

situation, I think it's very easy to want that team to immediately.

Dallas Burnett:

Become this new thing because you're over this new.

Dallas Burnett:

Even if you have a good attitude and you're a good leader, coach,

Dallas Burnett:

you have this desire for them, everything's gonna immediately change.

Dallas Burnett:

Cuz I'm gonna lead this differently.

Dallas Burnett:

And what you just described is great because you're saying, look, it

Dallas Burnett:

took us, we had to get a small win.

Dallas Burnett:

Before we could get a big win.

Dallas Burnett:

And then we put that small win up and we, that increased our belief.

Dallas Burnett:

It increased our belief in ourself, our abilities, what we could achieve.

Dallas Burnett:

And then that, that change in belief helped us get another win.

Dallas Burnett:

And then that helped.

Dallas Burnett:

And so it really is, it's a cycle.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a building, it's a process, you know?

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that's, I think that's so true.

Dallas Burnett:

If you're taking on a leadership role in a company, you have to start where they are.

Dallas Burnett:

And it's not like they just flip a switch, It's a process of

Dallas Burnett:

belief building, so that's good.

Kiel Bradley:

with that.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

And just saying, no, this was years later, but a few years ago, the team goes

Kiel Bradley:

undefeated and we win the big trophy.

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

that's a movie man.

Dallas Burnett:

Like, it's like, that's totally a movie.

Dallas Burnett:

Like, cuz like it's the same team.

Dallas Burnett:

You coached these guys from the time they were little and it's

Dallas Burnett:

the same and they're growing up

Kiel Bradley:

moving up divisions.

Kiel Bradley:

We keep moving up together.

Kiel Bradley:

Yeah, we've been together for several years.

Dallas Burnett:

That's so amazing.

Dallas Burnett:

and then ultimately that flows into your sons actually playing for the

Dallas Burnett:

high school and doing all that.

Dallas Burnett:

So that's really.

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

really cool that kind of transitioned into his

Dallas Burnett:

plan for more, organized ball.

Dallas Burnett:

all right, so now we've transitioned, you came into this company,

Dallas Burnett:

you've been asked to be a coach.

Dallas Burnett:

you've been coaching this team at, rec league basketball.

Dallas Burnett:

How did that parallel at work?

Dallas Burnett:

Like, what did you start seeing that in that environment?

Kiel Bradley:

So I had a misconception on, communication there.

Kiel Bradley:

there's a missing component there.

Kiel Bradley:

I think most people would say We're gonna communicate if I.

Kiel Bradley:

I speak and you listen, we've communicated.

Kiel Bradley:

But there's a th component, which is understanding.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

So that's usually the missing component.

Kiel Bradley:

So, you know, being able to try things on these young kids and playing

Kiel Bradley:

basketball, trying to teach them basketball, at the end of the day,

Kiel Bradley:

they get to go home to their parents.

Kiel Bradley:

So I couldn't do too much wrong to 'em.

Kiel Bradley:

But some of the things we were doing that we would try to bring to work

Kiel Bradley:

and because ultimately we're trying to say, Hey, here's a goal out here.

Kiel Bradley:

And Every teammate has a role in there, but we collectively, we gotta

Kiel Bradley:

play together to get to the goal.

Kiel Bradley:

So just trying to take so much stuff from, church basketball to work every day.

Dallas Burnett:

So we, so when we were talking, we had the conversation.

Dallas Burnett:

You're like, I'm a performer.

Dallas Burnett:

Then you go and start coaching, you come back, you have this kind of

Dallas Burnett:

epiphany and you're like, I am a coach.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm actually coaching.

Dallas Burnett:

and it, I feel like that developed over the course of like, even

Dallas Burnett:

deeper, over the course of like two or three years as you're coaching

Dallas Burnett:

this team, and then I think you started applying those principles.

Dallas Burnett:

To your team at work as well.

Dallas Burnett:

And one of the things I love how you talk about communication, is because

Dallas Burnett:

that it's not like it was a one and done thing, or like you're just delivering

Dallas Burnett:

information and walking away it became more nuanced and the messages that

Dallas Burnett:

you were sharing were more nuanced.

Dallas Burnett:

How you were sharing, you took more interest in what you were sharing

Dallas Burnett:

with people that they understood the values of the company, understood what

Dallas Burnett:

you're trying to achieve on the jobs.

Dallas Burnett:

All those things I think, really developed.

Dallas Burnett:

about that time though, I'm having these thoughts about this coaching

Dallas Burnett:

system idea and I'm like, I think we can build this coaching system that

Dallas Burnett:

can be integrated into the company to really be a tool for everybody.

Dallas Burnett:

And then, And you're going through this coaching process, and then we have one

Dallas Burnett:

of these Monday morning conversations.

Kiel Bradley:

more, I'll never forget this one.

Dallas Burnett:

All right, tell us what

Kiel Bradley:

Well, I, you can tell the details cuz you, you were

Kiel Bradley:

thinking of this and mulling this over, outside of my knowledge.

Kiel Bradley:

But on a Monday morning conversation you had mentioned, like, maybe that morning

Kiel Bradley:

or over the weekend something, you took one of your daughters for breakfast.

Kiel Bradley:

And I said, oh, you a little 1on1's.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

And you were like, very interesting.

Kiel Bradley:

You would say that.

Kiel Bradley:

and then you pulled the curtain back on, on one of ones to me.

Kiel Bradley:

And that was, I don't know how long ago that was.

Dallas Burnett:

that was a long time ago.

Dallas Burnett:

That was several years ago.

Dallas Burnett:

yeah, several years ago.

Dallas Burnett:

So I take my daughter's, 1on1's on, morning dates, occasionally just to

Dallas Burnett:

spend some time with each one of 'em.

Dallas Burnett:

I have three.

Dallas Burnett:

it was after one of those, times and you said that, and I had been

Dallas Burnett:

working out the details kind of secretly planning this, this idea,

Dallas Burnett:

but I hadn't shared it with anybody.

Dallas Burnett:

And we just took some time that morning.

Dallas Burnett:

I just whiteboarded and we just had a really good whiteboarding session

Dallas Burnett:

after that and we laid it out.

Dallas Burnett:

And I was kind of telling you what I was thinking, and this

Dallas Burnett:

was, it hadn't been written down.

Dallas Burnett:

It was just like very fluid at that point, but got it out on the board.

Dallas Burnett:

I was like, what do you think?

Dallas Burnett:

You were very like, all right, yeah, let's try it.

Kiel Bradley:

part of that is this isn't week two of me and you knowing each other.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

This is years into it.

Kiel Bradley:

and I'm more of a person now that will be open to change and doing something

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

I trust you enough to be like, Hey, you think it's a good deal.

Kiel Bradley:

Let's try it.

Dallas Burnett:

Let's try

Kiel Bradley:

of what I was

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, no, that was really great.

Dallas Burnett:

And your, I think your confidence kind of, kind of increased my, willingness

Dallas Burnett:

to go out on a limb because it would, it was a different concept for the company.

Dallas Burnett:

It was just a very different way than they had been operating in the past.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I was unsure if it would be adopted or accepted or if it would be completely

Dallas Burnett:

rejected and like, this is not gonna work.

Dallas Burnett:

So we ended up moving forward, we created this coaching system on paper.

Dallas Burnett:

And I wanted to demo it.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't know, it was really a lot longer than it is now.

Dallas Burnett:

It's the more streamline now, but it was like several pages of like different

Dallas Burnett:

questions and different things and they would have this other conversation.

Dallas Burnett:

It was just all this stuff.

Dallas Burnett:

Anyway, we,

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

interrupt you though before we even get to paper.

Kiel Bradley:

Me and you sit in a conference room with a guy

Kiel Bradley:

with just the idea of

Kiel Bradley:

this thing, So you laid it out to him?

Kiel Bradley:

I was in the room.

Kiel Bradley:

he, we would work together for quite a while too, so I was

Kiel Bradley:

the trust component in that.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

That circle.

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

I remember I was walking to the, like the little

Dallas Burnett:

break room area to get a drink or something, I don't know what it was.

Dallas Burnett:

And you're like, Hey, come in here.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm meeting with these two guys.

Dallas Burnett:

These project managers come in here and show 'em what a 1on1's is.

Dallas Burnett:

Show 'em.

Dallas Burnett:

Show 'em.

Dallas Burnett:

This is what's coming.

Dallas Burnett:

Cuz we knew it was coming out.

Dallas Burnett:

You and I had talked about it.

Dallas Burnett:

We kind of got the schedule when we're gonna roll this thing out.

Dallas Burnett:

We were gonna demo it, but this was like pre-demo and so you

Dallas Burnett:

were like, come in and, show 'em.

Dallas Burnett:

So I came in and I just sat down and just gave just, questions of the 1on1's that

Dallas Burnett:

we knew were gonna be in the first couple.

Kiel Bradley:

So this one gentleman, he, I think he had remarked it like,

Kiel Bradley:

Hey, I'd actually kind of listen to a podcast on something about this.

Kiel Bradley:

And, based on me listening to that and what you're telling me, he's like, . We

Kiel Bradley:

didn't ask him to commit anything.

Dallas Burnett:

No, that's right.

Kiel Bradley:

said, this is the idea of what we wanna do.

Kiel Bradley:

What do you think about this?

Kiel Bradley:

And he's like, I've been listening to this going on.

Kiel Bradley:

Y'all talking to me about this right now?

Kiel Bradley:

Man, you know what, man?

Kiel Bradley:

I've been smoking and like it's taking, it takes so much money for me

Kiel Bradley:

to smoke and it's backed my health.

Kiel Bradley:

And I got these young girls, Hey man, I'm quitting smoking like now.

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

I remember because that was like we did, I'll never

Dallas Burnett:

forget this cause it was so funny.

Dallas Burnett:

Your reaction to this was incredible.

Dallas Burnett:

It was like we had that on Thursday afternoon.

Dallas Burnett:

We sat down, I do the 1on1's and I just remember, I remember talking to us, there

Dallas Burnett:

was two guys in the room and you and in a conference room and you had been

Dallas Burnett:

meeting with 'em about something else.

Dallas Burnett:

This project managers, you'd been meeting with 'em.

Dallas Burnett:

At this point in time, you're an ops manager and so you're meeting with these

Dallas Burnett:

two guys and I do the 1on1's and then.

Dallas Burnett:

I get, I don't even feel like I get any, like they're just stone cold.

Dallas Burnett:

Like just I look at 'em, Hey, what do you guys think?

Dallas Burnett:

Totally the different reaction than when I share it with you.

Dallas Burnett:

They're just like, yeah, okay.

Dallas Burnett:

And I, so I was like, oh, okay, this is what we're gonna do.

Dallas Burnett:

And then I'm out and I go get my drink and go back to the office and I'm thinking,

Dallas Burnett:

man, I don't know if this is gonna work.

Dallas Burnett:

I just don't know because this is hard.

Dallas Burnett:

This is gonna be so hard.

Dallas Burnett:

And then I just remember on the that mon, the following Monday morning, you

Dallas Burnett:

come in the door and you're like, You are not gonna believe what just happened.

Dallas Burnett:

And I was like, what?

Dallas Burnett:

You're like, I just talked to this guy that was in that room and he said,

Dallas Burnett:

he left the me and started thinking about the questions on the way home

Dallas Burnett:

and thought about this all weekend.

Dallas Burnett:

he was smoking and then he was thinking about his daughter and how much money

Dallas Burnett:

he was spent on this Daddy wanna take his family on vacation, all his stuff.

Dallas Burnett:

And it was just like quit smoking and it was just like un.

Dallas Burnett:

And you were like, man, this is so crazy.

Dallas Burnett:

I just remember you said, we're getting in people's heads and turning riches.

Dallas Burnett:

Man, I just laughed and we just thought that was the best.

Dallas Burnett:

Super high.

Dallas Burnett:

Super high.

Kiel Bradley:

that's, that was the like informal, like

Kiel Bradley:

that wasn't even, follow the

Kiel Bradley:

script, sit down, this guy's quitting smoking, which, that's amazing.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

I think that's, I don't have a problem with it, but I'm sure that's a bad habit.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

And he's still, he's still clean.

Kiel Bradley:

oh, to my knowledge,

Dallas Burnett:

to my knowledge, he's still, and that was,

Dallas Burnett:

that was years ago that he.

Dallas Burnett:

Many years ago, he's been, and he went cold Turkey that weekend.

Dallas Burnett:

Cold Turkey, no Nick patch or nothing.

Dallas Burnett:

He just woke up and was like, I am no longer a smoker.

Dallas Burnett:

And that was it.

Dallas Burnett:

That was incredible.

Dallas Burnett:

So I think that is one story I love sharing when we talk about the 1on1's,

Dallas Burnett:

because it's so powerful, but it also speaks, I want to always, I always

Dallas Burnett:

clarify with people, this is not this, I'm not Tony Robbins, and this is not,

Dallas Burnett:

this is not magic in a, in an app.

Dallas Burnett:

He was in a position that he was, it was, like you said, he

Dallas Burnett:

had been listened to a podcast

Kiel Bradley:

was open, to whatever.

Dallas Burnett:

he was a powder keg, looking for a match, and the

Dallas Burnett:

questions that we asked him on that Thursday just was the match.

Dallas Burnett:

That just kind of, that spark that just went boom and just was unbelievable

Dallas Burnett:

change, with coaching though.

Dallas Burnett:

We've had other people we've met with and coached, and I've had people I've

Dallas Burnett:

met with and coached that you start on, at the beginning there are not a powder

Dallas Burnett:

cake and it's a day at a time and it's a, and it's a long period of time before

Dallas Burnett:

you get a big change, and it might be many little changes, so you just don't

Dallas Burnett:

know what you're getting involved when you engage in a coaching relationship.

Dallas Burnett:

You just don't know, like you just don't know if you're walking in on

Dallas Burnett:

the powder keg or you're walking in on something that's gonna be

Dallas Burnett:

just a little bit here or there.

Kiel Bradley:

talk about coaching cuz that's what we're into now,

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

So just how, what is your definition of a coach?

Dallas Burnett:

That's a great question.

Dallas Burnett:

I think, and we talk about this a

Kiel Bradley:

and there's many

Kiel Bradley:

definitions of,

Dallas Burnett:

No, I'm not saying anybody else's definition is wrong.

Dallas Burnett:

I believe that coaches, there's two main things that coaches do.

Dallas Burnett:

Two, two big things in terms of their perspective, and the way I define coaches

Dallas Burnett:

are people who engage in closing gaps.

Dallas Burnett:

And people who battle for belief.

Dallas Burnett:

And so let me, let me unpack that for a second.

Dallas Burnett:

So, I think a coach has a, just a real ability or desire.

Dallas Burnett:

even if you don't, even if you're not a visionary, it's not saying you're

Dallas Burnett:

a visionary, it's just being able to look at a situation or a person and see

Dallas Burnett:

where those gaps are and then engage with that person or that organization

Dallas Burnett:

in how to close those gaps and.

Dallas Burnett:

And so whether it's personality conflict or self-awareness problem

Dallas Burnett:

or whether it's a skills gap, you just don't have the knowledge or the

Dallas Burnett:

training or the expertise or experience.

Dallas Burnett:

You just can identify those gaps and then you engage with that person and

Dallas Burnett:

you don't necessarily fix it for 'em.

Dallas Burnett:

They've gotta do the work, but you engage with them in a way where

Dallas Burnett:

you can help them close that gap.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think one of the things that coaches do, and you spoke to it early on, is.

Dallas Burnett:

Is that you're in a battle for belief, right?

Dallas Burnett:

When you took over that little league basketball team, it was like, Hey, we

Dallas Burnett:

gotta begin to believe that we can win.

Dallas Burnett:

And so you are, as a coach, as a leader, coach, whether you're leading,

Dallas Burnett:

a small team or a large organization or yourself, you're constantly in a battle

Dallas Burnett:

for the belief because the belief.

Dallas Burnett:

Is something that shapes so much about who we are.

Dallas Burnett:

It shapes our perspective, it shapes our emotions.

Dallas Burnett:

It's, it shapes and all those things shape our actions.

Dallas Burnett:

And so if I want you to behave differently, I like starting

Dallas Burnett:

at the level of belief.

Dallas Burnett:

If I can get you to believe something differently, then I can

Dallas Burnett:

get you to behave differently.

Dallas Burnett:

And so I think coaches, if the great coaches engage at that level, at

Dallas Burnett:

that thought and belief level and so yeah, that's how I would define it.

Kiel Bradley:

So I'll say, speaking of some of that, that you just spoke,

Kiel Bradley:

I have, I've had the privilege and the opportunity to be alongside of

Kiel Bradley:

a high school coach coaching my son.

Kiel Bradley:

I've been on the bench, been at the practices.

Kiel Bradley:

so for me it, it became even, I've heard you say that before, like I've

Kiel Bradley:

heard that definition and my definition would've been, a coach is someone who.

Kiel Bradley:

It takes you from where you are to where you wanna go.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

Which is a thing that they do.

Kiel Bradley:

but you know, the component, like the coach, especially when you're trying

Kiel Bradley:

to learn something new, they need self-awareness because those young guys

Kiel Bradley:

out there, it's a young group of guys

Kiel Bradley:

and they're playing guys that are three or four years older.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

than them.

Kiel Bradley:

if I'm 25 and you're 28, it's not a big deal.

Kiel Bradley:

But I'm 15 and you're 18.

Kiel Bradley:

It's a big deal.

Kiel Bradley:

but so we need them to do what the coaches asked 'em to do.

Kiel Bradley:

And so if we had, the self-awareness turned so far up that those

Kiel Bradley:

guys were self-aware, they knew exactly what we were doing.

Kiel Bradley:

We wouldn't need a coach, we just need a teacher.

Kiel Bradley:

We would just come teach 'em new stuff.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

We'd be good.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

Cause we wouldn't make mistakes.

Kiel Bradley:

Cause we would be, where do we need to be?

Kiel Bradley:

Every time

Kiel Bradley:

it would be a problem.

Kiel Bradley:

So like, I've seen that come to life just from sitting on a bench.

Dallas Burnett:

I like that.

Dallas Burnett:

That's really good.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that's, whether it's a sports, whether it's high school

Dallas Burnett:

sports or kids sports or whether it's organization, it's being, it's that

Dallas Burnett:

identifying that those areas and as a coach we have to realize, I think our own.

Dallas Burnett:

Strengths and weaknesses because they're gonna play into that.

Dallas Burnett:

So I may be really good at identifying, organizational gaps, so then that's great.

Dallas Burnett:

I may be really good at identifying process.

Dallas Burnett:

and or system gaps or strategy gaps or marketing gaps or sales gaps?

Dallas Burnett:

Based on my experience, based on my history and or just on my capability,

Dallas Burnett:

when it gets down to the personal level, I may be really good at identifying

Dallas Burnett:

awareness gaps or maybe personal skill gaps, but there's gonna be some things

Dallas Burnett:

that I have to be aware of as well.

Dallas Burnett:

As a coach, you have to have that self-awareness, cuz if.

Dallas Burnett:

If I know that I'm really good in one area, but I'm not in another, then that's

Dallas Burnett:

why coaches have assistant coaches, that's why they have specialists.

Dallas Burnett:

That's why they bring in other people.

Dallas Burnett:

Same in organizations.

Dallas Burnett:

Like if I'm really good at one, aspect of business or of coaching or of, relating

Dallas Burnett:

with individuals, it doesn't, I can improve other areas, but it doesn't

Dallas Burnett:

necessarily mean that I don't need help.

Dallas Burnett:

And so as a coach, I'm here to close gaps, but that doesn't mean I have

Dallas Burnett:

to be all things to all people.

Dallas Burnett:

So as a coach, that's one of the cool things.

Kiel Bradley:

coach you have some gaps too.

Kiel Bradley:

We all have

Kiel Bradley:

gaps, Yeah.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

So I need a coach just as, as much as anybody else does.

Dallas Burnett:

all right.

Dallas Burnett:

so let's talk about the 1on1's system.

Dallas Burnett:

So we've now, we've kind of gone through the beginning of kind of the genesis

Dallas Burnett:

of the thought and we've rolled it out.

Dallas Burnett:

We've began to roll it out in the company.

Dallas Burnett:

We've gone through it.

Dallas Burnett:

We demoed it for like three or four months and then we decided this is

Dallas Burnett:

definitely something we're going to do.

Dallas Burnett:

The scores were really good compared to what we were doing

Dallas Burnett:

with performance reviews.

Dallas Burnett:

So we said, okay, we're gonna roll this thing out company wide,

Dallas Burnett:

and we start rolling it out.

Dallas Burnett:

I think there was like a third of the people that were like, yes, we are ready.

Dallas Burnett:

I think a third of the people were like, take it or leave it.

Dallas Burnett:

I don't know.

Dallas Burnett:

It's just some other program, whatever.

Dallas Burnett:

And then I think a third of people were like, No way.

Dallas Burnett:

Not gonna happen.

Dallas Burnett:

Don't wanna do this.

Dallas Burnett:

And was really pushing back.

Dallas Burnett:

Tell me some of, like, I, I think of your, when you've been doing

Dallas Burnett:

the 1on1's, you've actually, funny enough, I think you've actually been

Dallas Burnett:

doing the 1on1's longer than anybody.

Dallas Burnett:

There's, because you were part of the demo, so you were literally a

Dallas Burnett:

part of the first demo, the 1on1's.

Dallas Burnett:

So there's nobody that's been doing one oh ones longer than you.

Kiel Bradley:

I'm a technical expert in one.

Dallas Burnett:

You are definitely a tailor.

Dallas Burnett:

So tell me some of the things like you have, you've kind of

Dallas Burnett:

used it for different things.

Dallas Burnett:

Tell me some of the ways that you've used the 1on1's coaching system.

Kiel Bradley:

so much you talked about earlier, we talked about

Kiel Bradley:

the one conversation that was like mind blowing, but you also spoke

Kiel Bradley:

of, Hey, let's just do this thing.

Kiel Bradley:

Let's consistently routinely do this thing together.

Kiel Bradley:

And so I was able to, over a course of many months, work with the guy

Kiel Bradley:

to, to eventually be able to take my position as operations manager.

Kiel Bradley:

So the way that started out was, hey man, are they making you do this?

Kiel Bradley:

Or like, are you wanting to do, why are you, what's going on?

Kiel Bradley:

Cause are you wanting to do this?

Kiel Bradley:

I'm like, yeah, and here's why.

Dallas Burnett:

So he was saying, he was

Kiel Bradley:

are you

Dallas Burnett:

unsure, like he's saying, are you wanting to do these 1on1's or

Dallas Burnett:

is this something they're making you do?

Dallas Burnett:

Because he's testing you to say, do you believe this?

Dallas Burnett:

Because, I don't know, I'm not sure.

Kiel Bradley:

I had enough experience in it that, I was able to say why we would

Kiel Bradley:

do this, why would we wanna do this?

Kiel Bradley:

those commitments early on were, they were personal type commitments, which are fine

Kiel Bradley:

because my goal in a 1on1's is to help you move.

Kiel Bradley:

I don't care if it's professionally or if it's at home because at

Kiel Bradley:

the end of the day, I got you.

Kiel Bradley:

I got the whole you.

Kiel Bradley:

And if I got a good you at home, I'm gonna have a good you at work.

Kiel Bradley:

If I gotta stress you at home, you're coming to work

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

And you're making me stress

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

but over time that conversation went from do

Kiel Bradley:

you believe in it basically is what he's asking, like you said

Kiel Bradley:

to, then he started looking more towards the future of like,

Kiel Bradley:

okay, now I see what's coming.

Kiel Bradley:

there's always two ways.

Kiel Bradley:

There's, it's always about the approach on when you wanna do something.

Kiel Bradley:

he had identified something that is, I would like this to change inside

Kiel Bradley:

of our, in our, small company.

Kiel Bradley:

I could just go tell them directly, like, Hey, make sure your stuff is up to par

Kiel Bradley:

because it's substandard right now.

Kiel Bradley:

Or I could give them a means to make sure their stuff is up to standard

Kiel Bradley:

and explain to 'em how important it is to me for it to be up standard and,

Dallas Burnett:

So you're saying that he, so he had an idea, like,

Dallas Burnett:

so he had an idea for this new.

Dallas Burnett:

So let's drop back before that.

Dallas Burnett:

Y'all had an interesting

Kiel Bradley:

That is true.

Kiel Bradley:

I skipped past

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

and I blew my mind

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

So let's ju so tell us like, so you're meeting with this guy, and he is

Dallas Burnett:

kind of being, you're kind of, you've made it known to him that he's kind

Dallas Burnett:

of, on this path that will end up, potentially in, taking over this.

Dallas Burnett:

This role of operations manager.

Dallas Burnett:

So in the meantime though, you're having these 1on1's every month and

Dallas Burnett:

then one, 1on1's comes up and it's like,

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

I would say so.

Kiel Bradley:

The first one was, do you believe, and then we had a few more just routine

Kiel Bradley:

conversations in like four or five, six, somewhere in there, six months we're

Kiel Bradley:

doing this.

Kiel Bradley:

And it like, Hey man, what's the most important thing

Kiel Bradley:

that we can talk about today?

Kiel Bradley:

And he goes, I'd like to talk about our relationship.

Dallas Burnett:

Now is.

Kiel Bradley:

two guys sitting in a

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

This is

Dallas Burnett:

not, y this is not like I can't paint the picture of how,

Dallas Burnett:

not this unexpected this would be.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

You never know what might, when you ask that question, you don't know what

Kiel Bradley:

might be said.

Kiel Bradley:

I didn't think we were gonna talk about our relationship that day,

Dallas Burnett:

But just for,

Kiel Bradley:

because to be clear, we had never done

Kiel Bradley:

that before.

Dallas Burnett:

That's just not something that you expect to hear, to.

Dallas Burnett:

Guys that's, just coming to work.

Dallas Burnett:

They're just doing their

Kiel Bradley:

like, Hey man, should we hold hands or something?

Kiel Bradley:

Or like,

Dallas Burnett:

But he says that and you're like, oh, okay,

Kiel Bradley:

What about it?

Dallas Burnett:

Let's go.

Dallas Burnett:

And so what

Kiel Bradley:

there was something that was on his mind that was bothering him that

Kiel Bradley:

he felt like, maybe what I said wasn't, I wasn't fulfilling what I had said

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

And the man, when he said what was on his mind, it was so trivial and

Kiel Bradley:

it didn't have, I started laughing.

Kiel Bradley:

I'm like, oh, let me explain to you why that happened.

Kiel Bradley:

so there was something that had happened that he, people like you've told me is

Kiel Bradley:

people fill in the blank with negative

Kiel Bradley:

And he had negative thoughts in his head about his path and his journey.

Kiel Bradley:

so we took a timeout, we corrected his issue and like, just like that.

Kiel Bradley:

We're good, man.

Dallas Burnett:

It was just like that.

Dallas Burnett:

at the table, he, you could already feel the tension to his,

Dallas Burnett:

like, cuz you addressed the issue.

Dallas Burnett:

And it was his lack of, he just, he didn't have all the information and then

Dallas Burnett:

he filled in the gap of the negative.

Dallas Burnett:

And then in, in hearing that you right there in the 1on1's

Dallas Burnett:

are able to just immediately address that, lack of information.

Dallas Burnett:

Say, oh, let me, let me open it up to you.

Dallas Burnett:

And so you can see the whole thing when you did that.

Dallas Burnett:

He's like, oh, I see.

Dallas Burnett:

And then it's easy and it's just

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

went from, are you sure?

Kiel Bradley:

To now let's talk about the way we interact with each other.

Kiel Bradley:

the other story we told was, working on corrective action for a team,

Dallas Burnett:

So he's saying now after that, he comes back and he's saying, I

Dallas Burnett:

need to get the team to move in this new

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

a realization like, Hey, this might be my responsibility,

Kiel Bradley:

so I wanna start working on that

Dallas Burnett:

So he's automatically taking ownership and he's starting

Dallas Burnett:

to do that by saying I want to be a positive impact on the team, and I'm

Dallas Burnett:

seeing some issues that bother me.

Dallas Burnett:

And obviously I wanna make 'em better.

Dallas Burnett:

How do I do that?

Dallas Burnett:

And y'all are having these conversations inside of the 1on1's.

Kiel Bradley:

Because that was the most important thing we could talk

Kiel Bradley:

about that

Dallas Burnett:

is the most important thing you can talk about.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

in case you haven't gone to the 1on1's, one of the questions is, what's the

Dallas Burnett:

most important thing we can talk about?

Dallas Burnett:

And it is a loaded question and it comes up every month.

Dallas Burnett:

And so that is one of those questions that you just never know.

Dallas Burnett:

You never know where that's going.

Dallas Burnett:

And you never know what's gonna come back.

Dallas Burnett:

It could be something personal, professional, and like you said,

Dallas Burnett:

one, one week, it's, are you sure that this is what you wanna do?

Dallas Burnett:

The next week gets, wanna talk about our relationship?

Dallas Burnett:

And then the next week is, I've got this idea, right.

Dallas Burnett:

He came up, he ultimately came up with an idea to solve that team's

Dallas Burnett:

problem that was, duplicated throughout the entire organization.

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

Oh, the organization loved it when that

Kiel Bradley:

was revealed to 'em, like, wow,

Kiel Bradley:

how did you do that?

Kiel Bradley:

I would like that.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

So it was really well received and it's almost like he had to go

Dallas Burnett:

through that process cuz that idea he had been sitting on for a while.

Dallas Burnett:

He may have, he may or may not have shared it.

Dallas Burnett:

He may have shared it later.

Dallas Burnett:

He may have shared it, because he was kind of frustrated.

Kiel Bradley:

He may have never

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

have never shared it, So I think that's really cool.

Dallas Burnett:

that's a great story.

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, that's a really good story.

Dallas Burnett:

So I think that also 1on1's you've been using them

Dallas Burnett:

different with different people.

Dallas Burnett:

So that is one example.

Dallas Burnett:

you've, you were kind of using a 1on1's and I think that's what we would like

Dallas Burnett:

to, convey always to our, any clients that we have, is that a 1on1's coaching

Dallas Burnett:

system is a tool and a platform.

Dallas Burnett:

So it's a communication tool that helps people.

Dallas Burnett:

Grow and build trust with their team members and their, employees

Dallas Burnett:

at the same time getting to know those team members and employees.

Dallas Burnett:

But also holding those team members and employees accountable to commitments

Dallas Burnett:

that they make, that they wanna keep.

Dallas Burnett:

And then as a coach, your job and role is that, like we said,

Dallas Burnett:

looking and finding those gaps.

Dallas Burnett:

So you're encouraging that.

Dallas Burnett:

And so while we don't, judge, if somebody's, made a personal commitment

Dallas Burnett:

to lose five pounds, they lost three.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm celebrating the fact that, hey, you're three pounds lighter this

Dallas Burnett:

month than you were last month.

Dallas Burnett:

But hey, where did

Kiel Bradley:

our goal in that was some movement, and we got some movement,

Kiel Bradley:

We didn't hit the goal.

Kiel Bradley:

We didn't hit the target, but we have movement towards it.

Kiel Bradley:

So that's a win.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a win.

Dallas Burnett:

It's a win.

Dallas Burnett:

But as a coach, I'm gonna sit there and I'm just gonna lean in just a little bit

Dallas Burnett:

more to the person and not judge them.

Dallas Burnett:

But I'm gonna say, so let's talk about how, where did the process break down

Dallas Burnett:

to that we didn't make it to five, and now I'm focusing on the process.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm not focusing on the person, I'm not making it personal.

Dallas Burnett:

And saying, you are a failure because you didn't get, five pounds.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm saying, what is it about the process?

Dallas Burnett:

did you have too many cheat days on the diet?

Dallas Burnett:

Is that what broke down?

Dallas Burnett:

Okay, all right, at least we know.

Dallas Burnett:

Do we want to try this again and go for five again or do we wanna have

Dallas Burnett:

a different commitment this month?

Dallas Burnett:

So I'll, I, typically I'll let people to, to go on and if I'm

Dallas Burnett:

doing a 1on1's, I'll give them that.

Dallas Burnett:

Like, if they're gonna make that, commitment on the beginning,

Dallas Burnett:

I'll be like, okay, you can make that for the first few times.

Dallas Burnett:

Then I'm gonna start pushing 'em a little bit.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm like, eh, or if I have a point, like I have somewhere I'm wanting to

Dallas Burnett:

take them, then it's gonna be like you said, we're gonna start guiding that

Kiel Bradley:

I would say that in my experience in doing it, the first ones are

Kiel Bradley:

gonna be kind of like things like that.

Kiel Bradley:

Mine was like, mine to you was I'm just gonna drink water for 30 days.

Kiel Bradley:

I thought that was super simple.

Dallas Burnett:

That's right.

Kiel Bradley:

Go ahead and get up and have breakfast and drink some water.

Kiel Bradley:

See how that, the 30th day, I think we had to go have some Dr.

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

We did.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

So those are easy.

Kiel Bradley:

And you like, so the hardest part, like people just don't

Kiel Bradley:

want don't instantly open up to

Kiel Bradley:

you, right?

Kiel Bradley:

That's right.

Kiel Bradley:

So they don't wanna be vulnerable in that way.

Kiel Bradley:

So they think this is easy and it's low hanging fruit and that's okay.

Kiel Bradley:

Do you know for the first time?

Kiel Bradley:

What I've noticed though, over time, they'll tend to turn and

Kiel Bradley:

they'll focus on the things that they really, what matters to them.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

If they won't tell you that straight up, this is really important to

Kiel Bradley:

me, you'll start looking at their pattern and you'll start honing

Kiel Bradley:

in on what's important to them.

Dallas Burnett:

you'll see what's important to them.

Dallas Burnett:

I think too, it's a very, it's almost like a trust barometer.

Dallas Burnett:

If I'm giving a 1on1's to somebody, then I should expect, unless I've

Dallas Burnett:

got deep trust with them, we've worked together for a long time and

Dallas Burnett:

we have really good relationship.

Dallas Burnett:

I would expect them to be more like, I'm just gonna give you a light

Dallas Burnett:

answer because I haven't put, I haven't laid the foundation of trust.

Dallas Burnett:

But after you go through this and you spend six months listening to people

Dallas Burnett:

reflect on things on their mind that they haven't maybe thought about a lot,

Dallas Burnett:

or you listen and care about what's most important to them, and then you move

Dallas Burnett:

and help them move and help them close gaps, you cannot help but build trust.

Dallas Burnett:

And when you start building that trust, then all of a sudden those answers.

Dallas Burnett:

To become more, more vulnerable and more real.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that's what people appreciate is that when you get to that level of

Dallas Burnett:

authenticity, you can have those real conversations and really make progress.

Dallas Burnett:

like whether it's work or home.

Dallas Burnett:

we talk about in 1on1's that we're not there to solve people's problems.

Dallas Burnett:

We had, I remember, one of the in, in another, Place.

Dallas Burnett:

We had a, a coach that had a team member that approached them and

Dallas Burnett:

said they were struggling with their marriage on that question.

Dallas Burnett:

that's not a work question per se, but if you think that person is not bringing

Dallas Burnett:

that stress from their home life to work, you are, just, you're not, I don't

Dallas Burnett:

know what planet you're living on, but

Kiel Bradley:

are unaware

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, exactly.

Dallas Burnett:

Or you

Kiel Bradley:

if everybody else knows it and you don't.

Kiel Bradley:

It's called a blind spot.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

And that's the blind spot that, and I would say that's right.

Dallas Burnett:

So what that coach did, what was fantastic was, and we coach on this when we are

Dallas Burnett:

doing implementation of the 1on1's and training coaches on how to do it.

Dallas Burnett:

Cause it's a very easy system.

Dallas Burnett:

But there's a few things like this that we like to go over and that is that he

Dallas Burnett:

directed the person in the 1on1's to go get help and said, would you hear, let's

Dallas Burnett:

look up a number, somebody you could call.

Dallas Burnett:

And, that.

Dallas Burnett:

Particular, organization I think had a chaplain program or an employee

Dallas Burnett:

assistance program or something like that to where they he said, let's

Dallas Burnett:

get the number, got the number.

Dallas Burnett:

Would you commit to calling this and talking to somebody about it?

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that's really great because, he, contacted me after just,

Dallas Burnett:

I don't think I did really well with this cuz I'm not a counselor and this

Kiel Bradley:

That was one of those you weren't

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

He was like, oh my gosh.

Dallas Burnett:

Did not know.

Dallas Burnett:

But I was like, you did great.

Dallas Burnett:

What'd you do?

Dallas Burnett:

I just listened.

Dallas Burnett:

It was great.

Dallas Burnett:

And he said, I made the commitment, where he would call and get help.

Dallas Burnett:

I said, that's perfect.

Dallas Burnett:

You're not his counselor, but you're helping him close his

Dallas Burnett:

gaps and and you're more aware.

Dallas Burnett:

So as a leader you're more aware.

Dallas Burnett:

And if he comes in on Monday morning and he's, had a rough weekend at home,

Dallas Burnett:

then you can be sensitive to that and maybe not put him in a really

Dallas Burnett:

stressful environment on Monday morning.

Dallas Burnett:

just cuz if you don't know, then he's just getting on the schedule and it's.

Dallas Burnett:

To where the chips fall, So I think it's really good for being proactive.

Dallas Burnett:

And I know I've talked about personal examples like weight and, working out

Dallas Burnett:

and now, relationship issues and marital issues, but you've used it as well for

Dallas Burnett:

work and making commitments for that and in helping a guy get into, increase their

Dallas Burnett:

position or even coaching skills, right?

Kiel Bradley:

So what I've found after doing it for quite a while now is.

Kiel Bradley:

What makes it easy are helping people.

Kiel Bradley:

So people are gonna struggle with making a commitment.

Kiel Bradley:

It's gonna be a struggle for

Kiel Bradley:

them because why do I believe it is?

Kiel Bradley:

Because it's like, man, he's gonna ask me about it.

Kiel Bradley:

So I, there is some accountability there.

Kiel Bradley:

I don't wanna let this person down.

Kiel Bradley:

So I feel some stress on that, but I don't wanna push it so far.

Kiel Bradley:

Like I don't want to stretch myself out too far.

Kiel Bradley:

So I want, I've had many ones I do over and over where that we do

Kiel Bradley:

like really simple to get goals.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

That's fine for a while, but then we wanna stretch some more.

Kiel Bradley:

But, yeah, I would say, what, oh, what's helpful in that is it's

Kiel Bradley:

helpful to have a really big goal

Kiel Bradley:

that's way out there.

Kiel Bradley:

And then we can use month after month to work on a piece of it.

Kiel Bradley:

A piece of it, a piece of it.

Kiel Bradley:

And over time you'll be shocked.

Kiel Bradley:

Kind of like when I am, when I look back on what the, my, my journey,

Kiel Bradley:

it's like, wow, we've came a long way,

Kiel Bradley:

but it didn't feel like a big journey to get

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

Just let, just little steps.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that's a great point.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that's one of the things that we really focus on when we are

Dallas Burnett:

training on the 1on1's is that we're not looking for, we call it 1% advantage.

Dallas Burnett:

We are not looking for.

Dallas Burnett:

We're not looking for these huge, massive increases.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think sometimes in, in performance reviews, maybe we'll do

Dallas Burnett:

a podcast on performance reviews.

Dallas Burnett:

Sometimes I have a lot to say about performance reviews.

Dallas Burnett:

Not much is

Kiel Bradley:

they are

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

about the politicking,

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

gonna do, yeah.

Dallas Burnett:

So bad.

Kiel Bradley:

to the right number.

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

we don't have, we don't even have enough time

Dallas Burnett:

in today to get in all that mess.

Kiel Bradley:

wanna have that

Dallas Burnett:

oh my gosh.

Kiel Bradley:

That's why we're here today.

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, that's right.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

however, I feel like one of the things in performance reviews that people get caught

Dallas Burnett:

up on is this massive corrective action.

Dallas Burnett:

Like, I've gotta do this to get a raise, or, you've been doing this bad

Dallas Burnett:

and we haven't really said anything.

Dallas Burnett:

Sometimes that works out.

Dallas Burnett:

It's like they don't even say anything about it cuz it's not bad enough.

Dallas Burnett:

But then all of a sudden you're gonna get this, you're not really

Dallas Burnett:

doing this up to the, par, so we're

Kiel Bradley:

I really consider your performance, it's quite

Kiel Bradley:

terrible, but I haven't thought about it until this, these 12 months have

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

hasn't been bad enough for me to fire you, so I've just let you

Dallas Burnett:

get away with it for the last 12 months.

Dallas Burnett:

Now I'm gonna tell you about it and really, smash your hopes and dreams

Dallas Burnett:

right here on the performance.

Dallas Burnett:

And then I'm gonna send you out and you're supposed to be able to correct

Dallas Burnett:

this and I'm not gonna really give you any resources cuz I haven't

Dallas Burnett:

told you about it in a year anyway.

Dallas Burnett:

And yeah, I mean there's just a lot there.

Dallas Burnett:

I love that about the 1on1's though because it gives us a tool whether you

Dallas Burnett:

do performance reviews or not, it gives you a tool that you can go after this.

Dallas Burnett:

Small incremental change so you can get that 1% advantage, and I'm making a

Dallas Burnett:

commitment that's gonna get 1% better.

Dallas Burnett:

I had somebody, on one of their 1on1's and said, look, I'm really

Dallas Burnett:

okay with Microsoft teams, but I don't really know it really well.

Dallas Burnett:

I'd like to watch three YouTube videos on Microsoft Teams.

Dallas Burnett:

Now that may sound like ridiculous, like who makes that commitment?

Dallas Burnett:

I loved it.

Dallas Burnett:

I thought that was fantastic because this person.

Dallas Burnett:

Was slow on Microsoft teams and couldn't use it to its full capability.

Dallas Burnett:

And that's one of the things that we use a lot in platform.

Dallas Burnett:

And so it's like, Hey, if you do that, then all of a sudden, if I say if I

Dallas Burnett:

take those, if it's just 10 minutes this month, but that 10 minutes returns

Dallas Burnett:

investment on every time you get on Microsoft Teams, it saves you 10 minutes.

Dallas Burnett:

Then over the course of a year, if we get on team every single

Dallas Burnett:

day, and for some form or fashion.

Dallas Burnett:

I've just saved days.

Kiel Bradley:

that person is gaining time, but

Kiel Bradley:

also all your teammates are doing it too,

Kiel Bradley:

so a small corrective action can lead to a huge result.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

I like that.

Dallas Burnett:

I like that.

Dallas Burnett:

What's some of the most, and as you think about the 1on1's, and I liked

Dallas Burnett:

how you said when you first started giving 'em, what's for you and for

Dallas Burnett:

people that in your organization you kind of are around, what's some of the

Dallas Burnett:

most challenging things about a 1on1's?

Dallas Burnett:

Cuz it's still something you have to be intentional about.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

So for me personally, making sure you do 'em is, that sounds really weird.

Kiel Bradley:

we talked about all the great things that come from 'em, be like, oh, we

Kiel Bradley:

should be willing to do these every day.

Kiel Bradley:

we would be, but you know, you can get busy and you can set that to the

Kiel Bradley:

side because you get busy on the work.

Kiel Bradley:

So we have to value those and make sure we do 'em.

Kiel Bradley:

So like my, a thing that I struggle with is making sure like, hey, like

Kiel Bradley:

at the turn of the year, boom, that was my, my commitment for 2023.

Kiel Bradley:

Let's make sure these folks get these things monthly.

Kiel Bradley:

Just for the person, getting them at the most important thing we can talk

Kiel Bradley:

about and the commitment, which I would say though that the, be prepared

Kiel Bradley:

in it that more times than not, I've heard had this happen several times.

Kiel Bradley:

what do you think I could work on?

Dallas Burnett:

Oh, wow.

Dallas Burnett:

that's an invitation.

Kiel Bradley:

So you wanna have something for them

Kiel Bradley:

at that point.

Kiel Bradley:

that's where you gotta be careful on the judgemental side or, you

Kiel Bradley:

don't wanna beat anybody down.

Kiel Bradley:

But, So I've noticed that though, you gotta be ready for what?

Kiel Bradley:

What do you think I could improve on?

Dallas Burnett:

Yeah, that's great.

Dallas Burnett:

I think that's, I think that's true, and I do think that the commitment

Dallas Burnett:

piece is difficult for people and.

Dallas Burnett:

And I think that we've, we actually did a training video and it's in the

Dallas Burnett:

app that just talks about all these different example commitments that

Dallas Burnett:

team members and coaches can look at.

Dallas Burnett:

Because sometimes it's hard, if you, especially if you don't have a very

Dallas Burnett:

clear goal, we have a place in the app where you can put those goals.

Dallas Burnett:

But, and actually we're looking at even revamping that and making

Dallas Burnett:

it more robust to where we could partner with coaches to help.

Dallas Burnett:

The, help them walk through the goal setting process and break it down a

Dallas Burnett:

little bit so that they actually can have more of that inside the app.

Dallas Burnett:

And so we've got some things coming on that we'll talk about now.

Dallas Burnett:

All right.

Dallas Burnett:

So I'm gonna break some, I'm gonna drop some more information here.

Kiel Bradley:

Uh oh.

Dallas Burnett:

All right.

Dallas Burnett:

So this is really good

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

This is inside fastball.

Dallas Burnett:

Here we go.

Dallas Burnett:

So we've been talking about this book, this, it's coming out.

Dallas Burnett:

Sense, like, I don't know, forever and we're excited about it and

Dallas Burnett:

we're getting close, but we had, we were, we thought we were gonna

Dallas Burnett:

launch right after the first year.

Dallas Burnett:

We were ex really excited about launching.

Dallas Burnett:

We actually ne, we actually said the name, it's called Lyft.

Dallas Burnett:

We actually said the name in December.

Dallas Burnett:

We're like, because it's coming.

Dallas Burnett:

And then we got after the first year and we're almost, we were almost that.

Dallas Burnett:

And we were like, Nope.

Dallas Burnett:

we gotta be better.

Dallas Burnett:

We gotta be better.

Dallas Burnett:

And so we're working with the publisher.

Dallas Burnett:

We went back to the drawing board and we're redoing it to make it even better.

Dallas Burnett:

And we're getting really close.

Dallas Burnett:

And I love it.

Dallas Burnett:

I think it's gonna be great.

Dallas Burnett:

It's really gonna be good.

Dallas Burnett:

And it has a lot to do with the levers that you pull to change the culture.

Dallas Burnett:

But what I would say is also, as it relates to this conversation, see

Dallas Burnett:

you're in the genesis of so many things.

Kiel Bradley:

Tell you what are we gonna

Kiel Bradley:

do next?

Dallas Burnett:

totally, you're totally at the genesis.

Dallas Burnett:

So not only were you at the genesis of the 1on1's, but like our times together

Dallas Burnett:

on those Monday mornings spawned some of the concepts that are in this

Kiel Bradley:

Oh boy.

Dallas Burnett:

And s and a lot of what we did in your organization

Dallas Burnett:

is laid the foundation of a lot of what's in this book.

Dallas Burnett:

And this book's all about culture and how you intentionally cultivate.

Dallas Burnett:

and strengthen cultures of a team and cultures of an organization.

Dallas Burnett:

And it's written as a business fable, so it's easy to read, but

Dallas Burnett:

we've just dropped some just great tools in there that are really good.

Dallas Burnett:

So you actually have seen some iterations of it and, and know some of the lingo.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

So we're excited to have that come out.

Dallas Burnett:

So now we're hoping to have an end of the summer.

Dallas Burnett:

Launch we're hoping.

Dallas Burnett:

And, we were feeling really good about it.

Dallas Burnett:

In fact, we had this special, I was speaking at an event, I was speaking

Dallas Burnett:

at an event two weeks ago and actually opened up a little pre-sale opportunity,

Dallas Burnett:

so they got a little pre-sale.

Dallas Burnett:

We're not advertising that.

Kiel Bradley:

since this is the one year anniversary and the present

Kiel Bradley:

they can offer up is a review,

Kiel Bradley:

maybe they could actually bring presents for the book won't.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh, ah,

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

that's funny.

Dallas Burnett:

Okay, this was unplanned, this was unrehearsed.

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

Which is, we do our best work in that environment.

Dallas Burnett:

that is totally true.

Dallas Burnett:

we're totally, yeah.

Dallas Burnett:

Just spontaneous.

Dallas Burnett:

today, spontaneously, we are going to, we're gonna put in, I'm gonna put in.

Dallas Burnett:

I'll put in the note show notes.

Dallas Burnett:

So if you're listening to this and you've made it to this, into this episode,

Dallas Burnett:

I'll put in the show notes a link to Amazon for the pre-sale of the book,

Dallas Burnett:

and right now, Just, while, you're listening to this episode right now.

Dallas Burnett:

The price is as low as we can make it on Amazon.

Dallas Burnett:

We literally put it down as low as possible on Amazon.

Dallas Burnett:

So if you go on Amazon and buy the pre-sale, the book will be out.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm not even sure the cover is already gonna, has already changed since the

Dallas Burnett:

cover that we loaded on the pre-sale.

Dallas Burnett:

So it's gonna be kind of closed, but it's not even the same cover.

Dallas Burnett:

But if you go on Amazon, look at the pre-show.

Dallas Burnett:

If you go on the notes and you look at the pre-sale, the book, you can buy

Dallas Burnett:

it and it's at the lowest price you'll ever be able to get it for as an e-book.

Dallas Burnett:

And then when the hard copy comes out, we'll make that available as well.

Dallas Burnett:

But, all this will be out, towards the end of the summer

Dallas Burnett:

and we're really pumped about it.

Dallas Burnett:

So is there anything else you wanna talk about On 1on1's?

Dallas Burnett:

Man, thank you for being here

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

it's been fun.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

I feel like we've really went through it.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

All right.

Kiel Bradley:

I would say one thing.

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

I find it much easier.

Kiel Bradley:

I like using it to get to know someone.

Kiel Bradley:

I find that much easier to do

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

So you like, you feel like it's almost harder to do it with somebody that you

Dallas Burnett:

really feel like you already know Cause you've worked with 'em a long time.

Dallas Burnett:

Whereas if you don't know somebody, this is like, oh, this is great

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

is what we use to get to know.

Dallas Burnett:

that's good.

Dallas Burnett:

That's good.

Kiel Bradley:

Then other thing I would say is after you've done it for some

Kiel Bradley:

time, you, you use it right to get those questions out there, but it really

Kiel Bradley:

turns into a conversation at that point.

Kiel Bradley:

It's not structured and rigid.

Kiel Bradley:

it's just like, Hey, we're, we know this is coming up and we know we gotta do it.

Kiel Bradley:

I'm gonna plan some time for this, and then we're just gonna go into

Kiel Bradley:

it and it becomes way more natural.

Kiel Bradley:

It's gonna feel awkward at first if if you've never done it.

Kiel Bradley:


Kiel Bradley:

You gotta get through that.

Kiel Bradley:

But then it becomes so it, it becomes of just, Hey, this is who you are.

Kiel Bradley:

This is what we do.

Dallas Burnett:

I love that.

Dallas Burnett:

I love that you have to get over the hump and it's like you have

Dallas Burnett:

to get past the first three.

Dallas Burnett:

And I tell this to everybody that starts Look, just assume that

Dallas Burnett:

you're just gonna feel weird the first three times you do a 1on1's.

Dallas Burnett:

It is what it is, and you're building a new habit.

Dallas Burnett:

And it's really important habit, but it's worth it.

Dallas Burnett:

And after you get past the first three, it's like, oh

Dallas Burnett:

yeah, and you know what's funny?

Dallas Burnett:

And this is what.

Dallas Burnett:

This is what I've seen.

Dallas Burnett:

and you may have seen the same thing after you do about three.

Dallas Burnett:

That's when I, after the third, I don't know why three is the one, but like

Dallas Burnett:

after the third one, you start getting people, I'll start getting people come

Dallas Burnett:

up and they'll be like, I knew you was gonna ask me, you know this, question.

Dallas Burnett:

of course you did.

Dallas Burnett:

We ask it every month.

Dallas Burnett:

But after the third time, for some reason it's like that kicks in their brain and

Dallas Burnett:

they're like, and so I've been thinking since last week about my commitment.

Dallas Burnett:

And I'm like, oh really?

Kiel Bradley:

Let's hear it.

Dallas Burnett:

And I'm like, let's go.

Dallas Burnett:

This is gonna be good.

Dallas Burnett:

Or I've been thinking since last week, what's the most important thing We talked

Dallas Burnett:

and I'm just sitting there amazed because that small habit and intentionality

Dallas Burnett:

of us getting together once a month and just sitting down and having that

Dallas Burnett:

conversation breeds amazing thought for like over a week on how to get better.

Dallas Burnett:

Like, what.

Dallas Burnett:

Company owner.

Dallas Burnett:

What leader in a company or manager in a company?

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

What person doesn't want their team members thinking every week about

Dallas Burnett:

how they're gonna get better and grow to be better for the team?

Dallas Burnett:

who doesn't want that?

Dallas Burnett:

I mean, that's.

Dallas Burnett:

That's incredible.

Dallas Burnett:

I would love that.

Dallas Burnett:

And that's when you start seeing high performing teams and teams

Dallas Burnett:

that, that take it to the next level that want that growth.

Dallas Burnett:

And yet, like we just don't, we, it's simple habits and routines that we just

Dallas Burnett:

don't do, that, that keep us from it.

Dallas Burnett:

So I think that's right.

Dallas Burnett:

you just gotta sit through those first three.

Dallas Burnett:

You gotta get it done, you gotta get through it.

Dallas Burnett:

And then, And you get over the hump and you're good to go.

Dallas Burnett:

So that's really good.

Dallas Burnett:

That's really good.

Dallas Burnett:

All right.

Dallas Burnett:

all right.

Dallas Burnett:

We ask every guest at the end of the last 10%, if there's anybody that

Dallas Burnett:

they would like to hear on the show.

Kiel Bradley:

much what's the most important thing we talk about today

Kiel Bradley:

and what do you wanna commit to?

Kiel Bradley:

I know this is coming because I'm a regular listener to the show.

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

hey, I put a little thought

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

I'm excited.

Kiel Bradley:

And, so you and I are very aligned.

Kiel Bradley:

We're nearly the same age.

Kiel Bradley:

You have three kids.

Kiel Bradley:

I have three kids.

Kiel Bradley:

The only difference we have is like, you're a big time Clemson Tiger fan.

Kiel Bradley:

I am,

Kiel Bradley:

and I'm, I'm a game cop.

Kiel Bradley:

So the greatest coach that I'm aware of in Gamecock football

Kiel Bradley:

that I've been watching it.

Kiel Bradley:

It's Steve Sprayer.

Kiel Bradley:

So man, hey, we need to get you

Dallas Burnett:


Kiel Bradley:

sprayer up in here.

Dallas Burnett:

you get Steve Spurrier.

Dallas Burnett:

All right.

Dallas Burnett:

So I need to get some Steve Spur.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm gonna call Steve or his agent,

Kiel Bradley:

beat button or a mute?

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

yo boop.

Kiel Bradley:

Hey dude, Dabo and Steve sprayer together.

Dallas Burnett:

Oh wow.

Dallas Burnett:

that would be an interesting conversation, I think.

Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

yeah, Sky's the limit.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm gonna reach out to Steve Sprayer.

Dallas Burnett:

I'm gonna say, look, Kyle Bradley says you gotta be on the last 10%.

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:

I don't see any reason why he would turn us

Kiel Bradley:

What are you doing and you're not doing anything.

Kiel Bradley:

Come on.

Dallas Burnett:

You got extra free time, man.

Dallas Burnett:

Come on.

Dallas Burnett:

Be on the show.

Dallas Burnett:

All right.

Dallas Burnett:

All right.

Dallas Burnett:

that's good.

Dallas Burnett:

hey, thanks again for being on the last 10%.

Dallas Burnett:

Appreciate you, appreciate all you do, appreciate your.

Dallas Burnett:

wealth of knowledge that you just dropped on everybody about the

Dallas Burnett:

1on1's coaching system and how you've been doing it, and it's been great.

Kiel Bradley:

I just appreciate looking at this beautiful 100 year old chair.

Kiel Bradley:


Dallas Burnett:


Dallas Burnett:

All right.

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The Last 10%
Inspiring People, Coaching Teams, and Improving Cultures
Join The Last 10% for incredible conversations that help uncover the secrets of what it takes to finish well and finish strong. Our guests share their journeys, hardships, and valuable advice. We release new episodes every other Tuesday. If you are a leader, a coach, a business owner, or someone looking to level up, you are in the right place!

You can give 90% effort and make it a long way. But it’s the finding out how to unlock the last 10% that makes all the difference in your life, your relationships, and your work.

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Dallas Burnett